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提高篇 综合教程 1

A taste of


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Yin and Yang 阴阳

In Chinese philosophy, yin and yang (dark-bright, negative-

positive) describes how seemingly opposite or contrary
forces may actually be complementary, interconnected, and
interdependent in the natural world, and how they may give
rise to each other as they interrelate to one another. This
duality lies at the origins of many branches of classical
Chinese science and philosophy, as well as being a primary
guideline of traditional Chinese medicine, and a central
principle of different forms of Chinese martial arts or
physical exercise.
新一代大学英语(提高篇) 综合教程 Unit
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Text understanding

Task 2 Read the sentences from the text and discuss

the questions.
1) The way we consume and acquire it, the fashion in which it
gets cooked and by whom, who is invited to the table and who
eats first, such tradition is a form of nonverbal communication
– a social code abundant with meaning. (Para. 2)
How do you understand this statement? Use your own words to
paraphrase it. Can you find an example showing how food
tradition is a form of nonverbal communication in Chinese
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2) Cuisine is a source of pleasure and pride, elevating the basic act

of eating from a purely biological necessity to an art. (Para. 3)
Do you agree with this statement? Do you think cuisine should be
an art? Can you support your answer with examples?

3) After all, taste is an acquired thing; a lobster is not much more

than a cockroach of the sea and cheese is arguably rotten milk.
(Para. 7)
Why does the author mention “lobster” and “cheese” here? Is
there a type of food that you didn’t like at first, but then
gradually accepted and liked it? If yes, what made the change?

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References :
1) The way we consume and acquire it, the fashion in which it
gets cooked and by whom, who is invited to the table and who
eats first, such tradition is a form of nonverbal communication
– a social code abundant with meaning. (Para. 2)
How do you understand this statement? Use your own words to
paraphrase it. Can you find an example showing how food
tradition is a form of nonverbal communication in Chinese
The way we eat food and get food, how food is cooked, who
cooks food, the people who eat food, the order of eating food –
all of these are a way of communication without words, and it is
a social phenomenon with a lot of meaning.
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References :
2) Cuisine is a source of pleasure and pride, elevating the
basic act of eating from a purely biological
necessity to an art. (Para. 3)
Do you agree with this statement? Do you think
cuisine should be an art? Can you support your answer
with examples?

Open-ended question

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References :
3) After all, taste is an acquired thing; a lobster is not much more
than a cockroach of the sea and cheese is arguably rotten milk.
(Para. 7)
Why does the author mention “lobster” and “cheese” here? Is there
a type of food that you didn’t like at first, but then gradually
accepted and liked it? If yes, what made the change?
The author mentions “lobster” and “cheese” to prove her point
that taste is an acquired thing: you can't gain an appreciation for
something unlikely to be enjoyed unless you have substantial
exposure to it. In the case of food, this may be due to a strong
odor or unpleasant appearance. Both “lobster” and “cheese” are
preferred by many, but to some people, they could be appalling
in terms of appearance, or disgusting in terms of odor.
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1. On cuisine and culture (Title)
cuisine: n. [U]
 a style of cooking 烹饪
 the food you can eat in a particular place, especially a
restaurant or hotel 饭菜

Italian/Chinese … cuisine 意式 / 中国烹
饪 / 美食
local cuisine 当地菜肴

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The eight great regional cuisines of China/

Eight major cuisines of China 中国八大菜系

1. Guangdong / Cantonese Cuisine 粤菜

2. Sichuan Cuisine 川菜
3. Jiangsu / huaiyang Cuisine 苏菜 / 淮阳菜
4. Zhejiang Cuisine 浙菜
5. Fujian / Min Cuisine 闽菜
6. Hunan Cuisine 湘菜
7. Anhui Cuisine 徽菜
8. Shandong Cuisine 鲁菜

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Summary of the eight cuisines:
• Sichuan and Hunan cuisines: hot spice.
• Anhui and Fujian cuisines: inclusion of wild foods from their
• Guangdong (Cantonese), Fujian, Zhejiang, Jiangsu:
great seafood, and generally sweet and light flavors.
• Shandong Cuisine: fresh and salty with a lot of seafood

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Language points
2. The way we consume and acquire it, the fashion in
which it gets cooked and by whom, who is invited to
( 冰雪奇缘 )
the table and who eats first, such tradition is a form
of nonverbal communication – a social code
abundant with meaning. (Para. 2)
abundant: a. existing or available in large quantities 大量的;
Rainfall is abundant in the region.

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01 abundant rainfall 充沛的降水

02 abundant evidence 充足的证据

03 abundant supply 充足的供给

04 abundant crops 充足的粮食

05 abundant harvest 丰收

06 abundant resource 丰富的资源

07 abundant mineral 丰富的矿物

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Language points
2. The way we consume and acquire it, the fashion in
which it gets cooked and by whom, who is invited to
the table and who eats first, such tradition is a form
of nonverbal communication – a social code
abundant with meaning. (Para. 2)

What is the central idea does the sentence convey?

Food is one of the most important means to

understand a culture.

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Language points
3. Cuisine is a source of pleasure and pride, elevating
the basic act of eating from a purely biological
necessity to an art. (Para. 3)

1) elevate: vt. (fml.) to improve the status or importance of sth.

or sb. 提高;提升(地位或重要性)

We need to work together to elevate the position of women in

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elevator n. 电梯

elevator (US and Canada) or lift escalator

(UK, Australia, Ireland, New
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Language points
3. Cuisine is a source of pleasure and pride, elevating
the basic act of eating from a purely biological
necessity to an art. (Para. 3)
2) biological: a. relating to living things 生物的
All biological organisms are composed of cells.
biological father / mother / parents 生父 / 生母 / 亲生父母
biologial clock 生物钟
biological diversity 生物多样性
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3. Cuisine is a source of pleasure and pride, elevating
the basic act of eating from a purely biological
necessity to an art. (Para. 3)

Paraphrase: From food people get pleasure and pride,

which raises the act of eating from something that the
human bodies need for survival to an art.

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Language points
4. In many places of the world it is one of the main
instruments of socialization and identification.
(Para. 3)
( 冰雪奇缘 )
identification: n. [U]
 a strong feeling that you are like sb. or sth., and share
the same qualities or feelings 情感相通;认同

He finds strong identification with the hero of the movie.

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identification: n.
 sth. that proves who you are, esp. a document with
your name and a photograph: ID 身份证明;(尤指带

Can you show me some identification?

proof / means of identification 证明身份的证件

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identify: vt. to recognize sb. or sth. and be able to say who they are
or what it is 辨认,确认(某人)
e.g. Two of the suspects have been identified by witnesses.
unidentified: a. not recognized or known 未被认出的;身份不明
e.g. unidentified flying object: UFO 不明飞行物
identity: n. [C, U] who you are and what your name is 身份
e.g. Do you have any proof of identity?
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Language points
4. In many places of the world it is one of the main
instruments of socialization and identification.
(Para. 3)

Paraphrase: In many places of the world food is one of

the most important ways to build your social network
and your identity.

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Language points
5. Every culture has designated what it considers to be
edible, which type of animal can be eaten and how it
should be prepared – Judaism and Islam being
among the most prominent instances. (Para. 4)
prominent: a. well known and important 著名的;重要

She was prominent in the fashion industry.

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Language points
5. Every culture has designated what it considers to be
edible, which type of animal can be eaten and how it
should be prepared – Judaism and Islam being
among the most prominent instances. (Para. 4)

Paraphrase: Every culture has its own choice of food to

eat and how it should be prepared to eat. The most
obvious examples include Judaism and Islam.

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Language points
6. Zhongguorende kouwei, food cooked to Chinese taste,
is a simple expression comprising a culinary tradition
with long-standing history and thousands of named
dishes. (Para. 5)
comprise: vt. (fml.) to consist of particular parts, groups, etc.
A story usually comprises three parts: beginning, body and ending.
be comprised of:
The course is comprised of ten core modules.
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注意 comprise 一次的用法。这个词可意为:

1. consist of 或 be composed of (由…形成、组成或构成):

The British Parliament comprises/ consists of/ is composed
of the House of Commons and the House of Lords.

2. compose 或 constitute (形成、组成或构成):

The House of Commons and the House of Lords comprise/
compose/ constitute the British Parliament. 下

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consist of: to be made of particular parts or things 由…组成

e.g. His breakfast consists of dry bread and a cup of tea.

be made up of: to be formed 由…组成

e.g. This book is made up of twelve separate short stories.
这本书由 12 篇独立的短篇故事组成。

be composed of: to be formed by sth. 由…组成 / 构成

e.g. Muscle is composed of two different types of protein.
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Language points
6. Zhongguorende kouwei, food cooked to Chinese taste,
is a simple expression comprising a culinary tradition
with long-standing history and thousands of named
dishes. (Para. 5)
“food cooked to Chinese taste” 在此句中充当什么成分?

“food cooked to Chinese taste” 是插入语,解释

了前面的表述“ Zhongguorende kouwei” (中

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Language points
7. The flavours are so diverse it blew me away when I
sampled the real thing on my first visit to China.
(Para. 5)
1) diverse: a. very different from each other 不同的
The newspaper aims to cover a
diverse range of issues.

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01 diverse audience 各类观众

02 diverse backgrounds 不同的背景

03 diverse topics 各种各样的观点

04 diverse population 多民族人口

05 diverse interests 不同的兴趣

06 diverse city 多元化的城市

07 diverse reasons 多方面的原因

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diversity: n. [sing., U] the fact that very different people or things

exist within a group or place 多样性
e.g. We value the rich ethnic and cultural diversity of the group.

diversify: v. [I, T] to develop into sth. different 多样化;不同

e.g. The culture has been diversified with the arrival of immigrants.
diversified: a. consisting of many different parts or people 多样化的
e.g. a highly diversified and skilled workforce
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7. The flavours are so diverse it blew me away when I
sampled the real thing on my first visit to China.
(Para. 5)
2) blow sb. away: to make sb. feel very surprised, esp. about sth.
they like or admire 使大为惊讶(尤指对喜欢或羡慕的东西)
Your wonderful new poems really blow me away.
Synonym: blow sb’s mind 使某人极度兴奋
To see him perform on stage just blew my mind.
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7. The flavours are so diverse it blew me away when I
sampled the real thing on my first visit to China.
(Para. 5)

Paraphrase: There are so many different tastes that I was

so greatly impressed when I actually tasted the food on
my first visit to China.

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Language points
8. On that trip (before I became a vegetarian, and I have
to say I never found a more varied vegetarian cuisine
than in China) I made up my mind to eat anything my
hosts would put in front of me. (Para. 6)

make up one’s mind: to be determined to do sth. 打定主

I can’t make up my mind whether to go or not.

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decide to: to make a choice about what you are going to do 决定;
e.g. He decided to stay and see what would happen.

be determined to: to decide that you really want to do sth. 下定决

e.g. I was determined to make it as a jazz musician.

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8. On that trip (before I became a vegetarian, and I have
to say I never found a more varied vegetarian cuisine
than in China) I made up my mind to eat anything my
hosts would put in front of me. (Para. 6)

Paraphrase: On that trip I was determined to eat anything

that my hosts would give me. By the way, I was not a
vegetarian at that time, and I found the vegetarian cuisine
was more varied in China than anywhere else.

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9. I tried Sichuanese snails, birds nest, fried scorpions,
sea cucumber – which I found so delicious I had three
servings, to the delight of my generous hosts – and
frog spawn in a delicate vanilla-cream filled pastry.
(Para. 7)
to sb.’s delight: 让某人高兴的是
To my great delight, she said yes.

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Similar usages

01 to sb.’s surprise 让某人惊奇的是

02 to sb.’s horror 让某人恐惧的是

03 to sb.’s disappointment/ 让某人失望的是


04 to sb.’s astonishment 让某人震惊的是

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9. I tried Sichuanese snails, birds nest, fried scorpions,
sea cucumber – which I found so delicious I had three
servings, to the delight of my generous hosts – and
frog spawn in a delicate vanilla-cream filled pastry.
(Para. 7)
What is the function of “which-clause” in this sentence?
How do your understand the sentence?
此句句子中的“ which” 引导的从句是插入语 , 用来补充对“ sea
cucumber” 的描写。
The author is listing the food that she tried in China. In particular,
she mentions that she enjoyed the sea cucumber so much that she had
three portions. And her hosts were delighted that she liked the food
so much.
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10. Illnesses are more often treated with herbal teas
and dietary changes than with pills, the idea being
that the kind and the amount of food one consumes
is directly related to one’s health. (Para. 9)

dietary: a. relating to sb.’s diet 与饮食有关的

史密斯博士对 5 万多名女性的饮食习惯进行了研究。
Dr. Smith has studied the dietary habits of more than 50,000

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10. Illnesses are more often treated with herbal teas
and dietary changes than with pills, the idea being
that the kind and the amount of food one consumes
is directly related to one’s health. (Para. 9)
句中的 the idea being that … 是独立主格结构,对前半句信息
因、条件或伴随情况等。常见的独立主格结构为“名词 + 现在
分词 / 过去分词”。如:
There being little time left for leisure, he decided to quit the
The problem solved, he left the office satisfactorily.

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10. Illnesses are more often treated with herbal teas
and dietary changes than with pills, the idea being
that the kind and the amount of food one consumes
is directly related to one’s health. (Para. 9)

Paraphrase: Chinese people often treat illnesses with

food and drink rather than pills. The reason is that what
food and how much food one eats has a lot to do with
one’s heath condition.

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11. It would be rude to hurry through a meal. (Para.
hurry though: to do sth. or go somewhere more quickly
than usual, esp. because there is not much time 匆匆完成

如果我们要去湖边的话 , 我们得快点把家务活干完。
If we go to the lake, we have to hurry through our household

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12. In the appreciation of culture, the importance of
cuisine lies in its unlimited variety that is not
essential for human survival. (Para. 12)
1) appreciation: n.
 [C, U] an understanding of the importance or
meaning of sth. 理解;明白
There is a growing appreciation of the need for environmental

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12. In the appreciation of culture, the importance of
cuisine lies in its unlimited variety that is not
essential for human survival. (Para. 12)
appreciation: n.
 [U] the feeling that you have when you are grateful
to sb. 感激,感谢

This is just a small token of our appreciation.

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12. In the appreciation of culture, the importance of
cuisine lies in its unlimited variety that is not
essential for human survival. (Para. 12)
2) essential: a. important and necessary 重要的;必不可少的
Light is absolutely essential for the healthy development of plants.
play an essential role/ part in sth.
She has always played an essential part in the smooth running of
the business.
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12. In the appreciation of culture, the importance of
cuisine lies in its unlimited variety that is not
essential for human survival. (Para. 12)

Paraphrase: To truly understand culture, food is important

because of its vast diversity that is not necessary for human
survival—it is more than that.

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13. For mere survival people everywhere could eat the
same basic types of food. (Para. 12)

mere: a. (only before noun) used to emphasize how small

or unimportant sth. or sb. is 只不过的, 仅仅的(用以强调

He’s not a mere boxer: he’s the world champion.

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13. For mere survival people everywhere could eat the
same basic types of food. (Para. 12)

Paraphrase: If people only want to survive, they can

eat the same types of food no matter where they live.

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14. The very fact that we all eat so intricately differently
from each other reflects a deeper aspect of human
existence: the way we understand ourselves in the
context of the world. (Para. 12)

Paraphrase: The difference in the food we eat is so

complicated and complex that it tells about a deeper part of
human existence: What we eat and how we eat reflect the
way we understand the world we live in.

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15. Something utterly necessary in a world that gets
smaller every day. (Para. 12)

utterly: ad. completely or totally 完全地;十足地

You’re being utterly unreasonable.

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15. Something utterly necessary in a world that gets
smaller every day. (Para. 12)

• Here, “something” refers to the concept mentioned in

the last sentence: “Whoever is aware of this holds the
key for friendship, or at least a better understanding for
one another.”
• 这个句子是个省略句,完整的句子应该是 This is
something utterly necessary…

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Explore 1 Building your language
Word bank

Vocabulary about food

Make a list of the words about food, related to food,

or to describe food.

新一代大学英语(提高篇) 综合教程 Unit

Explore 1 Building your language
Vocabulary about vegetables

broccoli cauliflower eggplant mushrooms

green beans cucumber celery

sweet potato

cabbage pumpkin lettuce spinach

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Explore 1 Building your language
Vocabulary about meat

beef 牛肉
steak 牛排
mutton 羊肉
mutton chop 羊排
lamb 羔羊肉
pork 猪肉
pork ribs 猪排
chicken 鸡肉

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Vocabulary about seafood

fish 鱼肉
lobster 龙虾
shrimp 小虾
prawn 大虾;对虾
crab 螃蟹
sea cucumber 海参
Squid 鱿鱼
Oyster 牡蛎
jellyfish 海蜇

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Vocabulary about spices and seasonings ( 调味

vinegar garlic 蒜
醋 ginger 姜
soy sauce 酱油 salad dressing 沙拉酱
sugar 糖 ketchup 番
cinnamon 肉桂 茄酱

curry 咖喱 mustard 芥

pepper 胡椒 末

粉 olives 橄

spring onion 葱 榄
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