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Global Academy of Technology

Rajarajeshwari Nagar,Bengaluru-560098

Department of Electronics and Communication

Project Phase II Presentation


PRANAV D V 1GA19EC185 Asst. Professor,
Dept. of ECE, GAT
used for data Data encryption refers to transforming a data from plain text to ciphertext. The encrypted data and

decrypted data can only be accessed by encryption key and decryption key respectively. Data encryption is done to
provide data security andData encryption refers to transforming a data from plain text to ciphertext. The encrypted data
and decrypted data can only be accessed by encryption key and decryption key respectively. Data encryption is done to
provide data security and protect the data against unauthorized access and man in the middle attacks. Data encryption
• can
either soData encryption
refers refers to transforming
to transforming a data froma plain
data from
text plain text to ciphertext.
to ciphertext. The encrypted data and
The encrypted
data data can only
and decrypted databecanaccessed
only be byaccessed
encryptionbykey and decryption
encryption key decryption
key and respectively.key
Data encryption is done to
provide data security
respectively. Data and protect the
encryption data against
is done unauthorized
to provide access
data security andprotect
and man inthethedata
middle attacks. Data encryption
can be either software
unauthorized access orandhardware
man in based, the latter
the middle is considered
attacks. safer thancan
Data encryption thebe
either one. Many symmetric and
or hardware based, theasymmetric algorithms safer
latter is considered are used
data encryption
previous one.and decryption.
Many symmetric and
AES and Blowfish
asymmetric are two such
algorithms algorithms.
are used for dataBoth of them are
encryption andsymmetric
decryption.encryption techniques. Performance analysis
shows that the Blowfish algorithm is faster than most of the other algorithms. It is one of the most power and processing
AES and Blowfish
efficient areIttwo
techniques. suchin algorithms.
is used Both such
many applications of them are symmetric
as backup software, encryption
E-mail encryption tool and password
techniques. Performance analysis shows that the Blowfish algorithm
management tools.ftware or hardware based, the latter is considered safer than the previous is faster than most of symmetric and
one. Many
the other algorithms. It is one of algorithms
asymmetric the most power
are usedandforprocessing time and
data encryption efficient techniques. It
is used
AES in many are
and Blowfish applications such as backup
two such algorithms. Both ofsoftware,
them are E-mail
encryption tool and password
techniques. Performance analysis
shows tools. algorithm is faster than most of the other algorithms. It is one of the most power and processing
that the Blowfish
AES efficient
is onetechniques.
of the mostIt secure
is used algorithm
in many applications
techniques such
usedas backup software,computer
in government E-mail encryption
securitytool and password
protect the dataThough
protection. against unauthorized
AES is secure, access andstill
it can manbe in improved
the middleto attacks.
the encryption can be
either software
attacks that or
occur due based, thevulnerability
to the latter is considered
of its safer
S-Box.than the previous
Hybrid one. Many
algorithms symmetric and asymmetric
are used
algorithms are used for data encryption and decryption.
AES and Blowfish are two such algorithms. Both of them are symmetric encryption techniques. Performance analysis
shows that the Blowfish algorithm is faster than most of the other algorithms. It is one of the most power and processing
time efficient techniques. It is used in many applications such as backup software, E-mail encryption tool and password | 2
management tools.encryption and decryption.
Literature Survey
Sl. No. Title and Authors Description
1. Advanced encryption Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) or
standard (2022) Rijndael is a symmetric key cryptographic
algorithm developed by National Institute of
Rafiq Khairudin, M. Hanif Abdul Standards and Technology in the year 2001 to
Karim protect classified information which was
implemented on both hardware as well
software throughout the world. AES is a
symmetric block cipher technique. The size of
the plain and the cipher text is the same. Since
it is a private key encryption technique, only a
single key can encrypt and decrypt the data.
2. Advanced Encryption AES is very much in application today as it has
Standard (AES) enhanced strength as compared to both DES
implementation on FPGA and 3DES despite being harder to implement.
with hardware in loop,
Hussein Mohammed Ali, Yasir
Hashim, Ghadah Alaadden

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering,

11/22/2023 Acharya Institute of Technology
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Literature Survey
Sl. No.​ Title and Authors​ Description ​
3.​ Working of Hybrid This paper elaborates the design and hardware
Algorithm implemenation of a hybrid encryption algorithm
Authors: Swapnil Chaudhari, made using 128-bit, 10 round AES encryption and
Mangesh Pahade, Sahil Bhat 64-bit, 16 round Blowfish encryption techniques
using Verilog HDL and has been simulated to verify
the functionality as well as test it’s effectiveness in
the domain.

4.​ Blowfish algorithm and The plain data has been encrypted in two stages; AES
AES with examples (2021) encryption followed by Blowfish encryption
Authors: Neetha Francis, algorithm thereby making it more robust and secure.
Thomas Monoth Blowfish is a fit choice for AES to make a hybrid
algorithm as the security of AES is enhanced without
much compromise of the speed. Both of them are a
symmetric key algorithm making their hybrid
symmetric too. Thus, the final encrypted data can
only be accessed using the private key.

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering,

11/22/2023 Acharya Institute of Technology
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Problem Statement
• Data encryption is done to provide data security and protect the data against unauthorized access and
man in the middle attacks.
• Data encryption can be either software or hardware based, the latter is considered safer than the
previous one. Many symmetric and asymmetric algorithms are used for data encryption and
• Implement a hybrid algorithm using SPN and FIESTEL structure for resource constrainted devives

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering,

11/22/2023 Acharya Institute of Technology
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AES is one of the most secure algorithm techniques used in government computer security and
electronic data protection.

Though AES is secure, it can still be improved to avoid the attacks that can occur due to the vulnerability
of its S-Box.

Hybrid algorithms are used to overcome the limitations of Cryptographic algorithms. A hybrid of AES and
Blowfish Algorithms has been discussed here.

Both of the algorithms combined together provides a better throughput than individual implementation
of AES and Blowfish Algorithms.

Blowfish encryption and decryption technique, developed by Bruce Schneier in 1993 is a 64-bit block size
and variable key length ciphering method, which happens to be an alternative to the DES (Data
Encryption Standard) technique as it provides enhanced encryption rate and improved speed as
compared to DES and 3DES. Its variable key length of maximum 446 bits enables high security layers and
hence it becomes difficult to crack. Till date no deciphering or cryptanalysis method for Blowfish has
been found.
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Block Diagram

11/22/2023 | 7
• The methodology for developing a hybrid
algorithm combining Blowfish and AES involves
researching and analyzing both algorithms,
designing an integration strategy, implementing
the algorithm, and conducting thorough testing
and evaluation. The goal is to leverage the
strengths of each algorithm while optimizing
security, performance, and compatibility.

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Tools and Technology
Hardware Used Software Used

1. Central Processing Unit 1. Xillinx vivado/ISE


2. Graphics Processing
Unit (GPU)

3. Graphics Processing
Unit (GPU)

4. Sensor

5.Fpga board

11/22/2023 | 9
• System Applications: It can be used in various small pc’s and other.
• Automotive industry: In automotive industry we can implement this algorith for secure transmission of

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Resistance to Different Attacks: Combining Blowfish and AES increases the resistance to various cryptographic attacks.
Blowfish is known for its resistance against differential and linear cryptanalysis, while AES provides strong
resistance against known attacks. The hybrid algorithm can mitigate vulnerabilities present in individual algorithms
and provide a higher level of overall security.
Compatibility: Both Blowfish and AES are widely implemented and supported in various cryptographic libraries,
frameworks, and hardware. The hybrid algorithm, built upon these established algorithms, can ensure
compatibility with existing systems and infrastructure, making it easier to integrate into different applications and
Future-Proofing: By combining two strong encryption algorithms, the hybrid algorithm can offer a certain level of
future-proofing. If one of the algorithms is compromised or becomes less secure in the future, the hybrid approach
can still maintain a higher level of security due to the presence of the other algorithm.
Industry Recognition and Trust: Blowfish and AES are well-known and respected encryption algorithms in the
industry. The hybrid algorithm combining these algorithms can inherit the trust and recognition associated with
both, making it more appealing for organizations and users seeking secure encryption solutions.

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Future Scope
Stronger Security: Combining the strengths of both Blowfish and AES, the hybrid algorithm can provide stronger
security against various cryptographic attacks. As technology advances, new attack vectors may emerge, and a hybrid
approach can mitigate vulnerabilities present in individual algorithms, making it more resistant to attacks.
Performance Optimization: The hybrid algorithm can be designed to optimize performance by leveraging the efficient
aspects of Blowfish and AES. By utilizing Blowfish for certain operations and AES for others, the algorithm can
achieve a balance between speed and security, enhancing encryption and decryption performance.
Flexibility and Adaptability: The hybrid algorithm can provide flexibility in choosing the appropriate encryption
method based on specific requirements or constraints. It can be designed to dynamically switch between Blowfish and
AES based on factors such as data size, encryption mode, or security level needed, allowing for adaptability in
different scenarios.
Key Management and Distribution: Hybrid algorithms can offer improved key management and distribution
mechanisms. By combining Blowfish and AES, the algorithm can utilize different encryption techniques for key
management, enhancing the overall security of cryptographic keys and ensuring robust key distribution protocols.
Resistance to Future Attacks: As new attack methods and vulnerabilities are discovered, the hybrid algorithm can
evolve to address these threats. By regularly evaluating the security landscape and updating the hybrid algorithm
accordingly, it can maintain resistance against emerging attacks, ensuring long-term security.
Standardization and Adoption: If the hybrid algorithm demonstrates superior security and performance compared to
existing encryption algorithms, it could be considered for standardization and adoption by regulatory bodies and
industry standards organizations. This could lead to its widespread implementation in various applications and systems,
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further driving its future scope.
1. Advanced encryption standard (2022) Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation. Available at: (Accessed: November 25, 2022).

2. Blowfish algorithm with examples (2021) GeeksforGeeks. Available at: examples/ (Accessed: November 27, 2022).

3. S. U. Jonwal and P. P. Shingare, "Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) implementation on FPGA with
hardware in loop," 2017

4. Advanced encryption standard (2022) Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation. Available at: (Accessed: November 25, 2021).

5. Blowfish algorithm Available at: examples/

(Accessed: November 27, 2020).
6. S. U. Jonwal and P. P. Shingare, "Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) implementation on FPGA with
hardware in loop," 2020
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Objects being placed


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