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Cooperative Language Learning (CLL)/ Collaborative Learning (CL)

-instructional approach foster cooperation rather than competition

-involve pair work, and small group work
-to develop critical thinking skills, communication skills
- problem solving
- diverse perceptive (different backgrounds/views)
-Tr role – need to create highly well structured and well organized
-Learners’ role – must work collaboratively on tasks with other
- not suitable for every situation/every student
Communicative language teaching
• Approach not method
• For all ages and levels
• Teacher's role- facilitator
• Learners' role- negotiator
• pros- promotes communication
• cons- not suitable for Asia and other countries/traditional classroom
• might confuse learners
Content - based instruction(CBI)
• content based/not language based
• focus on content or knowledge to students through the use of specific language
• Emphasize that teaching should be active and hands on rather than focusing on
memorization information
• Activities : lecture, discussions, hands-on exploration, group work, pair works
• fosters active engagement, critical thinking and problem solving.
• Teachers need to make some adjustments and simplifications.
• Tr role – more than good language teacher/ knowledgeable in subject matter /
create learner centered classroom
• CBI goal is to make learners become more autonomous.

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