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4 The Derivative as a rate of change

Ex. 1 (velocity & acceleration)

An object moves along the x-axis, its
position at each time t is given by the
function 3 2
x(t )  t  12t  36t  27.
Now, let us study the motion of the
object from t = 0 to t= 9.
3 2
x(t )  t  12t  36t  27.
x(t) represents the position of the
object at time t. So at t = 0,
x(0) = -27.
x(0) = -27 means the object starts out
27 units to the left of the origin.
3 2
x(t )  t  12t  36t  27.
Now let see what happens at t = 9.
When t = 9, x(9) = 54
What x(9)=54 means is that the object
ends up 54 units to the right of the
We can find the velocity of the object
by differentiating the position function.

The position function:

3 2
x(t )  t  12t  36t  27.
Therefore, the velocity function:
v(t )  x' (t )  3t  24t  36.
Let us v(t )  3t  24t  36
investigate the
velocity of the v(t )  3(t  2)(t  6).
object from

t=0 to t=9.  ve, for 0  t  2

 0, at t  2

v (t ) is  ve, for 2  t  6

 0, at t  6

 ve, for 6  t  9.

sign of v(t) + + + 0 - - - 0 + + +

t 0 2 6 9

object object object

moving moving moving
right left right
The object begins by moving to the right; it
comes to a stop at t=2; it then moves left; it
stops at t=6; it then moves right and keeps
going right.
Next, we can find the acceleration of
the object by differentiating the
velocity. We already have
v(t )  x' (t )  3t  24t  36.
a (t )  v' (t )  6t  24.
For now, let us a (t )  6t  24.
investigate the
acceleration of
a (t )  6(t  4)
the object
from t=0 to
ve, for 0  t  4

a(t ) is  0, at t  4

ve, for 4  t  9.

sign of a(t) ----- 0 + + + +

t 0 4 9

Velocity Velocity
decreasing Velocity increasing

At the beginning, the velocity decreases,

reaching a minimum at t = 4. Then the velocity
starts to increase and continues to increase.
Ex.2 (free fall)
A stone is dropped from a height of 98 meters.
Its height is given by

s (t )  4.9t  98

where s is in meters and t in seconds.

1. Find its velocity as a function of t.
2. In how many seconds does it hit the ground?
3. What is the speed at the instant of impact?
we have s (t )  4.9t  98

1. To Find velocity as a function of t.

v(t )  s ' (t )  9.8t
2. To find when it hits the ground.
We know that when the stone hit the ground,
s (t )  4.9t  98  0

4.9t  98

t  20
disregard the
t  2 5  4.47 s negative
3. What is the speed at the instant of impact?
v(t )  s ' (t )  9.8t
v(4.47)  43.83 m / s

The speed at the time of impact is

v(4.47)  43.83

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