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Ramla Hasan
Habib Abdulla
Sec 13
To track the change in pH with an acid-base
titration curves and to gain familiarity with acid-
base indicators

The purpose of this experiment is to observe the
titration of hydrochloric acid, a strong acid with
sodium hydroxide, a strong base and hydrochloric
acid, a strong acid with Ammonia, a weak base.
By observing the titration of a strong acid and
strong base and a strong acid and weak base.
During titrations there is an equivalence point
which is where equal amounts of moles of acid
and base have been added. When graphed one can
see a rapid change in the pH. Hydrochloric acid, a
strong acid was used with sodium hydroxide a
strong base. Strong acids and strong bases
completely ionize in solution resulting in water
and a salt. For a weak base there's only partial
ionization. The titration curve of a strong
base/strong acid showed a stretched out curve as
it started with a slow gradual change in pH as it
reached the equivalence point. The titration curve
of a strong acid/weak base showed a slow and
gradual change in pH as it reached the
equivalence point.
1. NaOH
mL – HCl
pHTitration: mL pH
0.0 1.35 25.0 6.57
5.0 1.28 25.5 10.97
10.0 1.47 26.0 12.02
15.0 1.56 26.5 12.4
17.5 1.71 27.0 12.6
20.0 1.79 27.5 12.77
21.0 1.91 28.0 12.96
22.0 2.06 29.0 13.08
23.0 2.19 30.0 13.18
23.5 2.31 32.0 13.25
24.0 2.53 35.0 13.34
24.5 2.97

i) V of NaOH at equivalence
point = _______ mL
ii) pH at equivalence point =
The Bronsted-Lowry acid-base hypothesis states
that an acid's potency is correlated with its
capacity to transfer protons. The battle for these
protons between bases of varying strengths is then
the basis for all acid-base reactions. For instance,
Equation [1] describes how the strong acid HCl
reacts with water:
HCl (aq) + H2O (l) → H3O+ (aq) + Cl‾ (aq)
or, in terms of the net ionic equation,
HCl (aq) → H+ (aq) + Cl‾ (aq)
Strong and totally dissociated in diluted aqueous
solution, or 100% dissociated, is this acid.
Consequently, 0.1M HCl has a 0.1M H+
concentration. [H +
Ka =[HC H O
- 2]
[C2H3O2 ]
2 3
Acetic acid, HC2H3O2, on the other hand, is a
In an aqueous
weak acid and solution, acetic aciddissociated,
is only marginally only partially
demonstrated leaving a sizeable
by Equation [3]:amount of
HC2Hacetic acid in + the solution.
3O2 (aq) ⇌ H (aq) + C2H3O2 (aq)
‾ The

dissociation reaction and [3] dissociation constant

Equation [4]for the common
demonstrates thatweak acid HB are
its acid
dissociation constant[H
(aq) ⇌ H +
(aq) + B ‾
Ka = ][B -
] [6]
[HB] [5]
Recall that pH is defined as
– log [H+ ] = pH
Solving Equation [6] for [H+ ] and substituting this
quantity into Equation [7] yields:
pH = pKa – log [8]
where pKa = – log Ka
There will be a point in the titration where the
number of moles of base added is half the number
of moles of acid initially present if we titrate the
weak acid HB with a basic. At this stage, 50% of
the acid has been titrated to generate B, while 50%
is still in the form of HB. At this moment, the ratio
[HB]/[B-] = 1, and the log [HB]/[B-] = 0. Hence, at
this point in a titration, that is, at half the
equivalence point, Equation [8] becomes
pH = pKa [9]
We can figure out the weak acid's ionization
constant by titrating it with a strong base and
charting the pH versus the volume of base added.
As described in the paragraph that follows, we may
determine the ionization constant from the resulting
titration curve. According to the titration curve
depicted in the Figure, the pH is at the location
known as the half-equivalence point, where [HB] =
[B ]. Equation [9] shows that pH is now equal to
pKa = , or Ka =

As a result of carefully observing the
neutralization reaction between a weak acid
(HB) and a strong base (NaOH), the Ka of
the weak acid was effectively measured.

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