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11/21/2023 Windows Programming 1

Dương Xuân Hiệp
11/21/2023 Windows Programming 2

o Windows API

o What is API ?

o Type and popular API Examples

o Windows API

o Windows Messages

o Events

o The Message Loop

11/21/2023 Windows Programming 3

o MFC Programming

o Programming Interface

o Example

- Dialog example

- Menu example

- Message example

o Homework
11/21/2023 Windows Programming 4

What is API ?

• API (Application Program Interface), is a set of routines,

protocols, and tools for building software applications.

• The API specifies how software components should

interact and APIs are used when programming graphical
user interface (GUI) components
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What is API ?

• A good API makes it easier to develop a program by

providing all the building blocks.

• A programmer then puts the blocks together.

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Type and popular API Examples

• There are many different types of APIs for operating

systems, applications or for websites.

• Google Maps API: Google Maps APIs lets developers

embed Google Maps on webpages using a JavaScript or
Flash interface. The Google Maps API is designed to work
on mobile devices and desktop browsers
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Type and popular API Examples

• YouTube APIs: lets developers integrate YouTube videos

and functionality into websites or applications. YouTube
APIs include the YouTube Analytics API, YouTube Data
API, YouTube Live Streaming API, YouTube Player APIs
and others

• Flickr API: The Flickr API is used by developers to

access the Flick photo sharing community data. The Flickr
API consists of a set of callable methods, and some API
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Type and popular API Examples

• Twitter APIs: Twitter offers two APIs. The REST API

allows developers to access core Twitter data and the
Search API provides methods for developers to interact
with Twitter Search and trends data.

• Amazon Product Advertising API: Amazon's Product

Advertising API gives developers access to Amazon's
product selection and discovery functionality to advertise
Amazon products to monetize a website.
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Windows API

• Windows has many API sets that are used by system

hardware and applications — when you copy and paste
text from one application to another, it is the API that
allows that to work.

• Most operating environments, such as MS-Windows,

provide an API so that programmers can write
applications consistent with the operating environment
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Windows API

• Developer support is available in the form of the

Windows Software Development Kit (SDK), providing
documentation and tools necessary to build software
based upon the Windows API and associated Windows

• The Windows API (Win32) is primarily focused on the C

programming language
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Windows API
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Windows Messages
A GUI application must respond to events from the user
and from the operating system.
• Events from the user include all of the ways that
someone can interact with your program: mouse clicks,
key strokes, touch-screen gestures, and so forth

• Events from the operating system include anything

"outside" of the program that can affect how the program
behaves. For example, the user might plug in a new
hardware device, or Windows might enter a lower-power
state (sleep or hibernate).
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Windows Messages
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Windows Messages
• A message is simply a numeric code that designates a
particular event. For example, if the user presses the left
mouse button, the window receives a message with the
following message code

#define WM_LBUTTONDOWN 0x0201

• To pass a message to a window, the operating system

calls the window procedure registered for that window.
(And now you know what the window procedure is for.)
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The Message loop

• For each thread that creates a window, the operating
system creates a queue for window messages.

• This queue holds messages for all of the windows that

are created on that thread.

• The queue itself is hidden from your program.

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MFC Programming
• An MFC program is an executable application for
Windows that is based on the Microsoft Foundation Class
(MFC) Library.

• The MFC starter program will include C++ source (.CPP)

files, resource (.RC) files, header (.H) files, and a project
(. vcproj) file. The code generated in these starter files is
based on MFC.
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MFC Programming
• Programming Interface
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MFC Programming
• Message example
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MFC Programming
• Menu example
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• 1. Xây dựng một main dialogue
như sau:
• Có thanh Menu
• Quản lý các bạn theo từng
• Có avatar
• Hiển thị status ứng với mỗi bạn

( sử dụng MFC )
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• 2. Xây dựng giao diện cho phép Add/Block Friend
(Giao diện tùy ý)

• - Cho phép Add hoặc Block friend

( sử dụng MFC )
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• 3. Xây dựng giao diện chat như hình. ( sử dụng MFC )
• - Thực hiện được việc tự chat và hiển thị lên dialog của
mình. ( có avatar )
- Thực hiện việc chat giữa 2 người ( sử dụng Windows
- Chat sử dụng Emotion.
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• Các yêu cầu khác:
• Quản lý danh sách friend/block của mỗi người theo database ( Đã
học )
• Quản lý Message ( tin nhắn đã nhận hoặc lịch sử chat phải được
lưu lại vào database)
• Thời hạn: 23/11/2015 – 04/12/2015

• Tham khảo:
• MFC examples:
11/21/2023 Windows Programming 24

Thank for listening!

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