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1.According to Who Does the
2.According to Application of
the Results
3.According to Methodology
4.According to Data
According to Who Does the Study

Academic Research- it is conducted

by an individual in fulfilling the
requirements for the conferment of
an academic title or degree.
Research Project- undertaken by an
individual or group as part of their
professional work or assignment.
According to Application of the Results

Pure or Theoretical- the purpose of

this is to formulate theories, laws, or
principles, with no intended
application of results.
Applied or Practical- it is an inquiry
to text or evaluate a theory or
knowledge arrived at, in the solution
of a problem or for useful ends.
According to Methodology
Descriptive Research- describe systematically,
factually, accurately, and objectively a
situation, problem or phenomenon. (What is?)
Correlation or Associational Research- probe
the significance of the relationship between
two or more factors or characteristics.
Explanatory Research- in this case, the
researcher is trying to identify the causes and
effects of whatever phenomenon is being
Ex Post Facto or Causal-Comparative
Research- delves on analyzing the possible
effect of a factor which cannot be
manipulated and controlled.
Experimental Research- probes into the
cause of an effect by exposing one or more
experimental groups to one or more
treatments or conditions.
 Exploratory Research- investigates
research questions that have not been
studied in depth.
Historical Research- researchers
attempt to reconstruct the past
objectively and accurately or to explain
an incident that happened in the past
with the use of data taken from the
Ethnographic Research- refer to the
investigation of a culture through an in-
depth study of the members of a
According to Data
Qualitative- presented in the form
of words, pictures, or objects.
Quantitative- presented in the form
of numbers and are usually gathered
objectively and efficiently using
instruments that yield in numerical
Research Process
Step 1: Identify the Problem.
Step 2: Evaluate the Literature.
Step 3: Create Hypotheses.
Step 4: The Research Design.
Step 5: Describe Population.
Step 6: Data Collection.
Step 7: Data Analysis.
Step 8: The Report-writing.

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