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Art Sub Lesson for Kindergarten and First Grades
by Janet Johnson
Here is a picture of lines that you might see out in the world.
What are some names you might call them?

(Answers might include straight, wavy, pointy and bumpy.)

This photo shows two kinds of What would you call these?
lines. What would you call them? (Zig zag.)
(You might call them dotted or curvy.)
These look like lines that have
Can you think of a name for
been chopped up or broken.
this kind of line?
(Answers might include loopy or curly.)
What could you call them?
(Maybe broken or choppy?)
This is a painting by a famous artist named Wassily Kandinsky. Raise your hand
to show us a straight line...a curvy line...a dotted line... a zigzag line... a broken
line. Do you see any new kinds of lines that we did not name before?
Materials needed for this lesson:

white paper – 12”x18” or 9”x12

pencils or pens
crayons or markers

Today you will be drawing a picture with the kinds of lines we talked about today. You
will need a sheet of paper and crayons. (Teacher: Instruct students to draw these lines
from one side of the paper to the other, any place they like: straight, curvy, broken, loopy,
dotted, zig zag. Then they should color in the spaces.)
Dear Sub,

Here are some possible ways to end the lesson.

1. When the students are done, have them bring you their
drawings. They may sit around you on the floor. Tell them
that you will be showing each drawing and that they should
clap for every one.

2. You may have the students walk around to look at all of the
drawings. Remind them to be kind. If they see a work they
like, they may tell someone. If they don’t like a drawing, they
should keep that thought in their head.

3. The students may take turns sharing their drawings at their

own table.
I hope you have enjoyed this
complimentary art sub lesson.

Check out my other ones at my

Teachers Pay Teachers Shop: Art Sub Lesso

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