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Indonesian Citizen in Digital Era and

Digital Literacy

LO 4: to compose reflection on wawasan nusantara, regional

autonomy, national integration, national resilience, digital
literacy and citizenship

By the end of this session, students will be able to:

1. Define the meaning of being a good citizen in digital era.

2. Describe the importance of digital literacy in order to become a good
3. Analyze the problems of technology information and its solutions.
The Definition of Digital Literacy
• Digital Literacy consists of technology literacy and information literacy.
• Technology literacy: Understanding of digital technology devices,
including skills in using these devices.
• Information Literacy: This skill focuses on the ability to identify,
process, and use digital information optimally.
• 8 important elements of digital literacy: Cultural, Cognitive,
Constructive, Communicative, Responsible Self-Confidence, Creative,
Critical, and Have Social Responsibility.
The Problems of Digital Literacy
• Lack of decency in virtual world.
• Pornography
• Cyber bullying
• Hate speech
• Hoax
• Intolerance
Become a Good and Smart Citizen
• Being a good and smart citizen in the digital era is closely related to how
to use the technology wisely.
• Indonesia Government through the Ministry of Education Culture
Research and Technology has already created the “Gerakan Literasi
Nasional” (Digital Literacy Movement) program to increase digital literacy
• It should be understood that this digital literacy movement will not
succeed without the individual awareness to apply Indonesian values in
• How to become a good and smart citizen in digital era? Through applying
Indonesian values, respect for others, justice, and equality.

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