Writing Technical Reports

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Prepared by: Muhammad Al-

Hariri Supervision: Dr. Sami Ayad

• The daily operations within any
organization is a resource that is not
devoid of data and the information that
must be provided to the different levels of
management in order for these
administrative and technical levels to
follow up the activities and evaluate and
evaluate the work within the organization.
• Since these data and information are so
abundant that it is difficult to follow them
absolutely, the basic task of reports is to
present these data and information in a
coordinated summary form that highlights
the inspiration from them. Thus, reports
become a means of communication and
an effective tool to serve the
administration in providing a
comprehensive summary and conveying
an image. Accurate information about
what is going on inside the facility.
Definition of report:

• A report is a means of communication that

describes a specific topic and includes facts,
data and information presented to the reader
in order to make a recommendation or
decision, and it is either oral or written, so it
is considered a written administrative
document or oral communication between
different levels.
• Report: A recorded written presentation of
certain facts, then investigating and testing
them, and then coming up with results and
What is a technical
Technical reports are an essential part of your
professional success and are usually designed to:
• Convince the reader of your position
• Persuade them to act
• Inform them of your findings
They are an opportunity for you to:
• Clearly communicate a solution to a problem
• Recommend action
• Aid decision making.
Written communication:
Written communication is considered one of the
most prominent official communications,
whether by traditional methods (on paper) or by
modern electronic methods. Among the most
prominent types of written communication
most used in business establishments are:
• internal memo
• external messages
• Reports
• Meeting documents
The importance of
written reports:
• Transferring information to more than one person in
different places and at different times.
• It gives an opportunity to the report reader to
organize his time as the report can be read at any
• Preserving information to benefit from it in the
future and ensuring that mistakes and time are not
• It gives an opportunity to the reader to read only the
part of his report.
• Enables preparation for discussion as project details
can be distributed in advance of the meeting.
• Follow up and study matters that cannot be followed
up verbally, such as numbers and accounts.
Characteristics of a good report:
• They contain information necessary to understand a particular topic.
• Organized and divided into sections for easy access.
• Long/short enough and customary in the organization.
• It does not contain off-topic details or information that is not of interest to the recipient.
• Clarify the date of preparation of the report and the party that prepared it.
• Appropriate and acceptable explanatory means are used in the institution.
• Written in a clear and understandable language.
• Faithfully written.
The importance of writing a good report:
• Save time and effort for the person or entity to whom the report is addressed.
• Providing planning institutions in the community with results that support
• Scientific studies and research reports save time and effort for researchers.
• Reports summarizing books and seminars enrich the reader and listener.
• The reports introduce novice researchers to the basic steps of scientific
• Scientific reports "scientific research" guide societies in terms of behavioral,
economic or social aspects.
Key elements of reports and research:

The main elements of the reports differ according to the size of the report and
the requirements of the institution for which the research is submitted. The
main elements of long reports (consisting of dozens or hundreds of pages) are:
title, abstract, introduction, list of contents, list of figures, list of tables,
explanation of abbreviations and symbols, introduction, heart of the report -
the main content of the report - conclusions, recommendations, references,
and appendices. .
Use of templates in writing reports:

Most institutions keep ready-made forms (prepared previously) and the report
preparer fills in the necessary data, but this does not guarantee that the report
will be good unless the report preparer is fully aware of the data and
information that the report prepares and also has sufficient experience in
preparing reports. Therefore, the preparer of these forms is required Reports:
• To be familiar with and understand that data and information
• To be familiar with the techniques of writing a good report.
• He has the ability to update these models and build new ones.
Types of reports:
Reports can be divided into groups in terms of:

1. Release time.
2. The aim of the report.
3. Report content.
4. Report format.
5. The entity to which the report is addressed.
6. The approach followed by the report.
The design of one report may differ from
another according to the nature and length of
the report, as well as the design of the report
may differ from one institution to another and

Report from one side to another, but there are

several elements necessary to build and
design the report, some of which may not
design: exist in some reports, especially short reports.
The design of reports will be dealt with in
some detail later. It is worth noting that some
institutions require specific requirements in
building reports.
Use of sentences in reports:
o Simple sentences with complete meaning, integrated with what comes before it, and leading to what
comes after it in a logical sequence
o Concise, clear, does not contain unnecessary words, and avoids expositional sentences
o Far from exaggeration and exaggeration, and avoid frequent use of passive voice.
o The validity of the numbers, names and dates it contains
o The summary is consistent with the length of the original report.
o Thematic unity between the parts of the report.
o The relative balance between the parts of the vertebrae in terms of size and handling.
o Report phrases are of medium length.
o The writing is eloquent, devoid of complexity and ambiguity.
o The semantics are clear, especially scientific terms.
Writing steps

The writer must be able to define the

goal in writing with a specific sentence.
And the goal must be written very clearly
in order to help control what is written
determining the goal and avoid unwanted expansion, which
may sometimes lead to ramifications and
a breach of the meaning that the writer
2. Getting to know the reader

• We must realize that we are writing for people like us who have tendencies, feelings and interests
• their needs. their interests. and their knowledge of the subject.
• The written material must be supported by facts related to the reader's degree of knowledge of
the topic.
• The report preparer may need to present the report before the person who requested the report
or before a specific committee, and then take into account:
 Use a number of appropriate means to convey information to others.
 Identify the mindsets of recipients of information so that they can present the report effectively.
3. Content
 Arranging ideas
 Logical sequence
 Divide the topic into paragraphs
 Each paragraph has a specific idea
 Each paragraph is divided into useful sentences
 To make it easier for the reader to understand the
sentence, the sentence should be short and useful
 In the case of using a long sentence, punctuation marks
such as periods and commas, for example, must be used
 Paying attention to the objective and formal aspects of the
report, including:
 Formal aspects: paper used, margins and spaces, fonts.
 Objective aspect: clarity, accuracy, brevity, courtesy,
Skill in writing a

Some may think that writing reports is an easy or

simple matter, but in reality it is a process that has
scientific principles that must be taken into
account, and it also requires skills in the report
writer that help increase the effectiveness of the
report, such as:
1. The ability to think logically.
2. The ability to infer and link things.
3. The ability to express, formulate, and choose
appropriate words and expressions.
4. Mastery of grammar and spelling.
Report design:

parts of the
Title Summ table Prepar the Body Report Recom the Accom
cover ary of atory introd of the conclu menda review panim
conten lists uction report sions tions er ents
ts List of
List of
s list

The main function of the cover is to protect the

report or research from damage, dirtiness of the
papers, or bending of the edges of the papers. In
the case of scientific research, such as master's and
doctoral studies, a thick cover - such as that used in
books - is used to preserve the research. In the
case of university reports or research during the
study, the use of a transparent plastic cover may be
Title page

The title page is the first page of the report or research page, and this
page enables us to know basic information about the report or
research quickly.

Amman Arab University

College of Engineering

Department of Architecture

sustainable buildings in Jordan


Muhammad Walid al-Hariri

This research was submitted to Dr.

Sami Ayad

The summary of the technical report (or abstract) should include a brief
overview of the investigation, findings and recommendations. It should
include all the key information the reader needs to make a decision,
without having to read your entire report. Don't treat your summary as
an introduction; It should serve as a standalone document.
This report explains what green and
sustainable buildings are and their importance
in creating models that protect the
environment and adapt them to the
environment in terms of energy and resource
table of contents
The table of contents is a table that shows the page number on which
each section of the report begins so that it is easy to access specific
sections directly.

table of contents

the introduction 1
Description of sustainable buildings 2
The importance of sustainable buildings 6
green building properties 10
sustainable building goals 15
sustainable buildings in Jordan 20
List of formats
• When the report contains a large List of Figures

number of figures (five or more), it is Fig. 1.1: Schematic drawing of two phase flow 2

preferable to develop a special list of Fig. 1.2: Bubble Shapes 6

figures. Fig. 2.1: Drag force on a raising bubble 16

Fig. 2.2: Lift force on a rigid sphere 20

• The list of figures is similar to the Fig. 2.3: Comparison of Theoretical and experimental results 22

table of contents except that it shows Fig. 3.1: Grid types 34

the page number on which each Fig. 3.2: Schematic drawing of the applied boundary conditions 28

figure is located Fig. 4.1: Results of case I

Fig. 4.2: Results of case II
Fig. 4.3: Results of Case III 47
Fig. 4.4: Results of Case IV 53

Fig. A.1: Bubble shapes results from previous research 55

List of Tables
List of tables Table 1.1: Sales of product A in previous years 3
Table 1.2: Sales of Product B in previous years 4
Table 1.3: Production Capacity of all Products 6
Table 2.1: Customer Survey Results 9
The list of tables is exactly the same as the
list of figures, but it shows the page number Table 2.2: Raw Material Cost in 2005 10
of each table. Sometimes the two lists are Table 2.3: Marketing Expenses in 2005 12
placed on the same page under the name
List of Figures and Tables, with figures Table 3.1: Market Demand Forecast 15
written in the upper half of the page and Table 3.2: Sales Forecast 16
tables in the lower half.
Table 3.3: Different Scenarios 18
Table 3.4: Production Plan 21
Table B.1: Forecast Methodology 28
List of symbols or abbreviations
The list of symbols is used in reports that List of Symbols and Abbreviations
A Area
contain a lot of symbols, such as using c Courant Number

“V” to indicate speed, “m” to indicate D Diameter

F Force
distance, and so on. The symbol table g Gravitational Acceleration

shows these symbols. Lf Lift Force

M Morton Number
Re Reynolds Number
t time
T Temperature
CFD Computational Fluid Dynamics
CV Control Volume
FV Finite Volume
NVD Normalized Variable Diagram
VOF Volume-Of-Fluid
the introduction :

It includes the subject of the

It prepares the reader to read
report - its background - the The introduction should not
the research while he
aim of the report - the contain results,
understands its importance,
method of the study and may recommendations, or details
style, limits, and organization
include a brief explanation of of the study.
of the following sections.
the sections of the report.

Some daily work reports do

The length of the introduction
not require writing an The importance of the
varies from one report to
introduction because the introduction increases with
another, but it should be
person submitting the report the diversity of the potential
within 3% of the length of the
already knows the subject of readers of the report.
the report.
Heart of the report:

background in reports

Background gives the reader the information needed to understand the report. Puts the reader into
focus by providing background and perspective. The background is also used to link the report to
previous work.
The results and what they contain of words, tables and figures. It includes comparing the
actual results with the theory, and analyzing the sources of error in the experimental
Write the results in the present tense

From this we conclude, regarding the materials used in construction:
The use of recyclable and reusable building materials, such as aluminum and iron, with dimensions
Standard, which ensures ease of assembly and then ease of dismantling if necessary and redoing
Use or recycle them, to reduce the negative impact of these materials on the environment.

The use of natural building materials produced locally to avoid the use of large energy in
transporting them
To the minimum possible manufacturing processes.
Using building materials that are close or similar in their durability to reduce the energy consumed
Maintenance operations over the life of the building
Conclusions and recommendations:
• The most important results, conclusions and recommendations of the
• Recommendations include making suggestions for future research.
• To follow up and complete the study of the problem or any other
research of high priority in the field of research.
• Suggestions for how to benefit from the results of the study.
Based on the results of the study, we suggest the following
• The necessity of adopting the principles of sustainability in urbanism as a solution to problems
that the buildings suffer from
• Orienting the buildings deliberately with the movement of the sun and the wind so that the longitudinal axis of the
building is in a north direction
South to avoid the summer sun and gain
Most of it in the winter.
the reviewer:

Acknowledge all information and ideas 1. R. Hartunian and W. Sears, “On the instability of gas bubbles
moving in liquids,” J. Fluid Mech., Vol. 3, pp. 27-47, 1957.
you have incorporated from other 2. G. Levich, Phsico-Chemical Hydrodynamics, Prentice-Hall,
sources into your paper using a Englewood Cliffs, N. J., 1962.
3. D. Moore, “The boundary layer on a spherical bubble,” J.
consistent referential style. This Fluid Mech., Vol. 16, pp. 161-176, 1963.
includes data, tables, and figures. 4. D. Moore, “The velocity of rise of distorted gas bubbles in a
liquid of medium viscosity ,” J. Fluid Mech., Vol. 23, pp. 749-
766, 1965.
5. P. Saffman, “On the rise of medium air bubbles in water,” J.
Fluid Mech., Vol. 1, pp. 249-275, 1956.
If you have data that is too detailed or long to include in the report itself, include it in the appendix.
The reader can then choose to refer to it if interested. Label your appendix with a number or letter,
a title, and refer to it in text, eg. For a complete list of construction stages, see Appendix A.
Commandments for
writing an effective

1. It has a beginning, middle and end.

2. To be complete, accurate, and truthful.
3. To be as brief as possible - and simple.
4. To be objective and not governed by your personal opinions, desires and
5. It has a logical order and sequence, division and numbering of the
6. To write in clear and direct language.
7. It must be submitted at the required (or appropriate) time.
8. To use graphic illustrations whenever it is effective.
9. It should have a summary that reflects the data of the report.
10. error-free

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