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Methods Of
- Subsistence Agriculture
- Commercial Agriculture
- Intensive and Extensive
- Organic Farming
- Mixed Farming
- Vertical Farming
- Horticulture
- Diary Farming
- Dry Land Farming
- Plantation Farming
Subsistence agriculture relates to agricultural activity to produce food which is predominantly consumed by the
farming household. The food produced is the main or a significant source of food for the farming household and little
or none of the production is surplus and available for sale or trade. Peasant farming is another name for subsistence
agriculture. Subsistence agriculture occurs when farmers grow crops to meet the needs of themselves and their
families on smallholdings.
Commercial agriculture, or otherwise known as
agribusiness, can be defined as farming that focuses
on producing agricultural products for sale in the
market rather than solely for subsistence purposes.
This type of agriculture can include various activities
including livestock and dairy farms, wheat, barley,
fruit farms and many others.

commercial agriculture provides raw materials to industries, and some of the output is exported to other countries.
This means production needs to take place at a large scale so that the production can cater to the growing demand.
To produce at a ‘commercial’ level, and agribusiness is usually based on a vast area of land that can cater to the
large-scale production of crops.
Intensive farming focuses on investing a lot of resources and labor into small tracts of land in order to increase
yield. Extensive agriculture, on the other hand, employs larger tracts of land and lower quantities of labor and
resources. Intensive Farming refers to an agricultural system, wherein there is high level use of labor and capital.
Extensive farming is a farming method that involves cultivating huge farms with comparatively smaller inputs,
such as cash and labor. Small but costly. To sum up, the primary focus of intensive farming is on the quantity of the
crop produced, whereas extensive farming stresses on quality.
Organic farming, also known as ecological farming or
biological farming, is an agricultural system that uses
fertilizers of organic origin such as compost manure, green
manure, and bone meal and places emphasis on techniques
such as crop rotation and companion planting. Organic
farming methods like composting, mulching, and using bio-
fertilizers will help promote healthy crop growth, as well as
soil richness. Organic farmers do not use synthetic pesticides
and fertilizers Vermicomposting is another excellent method
of introducing important nutrients into the soil naturally. It
relies on ecological processes, biodiversity and cycles.
Organic farming has potential of niche markets for local high
valued, non-conventional, indigenous and local agricultural
products like medicinal herbs. organic agriculture appears to
be a more efficient economic system.
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Mixed farming is a type of farming which involves
both the growing of crops and the raising of
livestock. Such agriculture occurs across Asia and in
countries such as India, Malaysia, Indonesia,
Afghanistan, South Africa, China, Central Europe,
Canada, and Russia.
The cultivation of crops alongside the rearing of animals for meat or eggs or milk defines mixed
farming. For example, a mixed farm may grow cereal crops, such as wheat or rye, and also keep
cattle, sheep, pigs or poultry. Often the dung from the cattle serves to fertilize the crops. Mixed
systems are both diversified in crop and/or animal species, and integrated in terms of resource
Vertical farming is the agricultural process in which crops are grown on top of each other, rather than in traditional,
horizontal rows. Growing vertically allows for conservation in space, resulting in a higher crop yield per square foot
of land used. OR “Vertical farming is an agricultural method through which crops are grown in vertically stacked
layers. It is done in a controlled environment using techniques such as aquaponics, hydroponics and aeroponics, that
does not make use of soil.” Vertical farms can be found among others in Germany, France, UK, and the
Horticulture is the science and art of the
development, sustainable production,
marketing and use of high-value,
intensively cultivated food and
ornamental plants.

Horticultural crops are diverse,


- Annual and perennial species,

- Fruits and vegetables,
- Decorative indoor plants and
- Landscape plants.
Dairy farming is a class of agriculture for the long-term production of milk(including butter, cheese,
and ice cream), which is processed (either on the farm or at a dairy plant, either of which may be
called a dairy) for the eventual sale of a dairy product.

Worldwide, leading dairy industries in many

countries including India, the United States,
China, and New Zealand serve as important
producers, exporters, and importers of milk.

Since the late 20th

century, there has
generally been an
increase in total milk
production worldwide.
Dry land farming and dry farming encompass
specific agricultural techniques for the non-irrigated
cultivation of crops. Dry land farming is associated
with dry lands, areas characterized by a cool wet
season (which charges the soil with virtually all the
moisture that the crops will receive prior to harvest)
followed by a warm dry season. They are also
associated with arid conditions, areas prone to
drought and those having scarce water resources.
Dry land farming is agriculture dependent upon the
vagaries of weather, especially precipitation.
Plantation agriculture is the clearing of forest or land to create an area of farming for one specific crop, which
is grown on a large scale. This type of intensive, commercial farming method is typically owned by a single
company or government, and this owner employs labourers to work on the plantation.
plantation, a usually large estate in a tropical or subtropical region that is cultivated by unskilled or
semiskilled labour under central direction. Plantations are farms specializing in cash crops, usually mainly
planting a single crop, with perhaps ancillary areas for vegetables for eating and so on.

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