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Pawan Srivastava
Write a Python script to generate devisors of a Number
WAP TO Input a string and print its Reverse
WAP TO Input the full name of any
abbreviation and Print its Abbreviated form
WAP that Inputs a line of texts and
Print its each word in a separate
WAP to Input a line of texts and Print the
biggest word (length wise) from it
WAP TO Find the number of times an
element exist in the list
WAP To Move all duplicate values in a
list to the end of the list
WAP TO Rotate the elements of a list so that the
element in the first index moves to the second and
the second to the third etc.
WAP TO Input two sides of a
right angled triangle and Find
the length of the third side by
Pythagoras theorm
WAP TO Read list of elements. Modify the
list so that it does not contain and
duplicate elements
WAP TO Input two numbers and Print
their LCM and HCF
WAP TO Input a sentence from the user
and Print occurrence of each letter of
that word
WAP That Asks the user for a string ‘S’and character
‘C’and then it Prints out the location of each character
‘C’ in the string ‘S'
WAP TO Read a list of ‘N’ integers and
find their median
Python program to check whether the given number is even or not.
Python program to find the area of a triangle whose sides are given
Python program to display all integers within the range 100-200 whose sum of digits is
an even number
Python program to check leap year
Python program to find the sum of the digits of an integer using a while loop
Python program to display the given integer in a reverse manner
Python program to find the roots of a quadratic equation
Python program to find the odd numbers in an array
Python Program to Display the multiplication Table
Python Program to Find the Smallest Divisor of an Integer
Python Program to Find Whether a Number is a Power of Two
Python Program to Find the Union of Two Lists
Python Program to Remove a Key from a Dictionary
Python Program to Check if a Key Exists in a Dictionary or Not
Python Program to Find Simple Interest

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