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The Colonial Response: The

Continental Congress
The Formation and Role of the Continental Congress
Brief background on the American colonial era and the formation of the Continental Congress

 American colonial era begins in early 1600s with establishment of Jamestown, Virginia
 Thirteen British colonies established along North American coast over next century and a half
 Colonists become increasingly frustrated by British taxes and trade restrictions
 In 1765, Stamp Act Congress organized to protest Stamp Act
 In 1774, First Continental Congress meets to discuss response to Coercive Acts
 First Continental Congress adopts Declaration of Rights and Grievances, boycotts British goods, and
establishes Continental Association
 Second Continental Congress meets in 1775
 Second Continental Congress appoints George Washington commander-in-chief of Continental
Army, establishes postal service, issues paper money, and drafts Declaration of Independence
Key figures involved in the establishment of the Continental
Some of the key figures involved in the establishment of the Continental Congress include:

 Patrick Henry - A Virginia lawyer and politician who was a vocal advocate for colonial rights. Henry
gave a famous speech to the Second Virginia Convention in March 1775 in which he urged the
colonists to fight for their independence.
 Samuel Adams - A Massachusetts lawyer and politician who was a leading figure in the Boston Sons of
Liberty. Adams played a key role in organizing the First Continental Congress and drafting the
Declaration of Independence.
 Benjamin Franklin - A Pennsylvania printer, scientist, and statesman who was a delegate to the First
and Second Continental Congresses. Franklin was one of the most respected figures in the colonies and
played a key role in securing French support for the American Revolution.
 John Hancock - A wealthy Massachusetts merchant and politician who was the president of the Second
Continental Congress. Hancock was one of the first signers of the Declaration of Independence.
Major decisions and actions taken by the Continental
The Continental Congress took a number of important decisions and actions during the American
Revolution, including:

 Appointing George Washington as commander-in-chief of the Continental Army

 Establishing a postal service
 Issuing paper money
 Drafting the Declaration of Independence
 Declaring war on Great Britain
 Forming alliances with France and Spain
 Negotiating the Treaty of Paris, which ended the American Revolution
The impact of these decisions on the American Revolution

 The appointment of George Washington as commander-in-chief of the Continental Army was a

critical decision. Washington was a skilled military leader and a unifying figure for the colonists.
 The establishment of a postal service helped to improve communication and coordination between
the colonies.
 The issuance of paper money allowed the Continental Army to pay its soldiers and purchase
 The Declaration of Independence articulated the colonists' grievances against the British
government and provided a moral justification for their war for independence.
 The alliances with France and Spain provided the colonists with much-needed military and
financial support.
 The Treaty of Paris ended the American Revolution and secured the independence of the United
Continental Congress's significance in American politics

The Continental Congress was a significant body in American politics for several reasons.

 It was the first national government of the United States. The Congress acted as the provisional
government of the 13 colonies during the American Revolution, and it was responsible for leading the war
effort and negotiating treaties with foreign powers.
 It declared American independence.In 1776, the Congress approved the Declaration of Independence,
which severed the ties between the colonies and Great Britain. This was a momentous decision that paved
the way for the creation of the United States of America.
 It drafted the Articles of Confederation. The Articles of Confederation were the first constitution of the
United States. They established a weak central government, but they also laid the foundation for the stronger
government that would be created under the U.S. Constitution.
 It helped to develop American political institutions. The Continental Congress was a forum where
delegates from different colonies could come together to discuss and debate important issues. This helped to
develop the skills and experience that would be essential for the operation of the new national government.

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