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Cross Cultural Understanding

• Culture is that complex whole which includes knowledge,
beliefs, arts, morals, law, custom and any other capacities
and habits acquired by man as a member of society.
• Culture might also be defined as ideas, customs, skills,
arts, and tools which characterize a given group of people
in a period of time
• Culture as described by Larson and Smalley is ―blue print.
It guides the behavior of people in a community and is
developed in family life and helps us to know what we can
do as individuals and what our responsibilities as a
member of a group.

• Material culture as the product of human

• Social culture as the people‘s form of social
• Ideological culture including people‘s belief
and values.
The Iceberg Analogy of Culture
Types of Culture

Types of Culture

The word culture doesn‘t mean just national culture, but the whole range of
different types of culture.
These include:
1. Corporate culture (for example, the culture of Apple, Microsoft)
2. Professional culture (for example, the culture of doctors, lawyers)
3. Gender (different cultures of men and women)
4. Age ( the different cultures of young, middle-aged, and old-people)
5. Religious culture (for example, Catholicism, Islam, Budha)
6. Regional culture (for example, Western, Eastern)
7. Class culture (for example, working class, middle class,upper class)
The Relationship Between
Culture and Language

• language is a key component of culture. It is the primary

medium for transmitting much of culture. Without
language, culture would not be possible.
• Children learning their native language are learning their
own culture; learning a second language also involves
learning a second culture to varying degrees.
• Language is influenced and shaped by culture. It reflects
• Cultural differences are the most serious areas causing
misunderstanding, unpleasantness and even conflict in
cross-cultural communication.
• Cross cultural understanding refers to the ability to recognize,
appreciate, and adapt to cultural differences between
individuals or groups from diverse backgrounds.
• Cross-cultural understanding means being able to recognize,
interpret and respond appropriately to people, situations or
events that are influenced by different cultural factors.
• Having cross-cultural understanding means being aware of our
own cultural background and how it shapes our worldview, as
well as being open and respectful to other cultures and
• being able to adapt our communication style and behavior to
suit different cultural contexts and expectations.
• Enhance our personal and professional relationships
by fostering trust, empathy and cooperation.
• Enrich our learning and creativity by exposing us to
new ideas, perspectives and experiences.
• Help us avoid misunderstandings, conflicts and
stereotypes that can arise from cultural differences.
• Prepare us for the challenges and opportunities of
working and living in a globalized world.

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