Characteristics of A Researchable Question

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Characteristics of a

Researchable Question
1. Specific
The independent variable ( cause) and the dependent variable(effect )
can be clearly identified
Most people would agree as to what the key words in the question mean
The use of ambiguous terms must be avoided.
Which mashed potato will be chosen by school children, no color, red, yellow, green, blue or
IV- color of mashed potato
DV- number of school children who will chose mashed potato
2. Measurable
 capable of being measured or counted , able to be
described in specific terms (as of number ,size, amount,
duration, or mass) usually expressed as a quantity.
 Results are quantifiable
In the mashed potato experiment , result can be counted
which represents the number of school children who chose
mashed potato according to color
3. Attainable
An attainable problem is one that can be
accomplished based on the resources and skill of
the person trying to complete it
 It can be investigated without an undue amount of
time, energy or money.
It can be experimented by your level of knowledge
( Grade 7)
In addition to being attainable, a realistic problem
applies to the achiever's desire and current state
 not too idealistic, but doable
 Researchers must, therefore, be sure of the availability
of funds and human resources, as well as appropriate
tools/devices needed in the conduct of the study.
5. Time-bounded
 with a specific deadline in place for the goal
 everything has a time limit; research is no exception, as
there are deadlines to meet, etc.
 In case of grade 7 research, 2 to 3 weeks time will be
allotted to you in the 4th quarter

6. Ethical
Respect towards society and others
It will not involve physical or psychological harm or damage to human beings
or to the natural or social environment of which they are a part
The conduct of the study should not pose any danger, embarrassment, hurt or
any risk to the research respondents or subjects or any one.
The respondents’ privacy must be protected. They should be informed about
the purpose of the study and be given the right to consent or refuse to
participate in the study.
7. Relevant
It contributes important knowledge about the
human condition.
 It must be of interest to the one investigating it.
It should yield answers that will contribute to
knowledge and development. In essence, the
problem should be worth the time, money and
effort to be spent on it.
To determine whether a possible research problem is relevant or
not, one should consider the following questions:
a. Will answers to the research question/s help advantage
b. Can answers to the research question/s help in improving
c. Will answers to the research problem improve human
In summary:
Worksheet – Diad or Triad Activity

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