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PT-200 Programming


1 ) PT200Features
2 ) PT200Applicable machine
3 ) PT200 specification

PT200basic op.
1 ) Star&Termination
2 ) User mode
3 ) Main Menu
Tools ( Tool box )
Event Viewer
Line Monitor
Product Viewer
Virtual Line Configuration
Parts Library Editor
Line Convertor
Help ( Help box )
Maintenance ( Maintenance box )
Setting ( Setup box )
PT Data edit

PT200Data Edit
1 ) generate Group Folder, Lot
2 ) PT File, MC File
3 ) Editor
Basic setting
Board data
Block data
Block attribute data
Data expansion
Mount data
Data check
Function setting
Feeder layout list
Arrangement information
Each setting
Star library
Part library
Nozzle library
Feeder library
Saving data
Overwriting data
Version up
目录:《 2 》

PT Data edit

3 Data transfer
1 ) Download
2 ) Upload

8 Others
1) Exporting data
2) Importing data
3) MC List
4) Save to FD
5) Data delete
6) Virtual Line data

17 Part Library
1) Star part lib
2) search
3) set up new part
4) part information
5) part copy,delete
PT Data edit

1 Line Convertor

1 ) Import data
MC data import
CAD data import
2 ) Editor
PCB data
Setting data

3 ) Assign terms
Feeder assign
Nozzle assign
Other assign terms
4 ) Export
Export to PT
Export to HD
Export to FD
Program flow

Main point
1 、 The flow of a new program
2 、 Part library
3 、 Comprehend the coordinate define 。
4 、 Comprehend the block attribute data 。
5 、 CAD&BOM data import 。

Program flow

Parts Library Line Convertor

program export


Program transfer

PT200 Outline

1 ) PT200 Features
PT-200 is the data creating device with the observing function of
placement , It has following features :
1 》 Off-line Creation of Placement Data 。
2 》 Master Management of Placement Data 。
3 》 Ability to Communicate with Machine 。
4 》 Event Management Function 。
5 》 CAD data import 。
6 》 Set up virtual line to evaluate the line’s productivity 。
PT200 Outline

2) PT200 Applicable machines

Screen Printer: SP22 , SP28 , SP60 , SP80
Adhesive dispenser: BD30 , HDF
Placement machine: CM201, CM202, CM301, CM401 , CM402 ,
CM212,CM602,CM400,CM88,CM20F, CM100,

3 ) Virtual line
While the line is an actual production line, the virtual line is the
line that users can set by themselves. You can simulate the
production tact in changing and introducing the line, create the
production data for another plant’s line, and the like.
2 、 PT200 Basic operation
1 ) Star&Termination
Log on
1 、 Press Ctrl , Alt and Delete at the
same time

2 、 Key in create at User

name ( Engineer mode )

3 、 Password: create ( Engineer

mode )

4 、 Enter main menu ( Engineer

mode )


1 、 Select End

2 、 Choose Shutdown,restart or log

on with other user
2 ) Log on mode

1 、 Engineer mode

Program edit,simulation,Part/nozzle/feeder library edit,etc.

2 、 Operator mode
Only product information and Event viewer 。
3 、 Serviceman mode
Line config., machine config. It need key disk ( only for
Panasonic engineer )。

3 ) Menu introduce

PT File management,file transfer

Record PT and MC event
Monitor MC status
Product information
Filer Program,simulation
Event Viewer Part management
Line Monitor
Product Viewer
Line Convertor
Parts Library Editor
Help box

Maintenance box
Setup box
PT200 Data Edit
1 ) Create Group Folder, Lot

Right click mouse to create

Group or Lot

PC Name

GROUP ( 1 ) GROUP ( 2 ) 。。。。。。 GROUP ( n )

Lot ( 1 ) Lot ( 2 ) 。。。。。。 Lot ( n )

PT File ( 1 ) PT File ( 2 ) 。。。。。。 PT File ( n )

Create Group ( right click mouse ) Create Lot ( right click mouse )
2 ) PT File, MC File concept
MC File
( display on machine side )

PT File
( Management at PT )
3 ) Star Editor

1 、 Double click file or

click Editor

2 、 Press OK

3 、 Edit menu display

Basic setting
Board data
Block data
Block attribute data
Data expansion
Mount data
Data check
Function setting
Feeder layout list
Arrangement information
Each setting
打印( Print )

BoardData : PCB data , include mark and Offset 。

Arrange info. : Feeder arrange and nozzle arrange 。
BlockData : block mounting information , include x,y angle,part,comment,etc.

BoardAttribData : OX,OY,ROT

Expansion : Block data expansion to Mount Data 。

DataCheck : Check all data

Print : Print selected information

Each Setting : Setting “pass mode”,mark recognition,etc.
*Feeder layout list
*Feeder layout list
Start library
Part library
Nozzle library
Feeder library

Part library

4 、 Change
edit page

1 、 double click partslibary Editor

5 、 Select
standard part

2 、 Select Search

Notes : Basic SMT knowledge is necessary for

set up part lib.

3 、 edit part
Nozzle library
Feeder library

Notes :
1 、 Open Feeder & Nozzle Library 。
2 、 Display the Feeder and Nozzle of each line
3 、 Add Special Nozzle 。
Saving data
Version up


The modified data saved

Version up

Modified data saved as another file , the original

keep 。
4 、 Data Transfer
1 ) Download

Choose the file which were “data check OK” to


2 ) Upload

Choose the correspond file to upload

Notes : Only the data downloaded from PT can be uploaded.It is impossible to upload
the data loaded from FD or HD
5 、 Others

1 ) Exporting data
2 ) Importing data

For the modular machine,importing and exporting are carried out for each module.Therefore,it is
impossible to import a single machine’s file(PT100 and machine output data) of modular machine.
To import a single machine’s file,convert the single machine into the module using the import
function of the line converter

3 ) MC List
4 ) Save to FD

Note: It will save its MC File name

5 ) Data delete

Right click mouse to delete the file

6 、 Part Library
1 ) Star part library
2 ) Part search
3 ) New part set up
4 ) Part information

Start library
Part library

5 ) Copy,delete part

Right click mouse,choose Copy or Delete

Notes :
1 、 The parts which were used in the Filer’s program can not be deleted 。
2 、“ paste” is difference with “paste data”
7 、 Line Convertor

1 ) Import data
MC data import
CAD data import

Choose upper directory

Import data
Export data

Star the Editor

Prepare fixation data

Select the correspond line ( line
or virtual line )

MC File
PT File Machine Data
2 ) Editor
PCB data
Setting data

Block Data

PCB size



PCB DATA Expansion

Data Check

Data Check

3 ) Assign terms
Feeder assign
Nozzle assign
Other assign terms

Nozzle fixation

Feeder fixation

Notes :
1 、 Nozzle fixation and Feeder fixation can set up under Assign menu first or set up during
manual assign
Software will assign Feeder and Nozzle arrange auto after setting condition , then
data check,program finish.

4 ) Export
Export to PT
Export to HD Data check OK , Then Export 。
Export to FD

Export CAD data

Export to
PT Filer

Export to HD
or FD
Attachment : CAD&BOM Data import
Attachment : CAD&BOM Data import

3 -7   External definition file ( BOM Link )

By old specification, a data of the type which changes the number of the field
for every line.
[ refer to Ex.1 ) With “BOM delimitation character, BOM enclosure
character” ]
Correspondence was made possible by adding a character to this. Not only an
old full agreement but a partial agreement and a delimitation character in the
Ex.1 ) With “BOM delimitation character, BOM enclosure character”
field were set up for BOM link judgment.
  Parts name Comment
  Parts AAA    "C1,C202,C408"
  Parts BBB    "R301,R2"

BOM delimitation character is COMMA.

BOM enclosure character judgment is [Effective].

Enclosure character is "".


Parts name   Comment

Parts AAA C1
Parts AAA C202
Parts AAA C408
Parts BBB R301
Parts BBB R2
Ex.2 ) With “BOM delimitation character”, with no “BOM enclosure character”

Parts name Comment

Parts AAA    C1 C202 C408
Parts BBB R301 R2

BOM delimitation character is SPACE

BOM enclosure character judgment is [Invalidity].


Parts name Comment

Parts AAA C1
Parts AAA C202
Parts AAA C408
Parts BBB R301
Parts BBB R2

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