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Understanding Diversity, Equity,
Inclusion, & Belonging

“Explain” in
“Love” in American Sign Language
American Sign Language
What is DEI?

Most people have heard the acronym “DEI” or I work in our DEI Department
“DEIB” in the workplace.
These acronyms refer to organizational efforts
aimed at "the fair treatment and full participation
of all people"(1), especially for groups
historically underrepresented or discriminated
against due to their identity or disability. I am on our workplace DEIB
(1) ""DEI" — on". Retrieved 2023-
What About?
You may have also heard other acronyms like:
ADEI, DEIJ, DEB, D&I, JEDI, and more!

Accessibility(A) and Justice(J) hold their own

unique definitions and distinctions.

There is no right acronym, BUT we do need to

understand each term to know when and how to use
them. This also might help us determine which
acronym might fit our organization.
That’s A Lot of Acronyms!
At Between Friends, we center our work for
people with disabilities to “Connect, Grow, &
Belong”. We envision communities where people
with disabilities can go anywhere and feel truly
embraced, knowing that they belong.

DI Diversity, Equity, and ADEI Accessibility will be
Inclusion addressed later in the
(Most Common training course

J Coming Soon!
Justice Collaborative module on justice
and anti-racism with a partner
Let’s Break Down “DEIB”

DEI is still the most common acronym but DEIB is increasing in
usage. While there is no “correct” acronym for this type of work,
we will focus on DEIB to break down the key concepts and also
showcase the concept of “Belonging”.
Let’s break down a working definition for ‘workplaces’ and ‘organizations’.

Diversity refers to differences and variations in a group that encompass a variety

of identities and experiences.

Variety of Identities - These can include: gender expression, ability, race, age, class, sexual orientation,
religious beliefs, etc.

Do you know which of these are “protected grounds”

under the Alberta Human Rights Act?

Click on the tools icon to find out!

Let’s break down a working definition for workplaces and organizations.

Diversity refers to differences and variations in a group that encompass a variety

of identities and experiences

Variations in a Group - In the context of workplaces - diversity should be used to define the
composition of a group.

“When a group is diverse, leaders can value how every person contributes to the group diversity, as
opposed to adding one person who seems unlike the rest and calling them diverse.”

- Lori Nishiura Mackenzie and Melissa V. Abad, Harvard Business Review

Equity vs. Equality
Photo Description - “Equity”

In this image, four people are given the same bicycle to ride.
From left to right, one person is unable to use the bike at all, for the next person, the bike is too small, for the next person,
the bike fits well, and for the last person, the bike is too big.

This image is a great example of ‘equality’ - where each person is given the exact same thing; each person is treated
Photo Description - “Equality”

In this image, everyone is given a different bike that suits them uniquely. The image includes the use of an adapted bicycle
for the person who in the first image was unable to ride the bicycle, also showing accessible design.

In this image, each single person is able to ride their bike comfortably, showing an “equitable” solution.

“Inclusion is valuing and incorporating the perspectives, contributions, needs, and viewpoints of
all people.”
-The Acacia Company

Diversity is a fact, inclusion is an act

Diversity reflects representation - it is who is at the table.

Inclusion refers to whether people feel valued, respected, safe, and welcomed when they speak at the
Diversity is a good start but it is not enough on its own which is why you will see it paired with equity,
inclusion, and belonging.
Belonging One Step Further

“Inclusion involves efforts and behaviors that can be fostered by the organization or
actually by the people in it.

Belonging is something that employees themselves feel

and results from your inclusion efforts.

- Academy to Innovate HR (AIHR)

Belonging A sense of belonging is a basic human need,
defined in Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

Did you know?

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs may
have been inspired by the Siksika
(Blackfoot) way of life.

Click here for

Belonging The Business Case
According to the 2021 Culture Report on belonging at work from the Achievers Workforce Institute,
belonging is a key factor for organizational success.

Results from this report show Belonging can: Increase Retention

Respondents who
40% vs. 5%
RARELY think about of respondents with a of respondents with a
looking for a job strong sense of belonging low sense of belonging.
Belonging The Business Case
According to the 2021 Culture Report on belonging at work from the Achievers Workforce Institute,
belonging is a key factor for organizational success.

Results from this report show Belonging can: Boost Productivity

Respondents who say they 45% vs. 6%

are their most productive of respondents with a of respondents with a low
self at work strong sense of belonging sense of belonging.
Belonging The Business Case
According to the 2021 Culture Report on belonging at work from the Achievers Workforce Institute,
belonging is a key factor for organizational success.

Results from this report show Belonging can: Benefit Employer Branding

Respondents who would

51% vs. 4%
recommend their company
of respondents with a of respondents with a low
as a great place to work strong sense of belonging sense of belonging.
Author Liz Fosslien differentiates DIB by describing:

Diversity Diversity as “having a seat at

the table”,

Inclusion Inclusion as “having a voice at the


Belonging Belonging as “having that voice being heard.”

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