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Physical Self

Concrete dimension, the tangible aspect of the
person that can be directly observed and
According to WILLIAM JAMES

 Thebody is the initial source of sensation and

necessary for the origin and maintenance of
According to WILHELM REICH

 The body is an essential dynamic in all psychological

functioning and it plays a critical role in storing and
channeling the bioenergy, which is the basis of human
existence and experience.
Positivebody image and healthy self-esteem
are important to a child’s health and
Body image

 It is a child’s attitude towards their body


 Individual’s subjective evaluation of their worth

 It can be determined by many factors:
● How we view our own performance and appearance
● How satisfied we are with our relationship with other people

Positive Poor
 Value themselves  Do not value themselves
 Know that they deserve value and  Constantly worried
respect  Focus on perceived weakness
 Knows that they are lovable,  Believe that others are more
capable and unique capable and worthy
 Has a positive outlook  Have fear of failure
 Feel satisfied, they are realistic and
goal settler
Individualist Collectivist
 Believe that they should be  Value their counterparts over
on their own, and that results themselves and they have
in them collectively having lower self-esteem
higher self- esteem
Factors that affects Body image
and Self-esteem
Personal Societal
Age  Society and culture

Gender Norms


Body size

 Fashion/ Beauty Industry

 Media

message and image on internet

social media

TV and radio
Consequence of having Poor Body image

 Mental Health challenges :  Eating Disorders :

Having poor body image and self-esteem is Such as Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa,
linked with various mental health and other Binge-Eating Disorder and Disorder Eating
health conditions like depression, unhealthy
dieting, eating disorders, self-harm and
substance abuse.

 Begins at the onset of creation, because all real creation stems from
 It is a positive quality and can be defined as appreciation and
 When infinite love creates, all that creates beautiful
 Beauty and love go hand in hand. In fact, one be gets the other .
Love be gets beauty and true beauty inspires love
Love and Beauty

 Have the potential to create an upward spiral of joy and

 Can bring forth a deep sense of peace. A sense that all is right in the
Importance of Beauty

 In Life :
It will serve as the closest physical connection to God
It aligns you with your true nature and that of your creator
It soothes the soul and makes you happy
Forms of Beauty

Physical Beauty Non-Physical Beauty

 A degree to which a person’s  It can’t be measured, but it can
physical features are considered certainly be felt. It emanates from
aesthetically pleasing or beautiful within. It can be seen through
manifesting things like kindness,
love, appreciation, harmony, joy
and peace

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