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Category No.

Inquiry Remark
If the proposed land has highway going
Yes. The project layout allowed to be presented as one layout with single entity
across and dividing the land of PJT into two
1 ownership. There shall be connection within both plots either under pass or over
patches(A,B), is the proposed land able to
be recognized as a single patch land ?
Green Belt shall be mandatorily provided along the boundary of both the plots,
however need not be essentially 33% of individual parcels of land. Green Belt of
composite 33% over the total land area proposed is mandatory. Percentage
distribution of green belt on any part of the total plot shall be justified by the type
if the proposed land is able to be recognized of units/facility proposed on the part of the total land.
as a single patch land for PJT, should the
Land parcel 2
size of mandatory green belt account for As per the standard TOR of EAC (Industry-1):
33% of total land(A+B)? Green Belt development consisting of 3 tiers of plantations of native species all
along the periphery of the project of adequate width shall be raised in 33% of total
area with a tree density shall not less than 2500 per ha within a time frame of one
year shall be submitted. Survival rate of green belt shall be monitored on periodic
basis to ensure that survival rate not be less than 80 %.
if the proposed land is not able to
recognized as a single patch land, should
3 Connectivety of different land parcels are madatory.
each land parcel satisfy the 33% greenbelt
regulation independently?
When it comes to national highway
construction, In accordance with guide line
1 of Indian Govt, Does it has to leave Yes.
Highway 500metre of land on both side of high way
construction mandatorily?
Is there any flexibility in size of land that
2 need to be placed on the both side of
highway? (perhaps less than 500metre)
Category No. Inquiry Remark

Is Project Proponent able to have the

If land is falling in 500 m and ownership of land is with Project proponent then it
ownership on the land that would be
should be part of Plant lay out. Area of 500 m inside the boundary would be
placed on the side of highway?
treated as No development zone but can be utilized for Green belt development
3 - or Does any authority responsible for
and that would be part of 33 %. None of facilities are allowed in No development
highway construction has the ownership
zone. However, we may propose for non permanent structure like, Parking, pipe
on the land that would be placed on the
line, conveyor belt subject to approval of EAC committee.
side of highway?
* on the condition that project
proponent is able to have the ownership
Highway on the land next to highway
construction In case that proposed land is not big
4 as above
enough for project execution, Is it
possible to set up the mandatory green
belt area on the land that would be
placed on the side of highway?
Is it possible to construct a bridge
connecting the upper and lower parts of Over bridge and under pass can be allowed subject to approval of NHAI.
a highway? Hazardous and High Risk activities may not be permitted. However, final
If it possible, can it accommodate high- permission will be governed by highway and with Directorate of Industrial Safety
temperature molten materials or and Health (DISH).
pipelines passing through it?
Category No. Inquiry Remark

Can we apply for environmental clearance if we Application for TOR can be filed with part possession of land. However, for the
have the land more than certain amount out of land not in possession; credible document like intent to sell land to Industry
Land owned 1 total project land? Any criteria in regard? etc. need to be submitted to the Ministry. For the land in possession- 7/12
by different extract and other ownership documents with conversion certificate to
party industrial use, as applicable need to be submitted.
within the if the part of land is owned by not project
proposed land proponent but someone else, Is it possible to
2 Land possession document shall be mandatorily required at the stage of EC
obtain the environmental clearance and begin the
construction ?
Can we apply for Environmental clearance on
Depending upon the type of litigation, EAC may grant TOR. However, land
1 certain land in case there are ongoing litigation or
ownership dispute shall not be there at the stage of EC. Also, the EC. If
any kind of claims?
Environment ranted will be subject to order related to dispute.
clearance Is there any important things to consider when
2 constructing ISM except 33% greenbelt ratio, ZLD is mandatory.

Is it possible for secondary facility such as

railway, road, building and etc to be regarded as No. Trees plantation along the boundary of plant are only considered as
a green belt? because they are not the facilities Green Belt.
Green belt for manufacturing.
regulation EAC primarily calculates green belt based on the layout land use pattern and
how would authority calcurate the ratio of green
assess the reasonability. However, when in doubt, they may also ask for
2 belt within the boundary of factory? Do they
Affidavit or site-visit. However, Drone vedio is required to understand the site
calculate based on drawing or satellite image ?
at the time of ToR meeting
Category No. Inquiry Remark
Is it possible to obtain the KVK Power Plant EC
1 EC Copy
detailed documentation or search source?
- Such as Power Transmission Route, Water
400 KV Baripada -Mendhasal lines
Supply Pipe Route etc.
Is it possible for procurement of utility as below
2 plan? What do I need to prepare in advance for
Infra EC about infra?
Power : 90MW of power is supplied from PGCIL
through 132kV and 220kV substations near the Permission for power supply
Water : Supplied from Mahanadi River Agreement for water supply with Govt.
NG : Supplied by NG Pipeline from Angul to
Relevant permission/linkage document for supply of NG
New NH


Station Railway



Mahanadi river S/S Cuttack

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