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Guess the


- Jollibee
“Hari ng Padala”
“Hari ng Padala”

“Ito ang Tama”
“Ito ang Tama”

- Red Horse
“Sarap ng Filling mo”
“Sarap ng Filling mo”

- Rebisco
“We’ve got it all for you”
“We’ve got it all for you”

- SM
“Finger-lickin’ good”
“Finger-lickin’ good”

“We find ways”
“We find ways”

“Just do it”
“Just do it”

- Nike
Lesson 1: What is Advertising?
Chapter Objectives:
At the end of this chapter, you are expected to:
1. Realize the importance of advertising for all the mass media.
2. Understand the role of advertising in fueling the nation’s economy.
3. Appreciate the beauty of being able to promote products, brands, companies and at
the same time tell people about what those can do to make their lives better.
4. Trace the history of advertising and be interested on how it grew to be a lucrative
business in contemporary times.
What is Advertising?
What is Advertising?

Advertising is a means of communication with the users

of a product or service.
What is Advertising?

Advertisements are
messages paid by those
who send them and are
intended to inform or
influence people who
receive them.
What is Advertising?

Advertising is always
present, though people
may not be aware of it. In
today’s world,
advertising uses every
possible media to get it's
message across.
What is Advertising?

The advertising industry is made of companies that advertise,

agencies that create the advertisements, media that carry the ads,
and a host of people like copy editors, visualizers, brand managers,
researchers, creative heads and designers who take it the last mile to
the customer or receiver. A company that needs to advertise itself
and/or it's products hires an advertising agency.
What is Advertising?

The company briefs the agency on the brand, it's imagery, the ideals
and values behind it, the target segments and so on. The agencies
convert the ideas and concepts to create the visuals, text, layouts
and themes to communicate with the user. After approval from the
client, the ads go on air, as per the bookings done by the agency’s
media buying unit.
The Role of Advertising
The Role of Advertising

Advertising itself is a media - it tells the consumers to do

something or to act on something. Advertisements support other
media. Advertising accounts for well over half of newspaper and
magazine income and all of radio, non-cable television and website
income. Without advertising, prices of various forms of media like
magazines and newspapers would be much higher since the
consumers of these forms of media will have to shoulder the cost of
maintaining a publishing firm.
The Role of Advertising

Advertising also makes the economy grow. Decades ago, when

products were made and consumed locally, advertising was not
necessary. A signboard on a shop door was enough. But mass
production techniques and the improvement of transportation in the
nineteenth century made it possible for goods to be sent to clients
near and far. It is advertising that facilitate increase in sales for
those products.
The Role of Advertising

Despite the fact that advertising adds to the cost of products, we

cannot deny the fact that without the mass production and mass
distribution that advertising supports, commodities will be more
expensive - or not available at all.
The Role of Advertising

Advertising is a big business. It is a several-million-a-year industry.

Because space in print and time on broadcasts are so expensive,
especially in the major media. Market researchers prepare detailed
profile of viewers, listeners, and readers - noting such
characteristics as their gender, age, race, interests, and spending
The Role of Advertising

Studies show that each person is exposed to about 1600 a day. The
sheer volume of this exposure is enough to affect people’s attitudes,
habits, styles, and even values.

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