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CA3 :私の休み

[Recap] CA3: The Task

Create a presentation to tell people about one of your past
[Recap] The Final Product
What is required?
 The script for the narration

With slides of photos and narration using your script
CA3 Schedule
Week Schedule
T2 Weeks 8-10 (8-26 CA3 Pre-tasks (Group paragraph writing +
May) + June hols feedback, script draft writing + reflections)
T3 Week 1 (26 – 30 Jun) CA3 Task Briefing < This week!
T3 Week 4 (17-21 Jul) Script Submission (Hard Copy)

T3 Week 5 (24-28 Jul) Scripts to be returned to students

T3 Week 7 (7-11 Aug) Submission of Final Product (Presentation)
What makes a good video?
 Relevant images/graphics
Appropriate + interesting usage
Appropriate usage
 Narration
Clearly pronounced
Rubrics (CA3 handout pg7?)

Submission Details
Presentation deadline: Term 3 Week 7 (by 2359 13 Aug)
*Note that SLS tends to undergo maintenance on weekends!! Or your
computer may be malfunctioning. Please submit as early as possible to avoid
not being able to access SLS.

*No excuses for technical problems with the Internet, computers, etc. will be
Note: Anyone who fails to submit by the deadline will get AN
IMMEDIATE ZERO for that component.
 How to submit:
• Presentation: SLS
*If you cannot upload to SLS for some reason, please upload to your Google Drive and
send the link to
Make sure your teacher has access to it. Failure to do so will result in a zero mark for
How to submit via SLS (T3W7) [Sample
How to submit via SLS (T3W7)
Final presentation should be in the form of a video file!

Three main options when recording your presentation:

1. Recording audio via phone, uploading to a computer, then embedding the audio
into a PPT presentation, before finally converting the PPT into a video file.

2. Recording your presentation (including the PPT presentation) via screen

recording using an app like Zoom, Loom or Screencastify.

3. Recording audio via PPT on the computer, then converting the PPT
into a video file.

While you have two weeks + to create your presentation, it is best that you take
some time to familiarise yourself with your option/tool of choice before you start
creating your presentation. That way, if you run into any problems, you will have
ample time to solve them or, if need be, switch to another option.
"Frequently Asked Questions PPT" in the T3W5 online package (SLS Activity No.)


*There are many tutorials inside. First, decide on the

method that you would like to use, then scroll to the
relevant slide instead of going through each tutorial!
A reminder on submission
※ Please make sure to go through teacher’s comments on your script and edit
and improve on it appropriately before doing the final recording.

※ Before submitting your presentation, it is your responsibility to check and

ensure that the video and audio are accurately synchronized before uploading
your file. Your submission cannot be edited once handed in, and you will be
penalized according to the rubrics if your audio and video are not synchronized,
ensure that the PowerPoint video runs to the end without the teacher having to
click on it.

※ Please check the instructions given to you by your teacher for any other
further instructions regarding submission.
A few common questions……
Q: Must my face be present in all of the pictures?
A: No, it does not! Think of when it would be appropriate for pictures
with your face to be shown. If you have family members/friends in
your photos and you do not wish for their faces to be shown, though,
you can censor them.

Q: Must all the pictures used be my own?

A: As much as possible, yes! If it cannot be helped, though, then
please source for images on the Internet.
A few common questions……
Q: Must my face be visible when recording the presentation?
A: No, your video camera does not have to be on when you are recording your
presentation. Do remember to ensure your slides are shown via “Share Screen”
(for Zoom), though, before you begin.

Q: What is the maximum video length/file size?

A: The video length depends on how long your narration is, but from previous
years the average is around a little more than 2 minutes. When saving your
video file, make sure it is smaller than 500MB, which is the maximum upload
size for SLS. Please contact sensei if you are having trouble with this.
A few common questions……
Q: Can I submit only an audio file?
A: As the requirements for CA3 are to submit a video file, you will
receive a ZERO if you submit only an audio recording.

Q: I have technical issues I need help with!

A: As stated on SLS, refer to the CA3 video FAQ slides first. In
addition, search on the Internet and ask your classmates before
asking your sensei. Make sure you have made an effort to solve the
problem yourself first, and a gentle reminder that your sensei is not a
technical expert either!
What else can I say about 「私の休
み」 ?
Some questions to think of when improving your script for
your narration!
 Who did you go with?
 What did you do?
 When did you go?
 Where did you go?
 What did you think? How did you feel?

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