CPR First Aid Common Injuries For Students

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Opening Prayer

Gentle reminders before we start:

1. Log in to your Schoology account 10 minutes before the time.

2. Wear your uniform during classes.
3. Always turn on your web cam and mute your mic unless told otherwise.
4. If you wish to answer, clarify something or ask any question, you may use the
chat box.
5. Do not type unnecessary topics not related to the lesson.
6. Be pro-active during the session.
7. Respect each other.
8. Reconnect immediately if you get disconnected.
9. Attendance will be checked.
Intended Learning outcomes

At the end of the lesson we will be able to:

 Search voluntarily and self-assesses health-related fitness (HRF).
status, barriers to physical activity assessment participation and one’s
 Engages in moderate to vigorous physical activities (MVPAs) for at
least 60 minutes most days of the week in a variety of settings in- and
out-of- school
 Analyzes physiological indicators such as heart rate, rate of perceived
exertion and pacing associated with MVPAs to monitor and/or adjust
participation or effort
 Observes personal safety protocol to avoid dehydration, overexertion,
hypo- and hyperthermia during MVPA participation
Intended Learning outcomes

At the end of the lesson we will be able to:

 Demonstrates proper etiquette and safety in the use of
facilities and equipment
 Participates in an organized event that addresses
health/fitness issues and concerns
 Organizes fitness event for a target health issue or
Facing a Medical Emergency Situation
What Is CPR?

 CPR is an acronym for cardiopulmonary resuscitation, which is a

lifesaving technique that is administered when breathing and
heartbeat of a person stopped, such as during a heart attack or
 CPR involves the CAB process. CAB stands for compression
(restoration of blood circulation), airway (clearing of airway), and
breathing (breathe for the person). CPR involves the CAB process.
CAB stands for compression (restoration of blood circulation),
airway (clearing of airway), and breathing (breathe for the person).
How to Administer CPR

1. Put the victim on his/her back on a firm surface.

2. Locate hand position for compression by drawing an imaginary line from
the armpit to the center chest for hand placement.
3. Place the heel of one hand on the lower part of the breastbone.
4. Put the other hand over the first, interlacing your fingers for support.
5. With straight arms positioned over the victim’s chest, push down on
his/her chest. For adult victims, push it down for at least 2 inches or 5 cm
How to Administer CPR

6. Give 30 compressions in 18 seconds or less (rate of 100 compressions in

one minute)and let the chest of the victim rise completely between
7. After 30 compressions, give two rescue breaths.
8. Repeat the cycle until help arrives or when there are signs of movement.
How to Administer CPR

1. In rescue breathing, do the following:

2. Gently tilt the victim’s forehead back with one hand.
3. Tilt the victim’s chin using the other hand; this will open the his/her
4. Pinch the victim’s nose close. Then cover his/her mouth with your mouth.
Blow life-giving air to him/her. Watch for the chest to rise; if it does not
rise, reposition and perform the rescue breathing all over again.
 How to do CPR on an Adult (Ages 12 and Older)
 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-NodDRTsV88&ab_channel=CincinnatiChildren%27s
 Adult CPR
 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OaSovqEimyA&ab_channel=ProCPR
 Infant CPR / Baby CPR
 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xyBueL3Sm_g&ab_channel=ProCPR
First Aid for Common Injuries in Outdoors Activities

For minor cuts, scrapes, and punctures

 Clean cuts with soap and water. Then apply antibiotic cream before
covering with sterile bandage secured with medical tape.
 If there is bleeding, apply direct pressure to the injury using clean
 If the injury is on the arm or leg, raise limb above the heart to help
slow down the bleeding.
 Do not apply tourniquet unless the bleeding is severe and does not
stop even with direct pressure.
First Aid for Common Injuries in Outdoors Activities

Emergency personnel must be called immediately if:

 Severe bleeding or bleeding does not stop despite pressure.
 You suspect there is internal bleeding (inflammation and severe pain
in the area).
 There is an abdominal or chest wound.
 Blood spurts out of the wound.
 Strains and Sprains OUCH! - Avoid Painful Muscle, Tendon or Ligament Injury - Safety
Training Video
 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tkT586quo2k&ab_channel=SafetyMemos
First Aid for Common Injuries in Outdoors Activities


Doctors usually categorize strains and sprains according to severity.
 Grade I category is mild, which involves minor tearing of a
ligament or muscle.
 Grade II classification involves the partial tearing of the ligament or
 Grade III refers to severe injury, which involves the complete
tearing of the ligament or muscle.
First Aid for Common Injuries in Outdoors Activities

For Grades I and II strains and sprains

 Rest the injured or painful part applying Ice pack
 Compressing or wrapping with bandage or athletic tape
 Elevating the injured area above heart level to minimize swelling
 Grade II injuries, however, may need further immobilization to hasten
the healing process.
First Aid for Common Injuries in Outdoors Activities

For fracture, immediately call medical help if the following occurs:

 You suspect injury to the person’s head, neck, or back.
 Bone is sticking out of the skin.
 Bleeding does not stop after several minutes of firm pressure.
 Blood spurts from the wound.
First Aid for Common Injuries in Outdoors Activities

While waiting for the medical help, do the following first aid:
 Immobilize the area of injury until help arrives or until the victim is
brought to the hospital.
 Make sure to clean and dress cuts before splinting.
 If there is bleeding, apply pressure to the wound with clean cloth until the
bleeding stops. If bone is pushing through the skin, do not touch the area.
 Gently tape the dislocated area or fracture to a rolled-up newspaper, ruler,
or a rolled piece of clothing with first aid tape. Avoid moving the injured
limb and never force it or even try to twist it back into place.
 Practical First Aid #18 - Sprains and Strains
 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BZMD3cfyjVI&t=77s&ab_channel=flemingmedical
 How To Treat A Fracture & Fracture Types - First Aid Training - St John Ambulance
 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2v8vlXgGXwE&t=5s&ab_channel=StJohnAmbulance
First Aid for Common Injuries in Outdoors Activities

Treat cuts.
 Apply ice or compress if no ice is available.
 Advise the victim to rest until symptoms disappear.
 Watch out for symptoms that need emergency action.
 Head Injury Symptoms & Advice - First Aid Training - St John Ambulance
 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a4cIFZx1f2E&ab_channel=StJohnAmbulance
First Aid for Common Injuries in Outdoors Activities

 Place a piece of adhesive over the affected area.
 Donut-shaped moleskin helps when blisters are at the bottom of
 If blisters have popped, wash the affected area with soap and water.
Then apply antibiotic cream to the area.
 If it is absolutely necessary, drain a blister by pricking the side with
a sterilized needle. Then apply antibacterial solution and cover with
gauze dressing and tape.
First Aid for Common Injuries in Outdoors Activities

 If the victim is still on fire, assist him/her to do the “stop, drop, and
roll” method to help extinguish the fire. Remove the clothing or any
burned material in the affected part. However, if the clothing sticks
to the skin, do not pull it out. Instead cut or tear around it.
 Take off constrictive clothing immediately (belts, jewelry, tight
clothing) as burns can swell quickly.
First Aid for Common Injuries in Outdoors Activities

 For first-degree burn (top layer skin affected):
 Put affected area under running water or immerse in cool (not ice)
water until the pain subsides. If no running water is available, apply
 Cover with sterile, non-adhesive bandage, or clean cloth.
 Do not apply butter or ointment because it can cause infection.
First Aid for Common Injuries in Outdoors Activities

 For second-degree burn (affecting top 2 layers of skin):

 Immerse in cool water for 10–15 minutes; apply compress if
running water is not available.
 Do not apply ice because it can lower body temperature and may
cause further damage.
 Do not break blister or apply butter or ointment because it can cause
 Protect the affected area with sterile, nonstick bandage and secure
with gauze and tape.
First Aid for Common Injuries in Outdoors Activities

 To prevent shock, ask the victim to lie flat and elevate his/her feet to
about 12 inches high. Elevate the affected area to about heart level
(if possible). Cover him/her with coat or blanket.
 Wait for emergency personnel.
First Aid for Common Injuries in Outdoors Activities

 Seek immediate medical help if the following occurs:

 The burn penetrates all layers of skin.
 The skin is charred looking, with white, brown, or black patches.
 The burn blister is larger than two inches or if it oozes.
 Hands, feet, face, or genitals are burned.
 In addition to these, seek immediate medical help if the victim is an infant or a senior citizen

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