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 the
desire to do something, especially something
wrong or unwise.
a thing or course of action that lures or tempts someone.
 somethingyou want to have or to do, even though you know
you shouldn't.
Are you bombarded by
Cheat, lie, steal

Desire for Fame


Contention, Desire for

anger Power
Laziness, Desire worldly
procrastination pleasures
13 There hath no temptation taken you but such
as is common to man: but God is faithful, who
will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye
are able; but will with the temptation also make
a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.
1 Corinthians 10:13
1 Verily, thus saith the Lord unto you whom I love,
and whom I love I also chasten that your sins may be
forgiven, for with the chastisement, I prepare a way
for your deliverance in all things out of temptation,
and I have loved you—
Doctrine and Covenants 95:1

Decide now
Turn away
30 But this much I can tell you, that if ye do not
watch yourselves, and your thoughts, and your words,
and your deeds, and observe the commandments of
God, and continue in the faith of what ye have heard
concerning the coming of our Lord, even unto the end
of your lives, ye must perish. And now, O man,
remember, and perish not.
Mosiah 4:30
5 Pray always, that you may come off conqueror;
yea, that you may conquer Satan, and that you may
escape the hands of the servants of Satan that do
uphold his work.
Doctrine and Covenants 10:5
39 And it came to pass that the Lord was with us, yea, even the
voice of the Lord came and did speak many words unto them,
and did chasten them exceedingly; and after they were
chastened by the voice of the Lord they did turn away their
anger, and did repent of their sins, insomuch that the Lord did
bless us again with food, that we did not perish.
1 Nephi 16:39
45 O, my beloved brethren, turn away from your
sins; shake off the chains of him that would bind
you fast; come unto that God who is the rock of
your salvation.
2 Nephi 9:45
Wherefore, my dearly
beloved ________, flee
from (idolatry) _________.
1 Corinthians 10:14
With Jesus Christ I can escape
from my temptations that easily
attack or torment me if I choose
to turn away.
Her sense of self is defined through her
His sense of self is defined by his
feelings and the quality of her relationships
ability to achieve results

Motivated and empowered when they Motivated and empowered when they
feel cherished feel needed

Need to be listened to when they are unhappy or It’s hard for men to listen to women when they are
disappointed because just talking about their problems unhappy or disappointed because they feel like a
makes them feel better failure.

Give “hints” when they want something Don’t understand ‘Hints”

When men are silent, women think the worst and try When men have problems they need to withdraw and
to make them talk about their problems be silent, the last thing they want is to talk about their
The Unique and Divine
Roles of Men and Women
11 Nevertheless neither is the man without the
woman, neither the woman without the man, in
the Lord.
12 For as the woman is of the man, even so is
the man also by the woman; but all things of
1 Corinthians 11:11-12
Happiness in family life is most likely to be achieved when founded upon the
teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ. Successful marriages and families are
established and maintained on principles of faith, prayer, repentance,
forgiveness, respect, love, compassion, work, and wholesome recreational
activities. By divine design, fathers are to preside over their families in love
and righteousness and are responsible to provide the necessities of life and
protection for their families. Mothers are primarily responsible for the
nurture of their children. In these sacred responsibilities, fathers and
mothers are obligated to help one another as equal partners.

(“The Family: A Proclamation to the World,”

The unique combination of spiritual, physical, mental, and
emotional capacities of both males and females was needed
to enact the plan of happiness. “Neither is the man without
the woman, neither the woman without the man, in the
Lord” ( 1 Corinthians 11:11). The man and the woman are
intended to learn from, strengthen, bless, and complete
each other.
(David A. Bednar, “We Believe in Being Chaste,” Ensign
or Liahona, May 2013, 41–42)
Doctrinal Mastery

11 Nevertheless neither is the man

without the woman, neither the
woman without the man, in the
1 Corinthians 11:11
Doctrinal Mastery

11 N___________ neither is the

man w______ the woman, n______
the woman w______ the man, in the
1 Corinthians 11:11
Doctrinal Mastery

11 N___________ n______ is the

m__ w______ t__ w____, n______
the w____ w______ the m__, in the
1 Corinthians 11:11
Doctrinal Mastery

11 N___________ n______ i_ t__

m__ w______ t__ w____, n______
t__ w____ w______ t__ m__, i_ t__
1 Corinthians 11:11
“Ang mga lalaki ay mas importante kaysa sa babae da

“ Hindi naman kailangan ng tatay para bu

May narinig kang mga green jokestungko

In Heavenly Father’s plan, both
men and women are essential.

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