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by group 4 :  Syalwa Alya

 Dara Rasdianti
 M.Hildan
 Tia Setiawati
 Rendi Sandika
Description of the

What is a Flood?
Floods are natural disaster events that occur when an
excessive flow of water submerges land. The
European Union's flood directive defines a flood as
the temporary covering by water of land that is not
normally covered by water. In the sense of "flowing
water", this word can also mean the inflow of the
And the most importan

Banjir adalah peristiwa bencana alam yang terjadi

ketika aliran air yang berlebihan merendam daratan.
Pengarahan banjir Uni Eropa mengartikan banjir
sebagai perendaman sementara oleh air pada daratan
yang biasanya tidak terendam air. Dalam arti "air
mengalir", kata ini juga dapat berarti masuknya
pasang laut.

Flash flood River flood Rob flood Storm wave flood

River floods are a Tidal floods occur Storm surge is an
This type of flood
type of flood that due to rising increase in the
has the
occurs when water seawater than the water level in
characteristic of
experiences excess average increase coastal areas, and is
capacity in a river and high rainfall. above the usual
mud & water
astronomical waves.

01 02 03
High Rainfall Throw away trash carelessly Lowland area
Curah hujan tinggi Buang sampah sembarangan Daerah dataran rendah

04 05 06

Gundul Forest Topograpical Conditions Global warming

Hutan gundul Kondisi topografis Pemanasan global
Effects after the flood event
 Causing Economic Losses (Menimbulkan Kerugian Ekonomi)
Floods can cause damage to houses and contents of goods in the house or other public will also be difficult for people affected by floods to work during
floods. This certainly makes people lose from an economic standpoint.
Banjir dapat menyebabkan kerusakan rumah dan isi barang di dalam rumah atau
infrastruktur publik lainnya. Selain itu, masyarakat yang terkena dampak banjir juga
akan kesulitan untuk bekerja saat banjir. Hal ini tentu membuat masyarakat merugi
dari segi ekonomi.

 Difficulty in Clean Water (Kesulitan Air Bersih)

The overflow of water into settlements also reduces the availability of clean water.
Good for drinking or for other daily needs.
Meluapnya air ke pemukiman juga mengurangi ketersediaan air bersih. Baik untuk
diminum atau untuk kebutuhan sehari-hari lainnya.
 Cause Health Problems (Menyebabkan Masalah Kesehatan)
Dirty flood water and lack of clean water often cause health problems. For example,
the spread of disease outbreaks that are susceptible to children and the elderly.
Air banjir yang kotor dan kurangnya air bersih seringkali menimbulkan gangguan
kesehatan. Misalnya penyebaran wabah penyakit yang rentan terjadi pada anak-anak
dan orang tua

 Causing Casualties(Menimbulkan Korban)

Floods can also cause casualties. Either because it was dragged by the flood current or
because of the unpredictable overflow of water.Casualties can also come from flood
victims who are affected by diseases as previously mentioned.
Banjir juga bisa menimbulkan korban jiwa. Entah karena terseret arus banjir atau
karena luapan air yang tidak bisa diprediksi.Korban juga bisa datang dari korban
banjir yang terkena penyakit seperti yang telah disebutkan sebelumnya.
How to handle flooding
• Take care of the environment (Menjaga lingukungan
Rivers or ditches should not be used as garbage dumps
(Sungai atau selokan jangan di jadikan tempat pembuangan sampah)

• Avoid building houses on the banks of the river (Hindari membuat

rumah di pinggiran sungai)

Currently, more and more residents are building houses on the banks of the river.
It is better if the banks of the river are not made into residents' homes because
they cause flooding and disorderly social order.
(Saat ini semakin banyak warga yang membangun rumah di pinggir sungai, ada
baiknya pinggiran sungai jangan di jadikan rumah penduduk karena
menyebabkan banjir dan tatanan masyarakat tidak teratur.)
• Implement selective logging and reforestation programs
(Melaksanakan program tebang pilih dan reboisas)
Trees that have been cut down should be replaced.
(Pohon yang telah ditebang sebaiknya ada penggantinya.)
• Throw garbage in its place (Buanglah sampah pada tempatnya)
Proper waste management can help prevent flooding
(Pengelolahan sampah yang tepat bisa membantu mencegah banjir.)

• Diligent Cleaning Water Channels (Rajin Membersihkan Saluran Air)

This aims to prevent heavy rains, the water will not clog and be able to
prevent flooding.
(Hal ini bertujuan agar terjadi hujan deras, air tidak akan tersumbat dan
mampu mencegah terjadinya banjir.)
For Noticing

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