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AE 537

Lecture 5
• Micromechanics: Study of composite materials by understanding
interaction between constituent materials on a microscopic scale.
– Such an approach helps one theoretically compute material
properties, and failure mechanisms of composites.
– Such an approach is difficult to use for large structures because of

• Macro‐mechanics: Study of composite materials presumed to be

homogeneous. In such an approach of study, averaged (smeared)
properties of composite material are used to account for the effects of
constituent materials.
– Such an approach works well for large structures.
– Prediction of stresses at micro‐level is not accurate.
Consider a composite material that consists of fibers and matrix material. The volume of
the composite material is equal to the sum of the volume of the fibers and the volume of the
matrix. Therefore,

νc - volume of composite material
νf - volume of fiber
vm - volume of matrix

Let, the fiber volume fraction and the matrix volume fraction be defined as :

such that the sum of volume fractions is :

Assuming that the composite material consists of fibers and matrix material, the weight of
the composite material is equal to the sum of the weight of the fibers and the weight of the
matrix. Therefore,

wc - weight of composite material
wf - weight of fiber
wm - weight of matrix

The weight fractions (mass fractions) of the fiber and the matrix are defined as


such that the sum of volume fractions is :


The density of composite material can be defined as the ratio of weight of the composite
material to the volume of the composite material and is expressed as:

but, , and or , therefore the above equation can be rewritten as:


By writing in terms of weight fractions,

Easier to measure experimentally

Moreover, the equation , in general, can be rewritten as:

By writing in terms of volume fractions:


During the incorporation of fibers into the matrix or during the manufacturing of laminates,
air or other volatiles may be trapped in the material. The trapped air or volatiles exist in the
laminate as micro voids, which may significantly affect some of its mechanical properties.
A high void content (over 5% by volume) usually leads to lower fatigue resistance, greater
susceptibility to water diffusion, and increased variation (scatter) in mechanical properties.

The void content in a composite laminate can be estimated by comparing the theoretical
density with its actual density.

Consider a unidirectional composite specimen as shown below:

The following assumptions are made to get the basic properties:

(i) Fibers are uniform in properties and diameter.
(ii) Fibers are continuous and parallel throughout the composites.
(iii) There is a perfect bonding between the fibers and the matrix.
(iv) Strains experienced by the fiber, matrix and composites are equal. i.e.

where, are the longitudinal strains in fibers, matrix, and

composite respectively. This condition is called iso-strain condition.
Let, the composite be applied by a load Pc which is shared between the fibers and the matrix
so that :

We further assume that fibers and matrix behave elastically. Thus, the expression for stress
in fibers, and matrix can be written in terms of their moduli (E f, and Em) and strains as:

σ f = E f εf and σ m = E m εm

Further, if total cross‐sectional areas of fibers and matrix are A f and Am, respectively, then:

Pf = Afσf = AfEf εf , P m = A m σ m= A mE m εm , P c = A c σ c = A c E c εc

Substitute in the first equation , we have :

AcEcεc= AfEf εf + AmEmεm

However, for a unidirectional composite, Af/Ac and Am/Ac are equal to volume fractions for
fiber and matrix, respectively. Also EcL is the longitudinal composite
. The equation elastic
reduces to :
modulus also known as the upper bond
modulus or iso-strain modulus
EcL = Vf Ef + Vm Em

• For elastic deformation: and

A c σc = A f σf + A m σm

σc = (Af / Ac ) σf + (Am /Ac ) σm , σc = V f σf + V m σm , σc = Vf σf + (1-Vf) σm


• After yielding and considering the ultimate tensile strength for failure.
To predict longitudinal strength of a unidirectional ply, requires one to
understand the nature of deformation of such a ply as load increases. In general,
stress‐the stress strain response of unidirectional plies under tension undergoes four
stages of change.
1. In first stage, when stresses are small, fiber as well as matrix materials exhibit
elastic behavior.
2. Subsequently, matrix starts becoming plastic, while most of the fibers continue
to extend elastically.
3. In the third stage, both fibers and matrix deform plastically. This may not
happen in case of glass or graphite fibers, as they are brittle in nature.
4. Finally, the fibers fracture leading to sudden rise in matrix stress.
 If the matrix volume fraction is high, the matrix may carry the load ( matrix
control failure)
 If the matrix volume fraction is low, the composite may fail after fiber
failure ( fiber control failure)

Fiber controls failure, ultimate tensile strength of a unidirectional ply can be calculated as:

σuc = Vf σuf + (1‐Vf) σm

where σuc and σuf are ultimate tensile strengths of ply and fiber, respectively, and σm is stress
in matrix at a strain level equaling fracture strain in fiber. (* very important*)

Matrix controls failure, If the fiber volume fraction does not exceed a certain threshold
(Vmin), then even if all the fibers break, the matrix will carry the total load on the composite.
In such a condition, the ultimate tensile strength of composite may be written as:

σuc = Vm σum= (1‐Vf) σum

The relation for Vmin, can be developed by equating the above equations, replacing V f by
Vmin, and solving for the latter. This is shown as:

Vmin = (σum ‐ σm )/(σuf + σum ‐ σm )


Further, a well designed unidirectional lamina requires that its ultimate tensile strength
should exceed that of matrix. This can happen only when;

σuc = Vf σuf + (1‐Vf) σm ≥ σum ,

where σum is ultimate tensile strength of matrix.

This equation is satisfied only if fiber volume fraction exceeds a certain critical value,
which is defined as:
Vcrit = (σum ‐ σm )/(σuf ‐ σm )

Thus, if:
– Vf < Vmin, then failure of matrix will coincide with failure of composite, while
fibers will fail prior to failure of matrix.
– Vf = Vmin, then failure of matrix, fiber and composite will happen at the same
– Vf > Vmin, then failure of fiber, will immediately lead to failure of matrix as well
as of the composite.
– Vf > Vcrit, then failure of fiber will immediately lead to failure of matrix and also
the composite. In such a case the strength of unidirectional composite
will exceed that of matrix.
Load carrying capacity of fibers and matrix:

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