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English Class (3)

“ The Beauty of English ”

Today’s agenda

Word, Phrase & Sentence
Slang, Idiom & Proverb
Formal & Informal
Q&A Session
Word, Phrase & Sentence

01 What is the different of WORD, PHRASE &

Word is a combination of letters that have a meaning.

Word classified into 8 different type : Noun, Pronoun,

Verb, Adjective, Adverb, Conjunction, Preposition and
 Noun is a word that represent a person, things, concepts or places. Ex : Bag, Bike,
Mother, January, Sunday, Shop, Country etc.

 Pronoun is a word that stands in for a noun, often to avoid the need to repeat the same
noun over and over. Like noun, pronoun can refer to people, things. concepts and
places. Ex : I, We, You, He, She, It, those, Each, Any, Mine etc.

 Verb is a word that describes what the subject of a sentence is doing. Verb can indicate
(physical or mental) actions, Occurrences and states of being. Ex : Be, Have, Do, Say,
Make, Write, Walk, Hope, Help, Get, Eat etc.

 Adjective is a word that modifies or describes a noun or pronoun. Adjective can be


used to describe the qualities of someone or something independently or in

comparison to something else. Ex : Angry, Big, Bitter, Classy, Busy, Deep, Warm etc.
 Adverb is a word that can modify or describe a verb, adjective, another adverb, or
entire sentence. Adverb can be used to show manner (how something happens),
degree (to what extent), place (where) and time (when). Ex : Quickly, Already,
Therefore, Generally, Gently, Carefully etc.

 Conjunction is a word that is used to connect words, phrases and clauses. Ex : for,
and, or, yet, because, when, however, as soon as, by the time etc.

 Preposition is a word or group of words used before a noun, pronoun or phrase to

show direction, time, place, location, spatial relationship or to introduce an object.
Ex : At, In, On, Above, Across, Against, Beside, From, Near, Of etc.

 Interjection is a word or phrase that grammatically independent from the words

around it and mainly expresses feeling rather than meaning. Ex : What, Wow, Oh,
Whoa, Yahoo, Damn, Shoot, Dang, Yes, Right etc.
Phrase is a group of words that works together in a
sentence but does not contain a subject or a verb.

Example :
o Filled with joy, the girl jumped up and down.

o The man with the red jacket is my father.

Sentence is a group of words that is complete in itself,
typically containing a subject and predicate.

Sentence have 4 form : Statement, Question,

Exclamation and Command.
Slang, Idiom & Proverb

02 What is the different of IDIOM, SLANG &

Slang is a type of language that consists of words and
phrases that are regarded as very informal.

Slang also used by limited people or groups that may

change at any time.
American Slang
o Break a leg : Good luck
o YOLO : You Only Live Once
o To hang out : Spend time together
o Wheels : Car
o Dope : Very fun, exciting or cool
o Go banana : Go crazy
o Creeper : A weird person
o Croak : To die
o Swag : Self confident

o Chicken : Cowardly
British Slang
o Skive : Lazy or avoid doing something
o Know your opinion : Knowledgeable
o Bangers : Sausage
o Posh : High class
o Give you a bell : Call you
o Off-license : Liquor store
o Dishy : Attractive man
o Bee’s knees : Awesome
o Wonky : Not right

o It’s monkeys outside : It is very cold

Canadian Slang
o Beaver tail : Fried pastry dough
o Biffy : Restroom
o Click : Kilometer
o Dep : Corner store
o Double-Double : Coffee, Two creams &
o Hork : Vomit
o Hoser : Loser
o Rawny : Thin

o Take off : Express disbelief

o Nangers : Hungers
Internet Slang
o 2day : Today
o 2moro : Tomorrow
o 2nite : Tonight
o 4EAE : For ever and ever
o ABT : About
o ADN : Any day now
o LOL : Laughing out loud
o LMK : Let me know
o AFAIR : As far as I remember

o AKA : As known as
o ASAP : As soon as possible
Idioms are words, phrases or expressions that do not
literally mean what they express. In other words, if you
translate an idiom word by word it most likely would not
make any sense at all.

Different with Slang that understood and used by small

people, idiom used and understood by everyone.
Example of Idiom
 A fish out of water : Someone in an uncomfortable position or situation.
 Ants in your pants : Can’t sit still.
 All ears : Eager to listen to what someone has to say.
 Anything but : Not at all.
 Bit the bullet : To do something that uncomfortable or not fun and get it over with.
 Blessing in disguise : An apparently bad thing that turns out to be good in some way.
 Cry over spilled milk : To feel sorry over something that has already happened.
 Don’t count your chicken before they hatch : don’t depend on something before it happens.


Get your ducks in a row : To get things organized or make plan.

 Etc.
Proverb are short sentence known by quite a large part in
any language speaking population. They tend to be old,
give advice and be very insightful.

Many proverbs are taken from literature or from other


very old sources.

Example of Proverb
o Actions speak louder than words : What you do is more important than what you say.
o Don’t judge a book by its cover : Don’t judge someone or something by appearance.
o Keep your friend close and your enemies closer : If someone is your enemy, treat like a
friend so you can be ready if they want to betray you.
o Practice makes perfect : The more you do something, the better you will become at it.
o There is no time like the present : Don’t wait to do something, Do it now.
o When in Rome, do as the Romans do : When you are in a new place or situation, try to act
like majority or people in that place or situation.
o You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink it : You can try to help someone

by giving good advice, but you can’t force them to accept it or follow it.
God Helps Those Who Help

― Irene M. Pepperberg
Formal & Informal English

03 What is the different of FORMAL &

I regret to inform you that … I hate to have to tell you this but …
It is a pleasure to meet you. Nice to meet you.
Upon your arrival … As soon as you get here …
I would like to remind you that … Don’t Forget …
I really appreciate your assistance Thanks a lot
It is my opinion that … I think …
Please accept my apologies for … Sorry for …

Would you be available on … ? I suggest we get together on …

I would appreciate being kept informed … Please keep me posted/updated
Did you know?

 Informal language is not appropriate in formal writing

or speaking contexts.

 Slang and idioms might not make logical sense to

nonnative speakers of English.

 It is good to be aware of Slang and Idioms so they do

not appear in your formal writing.
Interesting fact!
When we deliver a Speech we have to used formal language cause its formal

public speaking, different with common public speaking we can use informal
language, slang etc.
Question & Answer
Thank you!

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