Himachal Pradesh - Nature's Heaven

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Welcome To


Th e b e a ut y of t h is p la c e

India’s most beautiful state attracts a lot of tourism

because of its Natural beauty and vibrant colours. It is
situated in the Lower Himalayan range.

Its snow-capped mountains, rivers, greenery, waterfall,

monasteries, and adventure activities make it a perfect
holiday destination for every tourist. Himachal Pradesh
is traditionally called a destination for all seasons.

W h a t a r e t h e m yt h s a n d
st or ie s a b o u t Himachal
ll this place is filled with the fragrance of the stories of
Pandavas and Shiva-Shakti. There are many temples
known because Pandavas visited that place during their

Another story is related to the go goddess Shiv-Parvati.

Most people of this state worship lord Shiva as a supreme
god of breaking and amending. Goddess Parvati is the
mother of power and love. Many temples are devoted to
their love and people’s belief in Shiv-Shakti.

H e r i t a g e and Culture of H i m a c h a l Pradesh
After the natural scenery of Himachal Pradesh i ts Heritage and culture make this place a great place.

The beauty of this state l ies in the simplicity of the residence of

this p l ac e , i ts w armth and i ts o ve rw he l ming nature .
Firstly Hindu civilisation is the occupant in this state but, the Aryans
who settled here from central Asia a ffe c te d the culture and tradition of this state.

Mo s t of the p e o p l e of Himachal earn their l ivelihood by indulging in apple

farming, animal husbandry, and handicrafts. Their dance and songs show their
culture and
they worship their god by singing and dancing to their traditional music. Firstly
Hindu civilisation is the occupant in this state but, the Aryans who settled
here from central Asia a ffe c te d the culture and tradition of this state.

M anal i
-dIet’s tinatio
s o ne o f the b e s t- kno w n
ns for the newly wedding
c ou a
is p lso
le, but
a gnow
o o di tp l a c e for yo ung s te rs
b e c aus e o f the s o
many activities. ad ve nture

A p l a c e known as a summer station
b e c aus e o f i ts c l imate and b e auty in
this season. In summer this p l a c e
became more attractive and full of

T his p lac e kno wn fo r i ts
is waterfall, me ad o ws , d e ns e fo re s t. I
and o ve r f ive t is s p re ad and shows a
vie w o fhills mesmerizing
the s no w- c o ve re d Dhaulad har p e ak.

This p l a c e is one of the most known and
l o ve d to uris t p l ac e s . I t is mo s tl y
l o ve d by trekkers, b e c a u s e of the
amazing tracking p l a c e s and s o many
adventurous activities for the youngster.

L a s t few w o rd s
This p l a c e is known for i ts beauty either in summer or winter this
p l a c e is always beautiful. Himachal Pradesh is defined as a p l a c e in the
lap of snow which makes i ts name Himachal.

I f you visit this p l a c e in summer, you will experience a layer of greenery all
over the p l a c e and i f you are planning your trip in winter, you will gonna love
snowfall and layer of snow all over the p l a c e and you, are gonna love i t .

W ante d to kno w mo re vis it This place is known for i ts
beauty either in summer or winter this pl ace is
always beautiful. Himachal Pradesh is defined as a pl
ace in the lap of snow which makes i ts name
Himachal .


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