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Excel Tutorial

Authored By: Reena Barsagade

Major Topics
Basic Text Editing tools ,Cell formatting, Colors etc.[Home]
 insert picture,charts,shape,wordart[Insert]
 format cells,rows,[Home>Format>Column width(8. 43)]
How to format, clear cell, clear row/column,And Clear
Sort A to Z, Z to A, Sort By Value [HOME>SORT]
Conditional formatting.
Find And Replace, go to[HOME>FIND N REPLACE ctrl+H]
Plane freeze[VIEW>FREEZ PANES]
Formulas-logical, mathematical, Auto sum, text formula,
Spell check
Paste special
Some More…
Background settings[PAGE LAYOUT>BACKGROUND]
Format As table, Cell styles[HOME]
Data validation, text separation to columns, charts
Look up options: VLOOKUP,SUMIF
Pivot table.
Print preview, select print area
Basic Cell editing tools
1.Basic tools for font,make
bold,italic,fill color in cell,text color
change etc.


textbox,header,footer and
Format cell styles
Cell formatting:

1.One can change

cell size, cell
width, hide ,
unhide cell,
rename sheet, and
password protect
under protect
sheet tab.
Sort And filter options:
Click on Home>sort &filter options
Select A to Z for alphabetical order and vice versa.
To sort numbers use same options.
Conditional Formatting:
Go to home tab>select Conditional Formatting>Use Highlight cells Rules> Select
required condition.
Eg. To highlight number greater than 1000,
Conditional Formatting>Highlight cells Rules>Greater than>Enter 1000 in dialogue box
Find and replace options:
Home>Find And Select
Goto: To go to a
cell,Particular Table etc.
Freeze panes:
Freeze particular cell row,or column to make freez that
row or column.
To do that first select entire row next to row which is to
be freeze.
Go to Formula>Text>All text formulas
are available here.
Ex. Concatenate:to merge 2 or more text
Type > =Concatenate(text1,text2,text3)
Maths formula:
1.Goto Formula tab
>autosum >select sum ,
average, count numbers,
max, min whichever is
Ex. To find sum, select cell
where result is needed,
select Sum options and then
select range of cell.
2.Same for average.
Spell check in sheet
To run spell check on sheet go Review>Spelling
F7 is shortcut key for spelling check
To use paste special option.
To copy paste
selected things paste
special option is
Eg.If only value of
particular cell is to
paste,after copy right
click wherever to
paste ,and select
paste special.
This dialogue box
will be open,select
values.then only
value will be paste.
Change background
To change background of sheet, go to Page layout
tab,select background, brows through files to select
Inserting table format
To make redymade table for selected cells,
Select Table and then select Format as table options,in
Home tab. Select required table design.
Data Validation:
Data validation option under data tab,is used to insert list for one cell.
To apply data validation go to Data>select Data validation>Select List
Enter options in sources list seperated by comma.
 To search a corresponding
value in a table against a
particular value,VLOOKUP
function is used.
 Select the cell where result
is needed,go to Formulas
tab>Lookup &
VLOOKUP,dialogue box is
 In lookup value,select the
value according to which
you have to fand a
particular value in table,
 Select table in table array
 Count column and enter
 For exact match select False
 Same goes for HLOOKUP
VLOOKUP Continue..

To search course
name of REENA
we have applied a
course column is
3rd column
starting from
is 3
Sumif function is used to get sum or value of corresponding cell value
in a table.
Ex.In following table,to search SR.NO. of value
REENA,SUMIF(NAME range, Criteria ie REENA, value range ie
SR.NO. column range) is used.
PIVOT table options:
To create a summarize table of our huge data table, we
use pivot table option. Go to Insert tab, cleck on
PivoteTable, a dialogue box is opened.
 To make
summery of
column of
table,drag the
field name in
Report filter
box of pivote
 we are
making course
wise report,so
COURSE field
is in Report
Name is in Row
labels area of
pivote table.
Print preview, set print area:
1. To set print area to avoid unnecessary print on our printable
area,we select Print Area>Set Print Area under Page Layout.
2. First select area of sheet one want to print then set Print Area.
Some Basic Tricks:

To apply same formula, format,or

function to entire column down the
selected cell, double click on plus
sign rightmost down most side of
selected cell.
Use Shift+Arrow key,to select exact
Use custom header footer options in
print through PageLayout>Print
Titles options
Thank You

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