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Flip (FlipGrid)

Madison Sides
What is Flip?

 Flip is a video-based learning tool that allows for

teachers to administer prompts for students to
answer using short videos.
 Prompts can be written or recorded.
 Teachers can create “grids” where students can go
to the prompt provided and answer said prompt.
 Once teachers create their “grid”, they can share
the link through copying it, or straight to a
classroom management system such as Google
 Teachers can also create groups, which is
essentially a class that students can join.
Flip Functions

 Class Creation
 Grids
 Students Video Answers
 Students Peer Response
 Video Editing

 Flip is a free app on IOS and Android

 Flip is also a website
 Free for teachers and students
 Can be used with a phone or computer camera
Integration in a Classroom

 Can be used in a classroom in many different facets

depending on age level.
 Flip is best used with upper elementary through
high school (grades 3-12)
 Teachers can use it for reading checks, STEM
questions, homework assignments, or even warm-
ups and personal check-ins.
YouTube Link


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