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Name: Amber Bachet

Devising Log
We worked on and improved by:
An area of our performance we worked
on today was:
After Friday’s lesson, we had all We improved it by discussing the scenes we
decided to go home and research and thought that we do, after we decided to
discuss when we came back on start blocking the scenes. We blocked a
Wednesday next week. When we came couple scenes, but not in order. We decided
back, we had fully decided on using to follow Mary’s life but still change some
Mary Bell. We began discussing ideas, things for performance purposes.
but didn’t do much physical blocking.

This is a change from our original idea because we had originally planned to brainstorm
more, but when we got there we just decided to go with Mary Bell as we believed it would
make a good performance since we could just take events from her life and turn them into

This will help us show our original

intentions by: This will help the audience understand our
Our intention with this performance was to performance and intentions better because:
show that children are just a product of their We start off first with Mary’s mother and the
environment and also that anyone can way Mary was treated to show her toxic
improve. Mary Bell shows this as she was a environment, and through the use of
young girl who grew up in an abusive
characterization and flashforwards, we show
household and was mistreated by others
around her which caused her to develop her slowly become more violent and
destructive/violent behaviours, but when she irrational.
grew up she was able to rehabilitate herself
and have a child of her own.

The effects it has had on my character and performance are:

We played multiple roles in this performance, so we had no specific role. I had to give a
monologue as a young child who loves presents.

Some health and safety we will need to consider are:


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