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Dhiraj Gupta
M.Com sem-1(English Medium)
Faculty- Prof.Mehul Rathi
And Prof. Drusya thampi

• What is advertising ?
• What are the characteristics of
advertising ?
• What are the important role of
advertising in modern business ?
• Advertising can be defined as an announcement
to the public for the promotion of a product,
service or idea through a paid medium to which
the public has an easy access.

• It plays indisputable role in promoting sales,

profitability, GDP and Social welfare,
however, it is not an unmixed blessing
What are the Chacteristics of
Advertising ?
1. Any Form of Presentation
2. Non Personal presentation
3. Communication of Information
About the Product, service or Idea
4. Payment of price
5. Identified Sponsor
6. Advertising is a mass communication
7. Three parties
1. Any Form of Presentation :-

• The form of presentation is not specific. It may be in any

• It may be presented in any form in the news paper,
magazine, radio t.v., poster. hand out, pamphlet etc.
That is information about the product. service or idea
can be presented in any form.

2. Non personal presentation :-

• Advertising is non-personal in the sense it is not

addressed to specific persons or individuals but to the
public or a class of the public.
3. Communication of Information About the Product, service or Iideas :-

• Advertising is a persuasive communication.

• It persuades the consumers by providing essential information
as to why they should use the product or service or adopt
ideas presented in the advertisement

4. Payment of price :-

• Different media are used for advertising.

• For using the space or time of the medium the sponsor
has to pay the price to the medium
5.Identified Sponsor :-

• The company or the institution giving advertisement about the

product, service or ideas is known as sponsor.
• Advertisement bears the identity of the sponsor.

6. Advertising is a mass communication :-

• Public is the target of advertising, Message of advertising is

addressed to the mass and not to the particular individuals.
• Its objective is to communicate to a big mass and not to certain
7. One way communication:-

• Generally communication is a two way traffic.

• But in advertising, of course, there is communication but with one
way traffic Advertising carries the message to the public but
without expectation of immediate response to the message.

8. Three Parties :-

In advertising there are three parties as under:

(a) Sponsor
(b) Advertising Agency
(c) Medium
What are the important role of
advertising in modern business ?
In modern business advertising plays the following Roles.

• Mass Communication with consumers

• Persuasion Role
• Contributing role to economic growth
• Rale of catalystic agent for change

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