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Ruminant Nutrition

Dichoson, Allysa L.
Larcena, Dareen Jel
Joven, Julius Ivan
Alcala, John David
Barra, Elmo II
“Birds of the same feather
makes a good feather duster”
-Lumaad, Allyza Dichoson
• Macrominerals required by beef cattle include
calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium,
sodium, chlorine, and sulfur.
• Required microminerals include chromium, cobalt,
copper, iodine, iron, manganese, molybdenum,
nickel, selenium, and zinc.
Nutrient requirements of specific mineral elements vary, depending
• animal age,
• weight,
• stage of production,
• lactation status, breed, stress, and
• mineral bioavailability (the degree to which a mineral becomes
available to the target tissue after administration) from the diet.
• Calcium (Ca)

-most abundant mineral in the body.

-involved in many vital body functions: bone formation and
maintenance, development and maintenance of teeth, blood
clotting, membrane permeability
-muscle contraction, nerve impulse transmission, heart
regulation, milk secretion, hormone secretion, and enzyme
activation and function.
Calcium deficiency
• Milk fever (parturient paresis), a condition usually
associated with dairy cattle shortly after calving.
Characterized by:
-Lowering of serum Ca level
-Muscular spasms
-Extreme cases: Paralysis and Unconsciousness

 Hypocalcemia in ewes bearing twins often occurs before

• Forages are generally higher in calcium
concentrations than concentrate (grain-based)
feedstuffs, with legumes (such as clovers and alfalfa)
typically providing higher calcium levels than grasses.

 Calcium content in forages varies with species, plant

part, maturity, quantity of calcium available in the
soil for plant uptake, and climate.
Phosphorus (P)
• Similar to calcium, most phosphorus is in the bones and
teeth, but some phosphorus is in soft tissues as well.
• required for skeletal development and maintenance,
normal milk secretion, muscle tissue building.
• cell growth and differentiation, energy use and transfer,
efficient food use, membrane formation, function of many
enzyme systems, osmotic.
• acid-base balance maintenance, and rumen microorganism
growth and metabolism.
Phosphorus deficiency
• Not meeting animal phosphorus requirements:
- reduces growth and feed efficiency,
- decreases dry matter intake,
- lowers reproductive performance,
- depresses milk production, and
- causes weak and fragile bones.

 More common in cattle than in sheep

• Milk, cereal grains, and fish meal products containing

• urinary calculi and blockage of the flow of urine in
male sheep and cattle.
Potassium (K)
• The third most abundant mineral in the body is
• Potassium is in intracellular fluid and is involved in
acid-base balance, osmotic pressure regulation
• water balance, muscle contractions, nerve impulse
transmission, oxygen
• carbon dioxide transport in the blood, and enzyme
Potassium deficiency
• is indicated by reduced feed intake, depraved
appetite, lowered weight gains, rough hair coat, and
muscle weakness.

• Cereal grains are typically low in potassium content,
while oilseed meals are generally good sources.
Sodium (Na)
• Sodium and chlorine are components of common white salt.
• Sodium and chlorine are each in the body in extracellular fluid.
• They are important for maintaining osmotic pressure, controlling
water balance, regulating acid-base balance, contracting muscles,
transmitting nerve impulses, and carrying glucose and amino
• There is evidence that Na rather than Cl is the chief limiting factor
in salt-deficient diets of sheep and cows.
• When salt is present in the drinking water of cattle, salt toxicity
risk increases.
• DEFICIENCY: lowering osmotic pressure leading to
dehydration of the body.

• SYMPTOMS: poor growth and reduced utilization of

digested proteins and ENERGY.
• SOURCES: food of marine origin are richer, common
salt is the commonest mineral supplement.
Chlorine (Cl)
• Chlorine is needed for hydrochloric acid production
in the abomasum (true ruminant stomach) and
activation of amylase, an enzyme critical for normal
starch digestion. Chlorine also aids in respiratory gas
• lead to abnormal increase of the alkali reserve of the
blood (alkalosis) caused by excess of bicarbonate.
(Since inadequate levels of Cl in the body is
compensated by increases in bicarbonates.
• Deficiencies are likely to occur in both the cattle and

• SOURCES: common salt, pasture grass.

Sulfur (S)
• Sulfur functions in the body in detoxification reactions and
is required by ruminal microorganisms for growth and
normal cell function.

• Sulfur toxicity is characterized by restlessness, diarrhea,

muscle twitching, and labored breathing. In protracted
cases, inactivity and death may follow. High sulfur levels
are associated with polioencephalomalacia.
• Sulfur in feedstuffs is found largely as a component of
• In diets containing high levels of sorghum forages,
mature forages, forages produced in sulfur-deficient
soils, corn silage, and rumen-bypass proteins.
Magnesium (Mg)
• Approximately 65 to 70 percent of magnesium in the body is found
in bone, 15 percent in muscle, 15 percent in other soft tissues, and 1
percent in extracellular fluid.
• Magnesium is important for enzyme activation, glucose breakdown,
genetic code transmission, membrane transport, nerve impulse
transmission, and skeletal development.

 excessive magnesium intake can result in severe diarrhea, sluggish

appearance, and reduced dry matter digestibility.
• increased nervous irritability and convulsions.
• Adult ruminants: Hypomagnesemic tetany

• colostrum is high in Mg content while milk is low in
Mg. Clovers are richer than grasses.
• Chromium (Cr)
- Chromium is a trace mineral involved in glucose
clearance. Immune response and growth rate in
stressed cattle has been shown to improve with
chromium supplementation.
Cobalt (Co)
• Cobalt functions as a component of vitamin B12
(cobalamin). The microbes of ruminants are able to
synthesize vitamin B12 if cobalt is present.
• Cattle can tolerate approximately 100 times their
dietary requirement for cobalt.

 Young, growing cattle appear to be more sensitive to

cobalt deficiency than mature cattle.
• Legumes are usually higher in cobalt than grasses.
Soil pH is a major determinant of cobalt availability in
the soil.
Copper (Cu)
• Copper is an essential component of many enzymes including lysyl
oxidase, cytochrome oxidase, superoxide dismutase,
ceruloplasmin, and tyrosinase.
• Copper accumulates in the liver before toxicity occurs.
• Large releases of copper from the liver cause red blood cell
breakage; impairing oxygen transport; abnormally high hemoglobin
content in the urine; jaundice; widespread tissue death; and,
finally, death.
 Young cattle are more susceptible to copper toxicity than older
Copper deficiency
• exhibit anemia, reduced growth, loss of pigmentation
in hair, changes in hair growth and appearance, heart
failure, easily fractured bones, diarrhea,
compromised immune system function, and impaired
reproduction, particularly estrous cycle disruption.
• Forages vary greatly in copper content.
• Legumes typically contain higher copper
concentrations compared to grasses.
Iodine (I)
• Iodine is a key component of thyroid hormones
involved in energy metabolism rate regulation in the
• Calves born hairless, weak, or dead; irregular cycling,
reduced conception rate, and retained placenta in
breeding age beef females;
• depressed libido and semen quality in bulls are
classic iodine deficiency signs.
Iodine deficiency
• characterized by enlargement of the thyroid (goiter).
• Goitrogenic substances in feeds suppress thyroid function
and can affect iodine requirements. (White clover, Brassica
forages, Soybean meal and cottonseed meal.

 Merinos are considered to be more susceptible to iodine

and selenium deficiencies but less susceptible to copper
deficiency or toxicity than some British breeds.
Iron (Fe)
• critical component of hemoglobin and myoglobin,
two proteins involved in oxygen transport and use.
• Iron depletes copper in cattle and can contribute to
copper deficiency if copper supplementation levels
are not adjusted to compensate for copper losses.

 suggests iron requirements are higher for young

cattle than for mature cattle.
Iron deficiency
• causes anemia, lethargy, lowered feed intake,
reduced weight gain, pale mucous membranes, and
shriveling of the raised tissue structures on the
 Calves raised in confinement exclusively on milk diets
are more prone to iron deficiency.
• Iron sources include forages, cereal grains, oilseed
meals, water, and soil ingestion.
Manganese (Mn)
• Manganese usefulness in the body is as a constituent of
the enzymes pyruvate carboxylase, arginase, and
superoxide dismutase and as an activator for many other
enzymes, including hydrolases, kinases, transferases, and
• Manganese is important for normal skeletal
development, growth, and reproductive function.
• Cattle deficient in manganese exhibit skeletal
abnormalities, including stiffness, twisted legs, joint
enlargement, and weak bones in young cattle.
• Older cattle display depressed or irregular estrus,
low conception rate, abortion, stillbirths, and light
birth weights when manganese intake is inadequate
Molybdenum (Mo)
• The enzymes xanthine oxidase, sulfite oxidase, and
aldehyde oxidase contain molybdenum.
• This element may improve microbial activity in the rumen
under certain conditions.
• Calf growth performance is also slowed by excessive
molybdenum levels. Copper and sulfur work against
molybdenum in the body.
• Molybdenum contributes to copper deficiency, and copper
can reduce molybdenum toxicity.
Nickel (Ni)
• The function of nickel in cattle is unknown.
• Nickel plays a role in ureolytic bacteria function as an
essential component of the urease enzyme that
breaks down urea.
Selenium (Se)
• Selenium is an important part of the enzymes
glutathione peroxidase.
• Glutathione peroxidase helps prevent oxidative damage
to tissues.
• The functions of vitamin E and selenium are interrelated.
• Diets low in vitamin E may require selenium
Selenium deficiency
• can lead to white muscle disease
• Calves may experience compromised immune
response even when no other clinical signs of
selenium deficiency are present.
• Unthriftiness, weight loss, and diarrhea are other
deficiency signs.
Zinc (Zn)
• Zinc is a crucial component of many important
enzymes and is also needed to activate other
• These enzymes function in nucleic acid, protein, and
carbohydrate metabolism.
• Zinc plays an important role in immune system
development and function as well.
Signs of zinc toxicity
• include reduced weight gain, feed intake, and feed efficiency.
• Severe cases of zinc deficiency include listlessness, excessive
salivation, testicular growth reduction, swollen feet, scaly
lesions on feet, tissue lesions (most often on the legs, neck,
head, and around the nostrils), slow healing of wounds, and
hair loss.
 Zinc concentration in legumes is greater than in grasses.
 Plant proteins are typically higher in zinc levels than cereal
• Garfield
• . Nemo
• 3. Tom and Jerry
• 4. Top Cat
• 5. Snoopy
• 6. Mickey Mouse
• 7. Woody Woodpecker
• 8. Puss In Boots (Shrek)
• 9. Pink Panther
• 10. Bugs Bunny
Joven, Julius Ivan

• The bacteria in the rumen obtain the

energy needed to reproduction by the
degradation of feed carbohydrates.

• Organic acids (mainly acetic, propionic,

butyric, valerian and lactic acid) are
produced, while energy released by the
bacteria is recovered in the form of ATP.
• The volatile acids produced in the rumen have a
significant role in the intermediary metabolism of the
• Acetic Acid
50-60% of VFAs produced is acetic acid. It predominates on a high
roughage diet and is a precursor for mammalian milk fat. Some is also
used for muscle metabolism and body fat.

• Propionic Acid
12-18% of VFAs produced is propionic acid. It predominates on a high
concentrate diet and provides energy via the conversion of blood
glucose in the liver. It is used in lactose (milk sugar) synthesis.

• Butyric Acid
18-20% of VFAs produced is butyric acid. It provides energy to the
rumen wall and is used in milk fat synthesis and for body fat, when
excess energy is present in the diet. It doesn't vary in proportion to
other volatile fatty acids, therefore has little influence in milk fat
• When the feed contains a lot of fibre, the cellulose,
the main component of the fibre, will ferment slowly
and steadily, resulting of a lot of acetic acid. It is
beneficial from the view of milk fat production,
because about 65% of the milk fat is synthesized
from the acetic acid, formed in the rumen.
• When feeding feeds rich in water soluble
carbohydrates (molasses, beet), a rapid fermentation
takes place in the rumen, and the amount of butyric
acid increases to the expense of acetic acid. Due to
the rapid fermentation, the pH may decrease under
pH 5, which will cause the destruction of protozoa.
• Feeding a lot of starchy feed, the amount of
propionic acid increases in the rumen fluid, but a lot
of starch favors the operation of lactic acid producing
bacteria, as well. If animals are gradually accustomed
to the higher quantity of concentrate, there is
enough time to the proliferation of the lactic acid
depleting bacteria.
• However, when a large portion of
concentrate is fed to the animals
without proper transition, than, in the
absence of sufficient number of lactic
acid depleting bacteria the rumen pH
drops below pH 4.5, in this environment
only the acid tolerant lactobacillues and
streptococcus bacteria can multiply and
ferment. The formation of large amount
of lactic acid results in the development
of lactic acidosis.
• Acidosis is a metabolic disorder of the rumen (one of the four
chambers of a ruminant's stomach [ruminants include animals like
cattle and sheep]) where pH levels decrease very rapidly as a result
of a sudden switch in diets from roughage (like hay and grass) to
high-concentrates (like grain). Acidity below a pH of 5 to 6 supports
lactic-acid producing bacteria, and consequently, as lactic acid builds
up in the rumen, it can cause even more acid to be produced.
• If the ration contains sufficient amount of roughages, and
there is a proper roughage:
• acetic acid:propionic acid ratio in the rumen fluid is of
3:1, which is ideal for milk production, because there is
enough acetic acid for milk fat production. The narrowing
acetic acid: propionic acid ratio is favourable to the
protein synthesis (meat production), but it reduces the
fat content in the milk of dairy cows.
• The increase in the volume of propionic acid is
advantageous in terms of the lactose production, because
it is an important precursor of the glucose synthesis in
the gluconeogenesis process.
• Simple lipids and complex glycerides get to the
rumen by the feed, as the roughages contain
complex lipids (galactolipids, phospholipids), while
the grains involve simple lipids. The dry matter of the
fresh immature feeds has 10% fat due to the fat-rich
chloroplasts, which are found in the leaves of fresh
feeds and perform the photosynthesis.
• As a result of microbial activity, there is an intensive N-
metabolism in the pre-stomach system of ruminants. Proteolytic
and protein synthesis processes occurring simultaneously in the
pre-stomachs. The animals protein supply depends on the
balance of these processes. On average 70% of the feed protein
is degraded in the rumen and the resulting amino acids and
ammonia is transformed more or less efficiently to microbial
protein, depending on the rumen conditions, especially the
energy supply of microbes. The microbial protein is an
important protein source for the host animal.
• Approximately 25-30% of the rumen micro-
organisms have proteolytic activity that is capable
of protein degradation.
• The bacteria bind the peptides to the cell surface
and split them off to amino acids. Than the
released amino acids and the rest of peptides get
into the bacterial cell, where the enzymatic break
down of peptides is continued. The protozoa have
just intracellular enzymes. The pH optimum of
protein degradation is of pH 6 and 7, i.e. a range
that is generally characteristic of the rumen.
• The degradability depends on the structure
and the amino acid composition of the
protein. The degradability of fibrillar type
protein is lower than that of the globular types
• LARCENA, Dareen jel
• Feed value is a measure of its main nutritional components. For
ruminants, the worth of any fodder depends mainly on the
concentration of energy and protein in the feed.
• Other nutritional components of a feed can greatly influence cattle
• Production can be significantly restricted by a number of
deficiencies, such as calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, copper,
cobalt, vitamins A or D.
• It is important to have some idea of the dry matter (DM) content of
feed because cattle consume a fairly predictable quantity of dry
matter per day, if feed is readily available.
• Cattle generally eat a quantity of dry matter each day equivalent to
two or three per cent of their bodyweight.
• On a fresh weight basis, a ruminant would eat a lot more silage
(20% to 30% DM) than hay (80% to 90% DM) per day, even though
both feeds may have similar energy and protein values on a DM

The diet of a ruminant must have an energy value above a particular
level. Some feeds are simply too low in energy (low energy
concentrations) and ruminants are incapable of eating enough of them
to meet the energy demand ie: grain vs. cellulose.
• Productive animals need essentially two types of energy.
• Energy of maintenance is that needed to maintain respiration,
circulation, digestion, etc. Therefore, in calculating total energy needs,
the net energy for maintenance, or NEm, must be considered.
• The energy required for growth and reproduction is called the net
energy for production, or NEg. It is the amount of energy intake
deposited as muscle and/or fat in animals gaining weight.
 Except for pre ruminant calves, beef cattle can meet their
maintenance energy requirements from roughages of reasonably
good quality (green, leafy, fine-stemmed, free of mold and weeds).
 A shortage of energy may exist on overstocked pastures, with
inadequate feed allowance or poor-quality forages, or during a
 For production, additional energy from concentrates or co-product
feeds may be necessary, especially when forages of fair to poor
quality are consumed.
• Protein requirements currently are evaluated as metabolizable
protein, which is interchangeable with absorbed protein.
 Metabolizable protein defines the protein more nearly as that
which is available to the animal for maintenance and production. It
is defined as the combination of the true protein absorbed by the
intestine, supplied by microbial synthesized protein plus
undegraded intake protein (UIP). The latter often has been called
“bypass” protein.
• Energy deficiency due to low feed intake or intake of poor
quality feed is the most common deficiency that limits;
 growth and development in heifers and bulls,
 milk production
 and reproduction,

 Protein deficiency of long duration eventually depresses

appetite, with eventual weight loss and un thriftiness, even
when ample energy is available.
• Feedstuffs vary greatly in protein digestibility.
 For example, the protein of common grains and most
protein supplements is ~75%–85% digestible, that of
alfalfa hay ~70%, and that of grass hays usually 35%–50%.
 The protein of low-quality feeds, such as weathered grass
hay, range grass, or cottonseed hulls, is digested poorly.
Thus, even though total protein intake may appear to be
adequate, metabolizable protein might be deficient.
• A lack of protein in the diet adversely affects the microbial protein
production in the rumen, which in turn reduces the utilization of low-
protein feeds. Thus, much of the potential nutritive value of roughages
(especially energy) may be lost if protein levels are inadequate.
• Urea and other sources of nonprotein nitrogen (NPN) are used commonly
in commercial protein supplements to supply one-third or more of the
total nitrogen requirement. Such products are broken down readily by the
ruminal microbial protein to ammonia and then synthesized to high-
quality microbial protein.
• The use of NPN needs available sources of ample phosphorus, trace
minerals, sulfur, and soluble carbohydrates for the microbial synthesis of
utilizable protein
• Toxicity is not a serious problem when urea is fed at
recommended levels and mixed thoroughly with the other
ingredients of the ration. However, rapid ingestion of urea at
levels >20 g/100 lb. (45 kg) body wt. may lead to toxicity.
• Several urea-molasses liquid supplements, containing as much
as 10% urea, currently are self-fed to beef cattle. Caution
should be exercised when cattle are started on such
In ruminants, nitrogen from urea is released in the rumen as
ammonia and can be used by rumen microflora to synthesize
protein. This protein then becomes available to the animal
through the normal processes of digestion and absorption.
However, if more urea is consumed than the rumen organisms
can metabolize, the ammonia is absorbed from the rumen into
the blood. The ammonia is then converted back to urea in the
liver, and is then excreted by the kidneys. This pathway can
easily be overwhelmed, when excess ammonia and urea
circulate in the blood, causing poisoning
Alcala John David
Why feed fat to ruminants?

Fat gives 2.25x more energy than carbs
However, nutrients are only useful to an animal
if they can be digested and absorbed,
otherwise they pass through the digestive tract
and are lost in the feces.
Fats in feedstuffs are present as triglycerides.
Fats in forages are present as glycolipids.
Alfalfa Grass silage Sugarcane Wheat

Corn silage Sorghum silage Oilseed Fish oil

When to feed fat? – increased energy density

Can be fed anytime, however it is particularly significant and

valuable when the demand of energy is high.
• Fertility
• Heat stress
• Lactating/Dairy type
• Fat soluble Vitamins: A, D, E and K
• Water soluble Vitamins: Thiamine, niacin, riboflavin, pyridoxine,
pantothenic acid, biotin, folic acid, vitamin B 12, vitamin C,

Water soluble vitamins and vitamin K are synthesized in the rumen

or in body tissues.
Dietary requirements: Vitamins A, D, and E.
B vitamins usually not supplemented in ruminant diets.
When to supplement vitamins?
Inadequate Dietary Vitamin Intakes
• Low concentrations in feeds
Harvesting and agronomic effects
• Processing and storage effects
Humidity, heat, light, pH, minerals, pelleting
• Reduced feed intake
• Bioavailability
B-vitamins affected more than fat soluble
• Level of production
Increased grain intake, increased feed intake, increased rate of passage,
reduced rumen function
• Rearing in confinement out of sunlight
• Stress and disease
Fats Vitamins
Species Dairy type Meat type Dairy type
Vitamin A, Increased Vitamins D & E Increased Vitamin E
Supplementation for better meat quality Supplementation for
Goat Beneficial Beneficial better milk quality

not more Choline, Increased Vitamins D & E Increased Vitamin E

Cattle/Carabao Beneficial than Supplementation for better meat quality Supplementation for
1.5kg/day better milk quality
Increased Vitamin E
Vitamin A, Increased Vitamins D & E
Supplementation for
Sheep Beneficial Beneficial Supplementation for better meat quality
better milk quality

Sources: process-Digestion in ruminants-07
Barra, Elmo II
Forage crops
for Ruminants
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Updates on the
Cattle industry
• The Girolando is a breed of dairy cattle
created in Brazil by crossing Gyr Cattle, a Bos
indicus breed which is resistant to hot
temperatures and tropical diseases,
with Holstein cows, a Bos taurus breed. Coat
colors vary from black to black-and-white
Approximately 80% of the milk production in
Brazil is produced from Girolando cows. A
Girolando is 3/8 Gir and 5/8 Holstein.
• Philippine Department of Agriculture or DA has allocated P1 billion for the
importation of cattle from Brazil next year to boost dairy production, according to
Agriculture Secretary Emmanuel F. Piñol.
• Importation of Girolando cattle from Brazil is part of the DA’s plan to ramp up local
milk production to meet at least 10 percent of annual domestic requirement by
2022 and reduce the country’s reliance on imports.
• “Long-neglected dairy and livestock sectors will receive a boost when the DA starts
a five-year master plan to empower backyard hog raisers, increase the national
cattle population and raise milk production from 1 percent to 10 percent of the
national requirement starting 2018,” Piñol said earlier.
• Dairy products are currently the Philippines’s third-largest agricultural import after
wheat and soybean meal.that the DA’s allocation for its cattle importation program
is included in its approved budget of P60.6 billion for 2018.
• The DA chief said he will visit Brazil in December right after the World Trade
Organization’s 11th Ministerial Conference in Argentina.
• As much as 2,000 heads are expected to arrive in Bohol this year.
• Governor Edgar Chatto, in his message to Boholanos gathered during the opening of
Bohol’s third Dairy Box, bared the development even as Sec. Piñol has wanted to
know how Boholanos would take the plan to transform the province for the country’s
dairy requirements and cut on imported dairy dependence. .
• Chatto said the government through the DA plans to import about 5,000 heads of
Girolando dairy cattle from Brazil to attain the goal.
• He added that the government is now awaiting the completion of the quarantine of
these cattle to make sure that these imported breeds carry no diseases that can affect
the native breeds in the province.
• Bohol, which has been declared free from foot and mouth disease affecting cloven
livestock, is also particularly cautious about the entry of the disease that can be
carried by imported breeds.

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