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The name of the group is the Alkaline
metals and there are six chemicals in
group 2 of the perodic table. And they
are: beryllium, magnesium, ccalcium,
Give the strontium barium and radium.
name of the
group. The elements have very similar
properties they are all shiny, silvery-
white, some what reactive metals at
standard temperature and pressure.
What is ionization? Any process by which
electrically neutral atoms or molecules ae converted
to electrically charged atoms or molecules (ions).

Ease of
ionization Ease of ionization- the ionization energy of the
elements increases as one moves up a given
group because the electrons are held in lower-
energy orbitals, closer to the nucleus and thus more
tightly bound (harder to remove). Based on
these two principles , the easiest element to ionize is
francium and the hardest to ionize is helium.
Ioniztion energy is the energy required to remove an electron from a
gaseous species.

Trends in
ionization Frist ionization energy refers to the energy required to remove an electron
from atom.

energy of
group 2
We can write a general equation to describe the removal of an electron (e-)
from a gaseous atom (M(G)) to produce a gaseous cation with a charge
of +1(m1(g)) as M(g)-m+ (g)

elements. If the value of the ionization energy is high,lots of energy is required to

remove the electron, and the reaction is less likely to occur readily if the
value of the ionization energy is low, then little energy is required to
remove the electron, and the reaction is more likely to occur readily
Reactivity with oxygen

• All group 2 tornish in the air to form a coating of the metal

oxide. They react violently in pure oxygen producing a
white ionic oxide.

• When these metals are heated in oygen they burn vigorously

to produre a white oxide. M2+02.
• The group 2 elements react with water to
form hydroxides the general formula
M(OH)2 and hydrogen gas . The further
you move down the group more
vigorous with water. Calcium, strontium
and barium react with cold water and the with water
reactivity increases from calcium to
barium. In each case the metal hydoxide
and hydrogen are produced.
Reactivity with
dilute HCL
Dilute acids generally reacts with reactive metals like magnesium,
zinc, aluminium and iron.

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