The Kingdoms of Living Organisms

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Common Cell Structures
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DIFFERENCE Write in notes

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Main features of Fungi
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 Main features of all fungi (e.g. molds, mushrooms, yeast)

 usually multicellular
 cells have nuclei and cell walls not made from cellulose
 do not photosynthesize but feed by saprophytic (decomposers)(on dead
or decaying material) or parasitic (on live material) nutrition
 Saprophytes ( scientific name of decomposers)
 Fungi is used in industries for making other useful products
 Reproduce by spores
 Requires optimum conditions to survive ( temperature, nutrients ,
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Main features of all plants:

 they are multicellular

 their cells contain a nucleus, chloroplasts
and cellulose cell walls
 they all feed by photosynthesis
 Root stem leaves
The plant kingdom includes
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• Non flowering plants (Mosses , ferns) also called gymnosperms
• Flowering plants (also called Angiosperms)
Non flowering plants (Mosses , ferns) also called
gymnosperms Write in notes

 Mosses cannot grow

away from water.
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• They have root, stems, complex
leaves and vascular
bundles(xylem, phloem)
• Fond : a complex leaf which
produces spores.
• Stem contains xylem and
• Only survives in shady humid
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Flowering plants (also called Angiosperms)
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Difference between monocots and dicots
Monocots Dicots
One cotyledon Two cotyledon

Elongated leaf Broad leaf

Parallel veins in leaf Branched veins in leaf

Vascular bundle randomly Vascular bundle arranged

arranged in stem in circle / ring in stem
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Main features of all animals:

 they are multicellular
 their cells contain a nucleus but no cell walls or chloroplasts
 they feed on organic substances made by other living things
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 One of the morphological characteristics used to classify invertebrates

is whether they have legs or not
 All invertebrates with jointed legs are part of the phylum Arthropods
 They are classified further into the following classes:
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Main features of all Protoctista

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 most are unicellular but some are multicellular( algae )
 all have a nucleus, some may have cell walls and chloroplasts
 meaning some protoctists photosynthesise and some feed on organic
substances made by other living things
 Paramecium body is covered by hair like structures called Cilia.
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Main features of all

 (bacteria, blue-green algae)

 often unicellular
 cells have cell walls (not made
of cellulose) and cytoplasm but
no nucleus or mitochondria

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 Have a central core of RNA or DNA surrounded by a protein coat.
 No nucleus, cytoplasm, cell organelles or cell membrane.
 Virus particles therefore are not cells.
 Do not feed, respire, excrete or grow.
 Do reproduce, but only inside the cells of living organisms, using
materials provided by the host cell.
 The coat is made up of regularly protein. The protein coat is called a
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