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Unit one: Ancient civilisation

Sequence: Listen and consider

Lesson: let’s watch it
Unit three: Schools, different and alike
Sequence: Listening and speaking Muslim Mohammed high sc
ho ol in Mesdour
Lesson: As you listen
Warming up
Look at this picture and guess what does it
I think this picture expresses ………
1, a learner is taking an exam
2, a learner is preparing for an exam
3, a learner get stressed at an exam

Muslim Mohammed high school in Mesdour The teacher of English BOUGUELIMINA IBRAHIM 2014 / 2015
Unit three: Schools, different and alike
Sequence: Listening and speaking M o ha mmed high school in Mesdour
Lesson: As you listen
Before listening
Activity one
Match each words with its appropriate definition.
Words definitions
stress upset or worried
great worry caused by a difficult
daunted situation, or something that causes this
distressed To overcome with fear

Muslim Mohammed high school in Mesdour The teacher of English BOUGUELIMINA IBRAHIM 2014 / 2015
Unit three: Schools, different and alike
Sequence: Listening and speaking
M o ha mmed high school in Mesdour
Lesson: As you listen
While listening
Activity two
Watch this video and fill in the blanks in this text with words
from the list bellow: breath – stressful – listen - sleep
Preparing for, and taking exams is for many a…………….. time... You
can't think straight and are daunted by the amount you have to learn,
but things are probably not as bad as they seem. Take a deep ……..……
and ………….. to our suggestions for dealing with exam stress. Firstly,
think about what exactly is stressing you out. It might be just one
thing that you can put right. Maybe it's just vocabulary that's worrying
you, so pay more attention to revising that. It could be just lack of
…………….. that's stopping you from concentrating.

Muslim Mohammed high school in Mesdour The teacher of English BOUGUELIMINA IBRAHIM 2014 / 2015
Unit three: Schools, different and alike
Sequence: Listening and speaking
M o ha mmed high school in Mesdour
Lesson: As you listen
While listening
Activity three
Take this sentence as a modal and reorder the following words
to get meaningful sentences
Talking to someone is a great way to help you see straight.
Helping others is a best way that make you happy.
Insulting people is another way to lose their confidence.
Practicing sport is a method to get rid of stress.

Muslim Mohammed high school in Mesdour The teacher of English BOUGUELIMINA IBRAHIM 2014 / 2015
Unit three: Schools, different and alike
Sequence: Listening and speaking
M o ha mmed high school in Mesdour
Lesson: As you listen
While listening
Activity four
Reorder the following tips as they occur in the video.
Order Tips
01 Identify what’s worrying you.
02 Talk to someone
03 Don’t compare.
04 Get active.
05 Be realistic
06 Look after yourself.

Muslim Mohammed high school in Mesdour The teacher of English BOUGUELIMINA IBRAHIM 2014 / 2015
Activity two:
h a mme d high school in Mesdour
Muslim Mo
Look at this picture and guess what does it
1, The ancient summerian civilization
2, The ancient Greek civilization
3, The ancient Egyptian civilization

Muslim Mohammed high school in Mesdour The teacher of English BOUGUELIMINA IBRAHIM 2014 / 2015
Unit one: Ancient civilisation
Sequence: Listen and consider
Lesson: let’s watch it

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