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Course Title: Industrial Systems Engineering

course code: Meng-5334

Course Objectives: after the completion of this course students to:
 Understand the systems engineering method with respect to the various
phases of the systems engineering lifecycle.
 Understand the role and activities of a systems engineer within the total
system organization.
 Address typical systems engineering problems in a collaborative
environment that highlight important issues and methods of technical
problem solution.
Course content
 Understanding Systems Engineering and Systems Design
 Discrete and Continuous Dynamic Systems Modeling
 Systems Methods
 Systems Engineering Management

Evaluation systems
 Assignement, mid-exam, quiz 50%
 Final Exam 50%.

BY: Getachew W.

Industrial Engineering
 Industrial Engineering: is an engineering profession that is
concerned with the optimization of complex processes, systems, or
organizations by design, improvement and installation of integrated
systems of people, money, knowledge, information and equipment to
achieve some goal with efficiency, quality and safety.
 Industrial Engineers: plan, design, implement and manage integrated
production and service delivery systems that assure performance,
reliability, maintainability, scheduled and cost control.
Diversity: Industrial engineering is a diverse (various) discipline for all
kinds of manufacturing and service operations.
Efficiency: the most effective ways for an organization to use the basic
factors of production - people, machines, materials and energy.
 They are more concerned with people and methods of business
organization than engineers in other specialties. 3
Systems: is any set of interrelated components acting together to
achieve a common objective. E.g. Engine, battery,…,
It is an integrated composite of peoples, products and processes
that provide to satisfy needs and objectives of the customers.
A systems can be Natural or Engineered.

Engineered systems are designed and built to satisfy human needs

(e.g. Wireless telephone network, power plant generation and our
highway) and Natural systems is our solar system.
Engineered systems can be non-complex or complex.

Non-complex engineered systems is a system which does not

involve many disciplines of engineering. (e.g. Washing machine,

A complex engineered systems involves many engineering

discipline. (e.g. weather satellite system & air traffic control

Systems has a boundaries, everything outside the boundary of a

system is a part of another system.

Characteristics of a Systems
Organization: It implies structure and order.

Interaction: It refers to manner in which each component functions with other

components of the system.

Interdependence: Units/parts are dependent on each other.

Integration: The parts of a system work together within the system even though each

part performs a unique function.

Central Objective: All the components work together to achieve that particular objective.

Elements of a Systems
Inputs: are elements that enter the system for processing.

Independent variables which are controllable by the experimenter.

Represented by arrows entering the system.

Systems (Process): is the element that involves the actual transformation of input into output.

Represented by a rectangular box.

Outputs: is the result of processing. Also called response or dependent variables. Represented
by arrows leaving the system.
Control: is used to guides the system.

Feedback, Environment, Boundaries and Interface

Types of System
 Physical System: These are tangible entities that may be static or dynamic in

operation. (e.g.)- parts of a computer center are the desks, chairs etc. that facilitate
operation of the computer. They are static and a programmed computer is dynamic.
Abstract System – These are conceptual or non physical entities. (e.g.)- the abstract

conceptualization of physical situations.

A model is a representation of a real or planned system.

Human Machine System- When both human and machines are involved to

perform a particular task to achieve a target.

(e.g.):- Computer.


Machine System- Where human interference is neglected. All
tasks are performed by the machine.

Manufactured System: System made by man. (e.g.)- Rockets,

Dams, Trains.

Natural System- The system which is natural. For example- Solar
system, Seasonal System.

Static System: If a system does not change with time.

Dynamic System: If a system changes with time.

Systems Engineering
 SE is an engineering process to create a system.

 SE is a disciplined approach for the implementation, integration

and operations of a system (product or service) with the
satisfaction of stakeholder.
systems engineering is an interdisciplinary, collaborative
approach of engineering management process that derives,
evolves and verifies an integrated, life-cycle that satisfy customer
SE considers both the business and technical needs of all

customers with the goal of providing the quality product that

meet the users need. 10
System engineering differ from other disciplines
 System engineering is focused on the systems as a whole.

 It focused on its total operations.

 It looks at the system from the outside, that is as interaction with

other systems and the environments.
 The primary purpose of system engineering is to guide other
disciplines and also bridges for other engineering disciplines.

Perspective of systems
Perspective that leads to maturity of thinking includes; systems
thinking, systems engineering and engineering systems.
Systems thinking: is understanding the environments, processes
and polices of a system problems.
Examine the domain and scope of the problem.

Finally, generating options that addresses problems.

System engineering: focuses on the product and solution of the

Developing design specification before conducting functional and
physical design.

Engineering system: investigates which engineering systems
behave and interact with one another including; social,
economical and environmental factors.

2. System design
System design is the processes of defining element of a systems
like modules, architecture, components, interface and data for a
system to satisfy customers requirements.
It is the process of defining, developing and designing systems
which satisfies the specific needs and requirements of a business or
There are 4 steps in system design.

Logical Physical Architectural

design design design

Step1. Logical design
 An abstract representations the data flow, inputs and outputs of
the system.
 It involves a simple representation of actual system.

 Translation of users requirements in to detailed function of the


 flowchart is a diagram that represents a process, system or
computer algorithm.
 Flowcharts uses graphical symbol to show a systems logical
 A stepwise representation of an algorithm. 16
There are different symbols that represent beginning and end

pointing of events, processes, hardware device,…etc.

Tools for System Design
 System design can be achieved with the help of tools.

 Several tools exist to design a system, in addition to graphically

and pictorial represent the systems.

There are two tools:

 Data Flow Diagram(DFD)
 Data Dictionary(DD)

Data flow diagram(DFD)
It is simply a graphical tools it uses for communicating

structured analysis for existing and proposed systems.

It described the flow of information for any operation, process or

 It uses defined symbols like rectangles, circles and arrows to

show data inputs, outputs, storage and the routes between each
There are four elements of DFD and it uses only four symbols.
i. External entity(source/sinks)
ii. Processes
iii. Data store
iv. Direction in which the data flows 18
i. External entity(source/sinks)
Is the sources and destinations of information entering and
leaving the system.
They either supply or receive data
They do not process data
Source: entity that supply data to the systems
Sink: entity that receive data from the systems
They represents a rectangle
Example: customers, employee, other department in the
organization, or other organizations.
ii. Processes
An events/sequence of events in which data are either changed/
acted on. proce
Straight lines with incoming arrow are input data flow. sses

Straight lines with outgoing arrow are output data flow

iii. Data store
Is a source for storing, managing and distributing collections of

data such as a database, a file system or a manual.

It incorporates all types of data that is produced, stored and used

by an organization.
Data can be written into the data store. This is represented by an
incoming arrow.
Data can be read from the data store. This is represented by an
outgoing arrow.
External entity cannot read and write the data store.

iv. Data flow
 Is the movement of data through a system by using a model or
diagram in which the entire process of data is passes from one
component to the next within a system.
Connect the processes,
external entity and data
Rules of data flow
Data can flow from Data cannot flow from
 External entity to process  External entity to store
 process to external entity  Store to external entity
 Process to store and back  Store to store
 Process to process  External entity to external
entity 21
DFD represents only entity, process, data store and data flows/
they can represent hard ware device.
It uses only four symbols.

Data dictionary (DD)
Is a collection of names, definitions and characteristics about

data elements that are being used a systems.

 It describes the meanings and purposes of data elements within

the systems and provides guidance on interpretation, accepted

meanings and representation.
It is the complete definition of the whole elements in the
It is the source of documents for the specification of all inputs,
procedures, data structure and its algorithm.
It has the following purpose:
 A summery of documentation
 A tool to reduce redundancy of data
 A control of all data in the systems.
Step2. Physical design
 Is a graphical representation of systems showing the internal and
external flow of data.
 It specifies where, how and by whom a system processes are
 How users add information to the system and how the system
represents information back to the user.
 How the data is modelled and stored within the system.
 How data moves through the system, how data is validated.
 It begins once the logical blueprint is ready.
 The major disadvantage of physical design is that time
consuming process.
 To overcome this limitation many analysts and designers prefer
 Prototyping is the process of working models in order to test
various aspect of a design. 24
Advantages Dis advantages
Reduce development time Too much involvement of
Reduce development cost clints, is not always preferred
Increase users satisfaction by the developer.
Encourage Long term maintenance can
innovation and
flexible design be expensive.

Step3. Architectural design
To describes the views, models, behaviors and structure of the
It defines the structure and relationship between various
modules of system development process.
Architecture begins once software development tools chosen.

Professional programmers translate inputs, processes and

outputs as describe in flowchart and data flow diagram into
When program module is completed, then it is tested.

When all the module are completed and tested, the module are

integrated into one clear platform.

Step4. System Testing
Is the type of testing to check the behavior of a complete and

fully integrated systems to evaluate the systems based on the

users requirements specification document.
In system testing the complete integrated system is tested.

The quality of output is examined and processing time are

measured to ensure that the original requirements are meet.

If new system passes the test, it is ready for introduction in the

business unit that will use it.

Assignments (30%)
1. System engineering design and integrations
2. Systems behavior
3. Economic model and evolutions
4. Optimization in design and operations
5. Probability and statistical methods
6. Monte- carlo methods
7. Discrete- event modeling
8. Block-diagram and signal flow graphs


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