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Estimate errors from multiple
measurements of a physical quantity
using variance
Estimate errors from multiple
measurements of a physical quantity
using variance
Data Presentation
The difference between the
calculated value and the measured
value is defined
as a measurement error.
Data presentation can be done in
different ways.

Tabular representation of data

graphical representation of data

Tabular Representation of data

is done by placing
variables in lines
and in columns
Graph Representation of data
provide a visual
representation of data
and provide a faster
form of communication
than tables of data
Graphs may also be used as an analytical tool to
determine the value of some quantity.
The independent variable
(the variable that you are changing in the experiment)
is plotted on the horizontal
or x-axis.

The dependent variable

(the variable that you are measuring and that
changes in response to manipulation of the
independent variable) should be plotted on the
vertical or y-axis.
It’s time for an activity
It’s time for an activity
It’s time for an activity
A better way of obtaining a better estimate
of something you are trying to measure, is
to take repeated measurements and
calculate the average or mean of these
Variance refers to how much individual
data points in a set of data differ from the
average (mean) of that data.
It helps us understand the degree of diversity or how much the data values deviate from the central or typical value (the mean). It's
a way to quantify the spread or scatter of data points.
Steps in solving for variance
1. Subtract the mean from each value
in the data
2. Square each of these distances
3. Divide the sum of the squares by
the number of values in the data set.
Given that the accepted distance from
Chattanooga to Knoxville = 125 miles,
but values of 151, 152, 148, and 149
miles were determined experimentally,
estimate the error.

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