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Chapter 5

Human Rights
Human Dignity
Learning Outcomes
 Define human rights and human dignity;
 Develop a comprehensive understanding of the
characteristics of human rights and human dignity;
 Describe human rights and dignity in the Philippine
Curiosity Chronicles: Embarking on a Quest for Wisdom
(Group Discussion)

Directions: The class will form a circle. One by one, they will
answer the questions below.
1. Do you believe in human rights?
2. What is human dignity?
3. How do human rights exist in our society?
 Human rights and human dignity are foundational principles that underpin a just
and equitable society. Human rights are inherent to all individuals by virtue of
their humanity, irrespective of their race, gender, nationality, religion, or any other
characteristic. They encompass the basic freedoms, protections, and entitlements
that every person deserves.
 At the core of human rights is the recognition and respect for the inherent worth
and dignity of every human being. It is the acknowledgment that all individuals
possess equal value and are entitled to be treated with respect, fairness, and
 Upholding human rights is essential for creating a society that promotes justice,
inclusivity, and freedom. It requires recognizing and addressing various forms of
discrimination, inequality, and injustices that may impede the realization of
human rights for certain individuals or communities.
What is Human Rights?
 Human rights are the fundamental rights and freedoms that are inherent to all
individuals by virtue of their humanity. They are universal, indivisible, and inalienable,
meaning they apply to every person without exception, cannot be taken away, and
are interconnected and interdependent.
 Human rights encompass a wide range of entitlements, including civil and political
rights, such as the right to life, liberty, and a fair trial; economic, social, and cultural
rights, such as the right to education, healthcare, and adequate standard of living;
and collective rights, such as the right to self-determination and participation in
cultural, social, and political life.
 These rights are protected by international legal frameworks, including the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in
1948. The Universal Declaration serves as a guiding document that sets out the
fundamental human rights and freedoms to which all individuals are entitled.
Principles of Human Rights
Human rights are guided by several key principles that underpin their
universality and importance. These principles include:
1. Universality and Inalienability
2. Indivisibility
3. Interdependence and Interrelatedness
4. Equality and Non-Discrimination
5. Participation and Inclusion
6. Accountability and Rule of Law
Protection of Human Rights
In the Article 3 of the 1987 Philippine Constitution, also known as the Bill of Rights, enumerates the
fundamental rights and freedoms of Filipino citizens. It serves as a crucial part of the constitution,
ensuring the protection of individual liberties and the promotion of social justice.

The Bill of Rights covers a wide range of rights, including the right to life, liberty, and property; the
right to due process of law; freedom of speech, expression, and the press; freedom of religion; the
right to privacy; and the right to equal protection under the law, among others. These rights are
essential for upholding the principles of democracy, justice, and human dignity in the Philippines.

The provisions in Article 3 reflect the historical context and aspirations of the Filipino people, who
have experienced periods of oppression and fought for independence and self-determination. The
inclusion of these rights in the constitution aims to safeguard the people's freedoms and prevent any
abuses of power by the government.
Protecting and promoting human rights is crucial at various levels to ensure the well-
being, dignity, and freedom of all individuals. The following aspects highlight the
importance of protecting human rights:
1. Governments
2. Civil Society Organizations
3. Individuals
4. Legislation and Policies
5. Advocacy and Awareness
What is Human Dignity?

Photos by: Mr. Jesse A. dela Cruz

What is Human Dignity
Human dignity is a core principle that lies at the heart of human rights. It recognizes
and upholds the inherent worth, value, and equality of every individual, regardless of
their background, identity, or circumstances. Human dignity encompasses several
key aspects:
1. Inherent Worth
2. Equality and Non-Discrimination
3. Autonomy and Agency
4. Protection from Harm
5. Fulfillment of Basic Needs
Human Rights Violations
Despite the recognition and protection of human rights, violations continue to occur in
various parts of the world. These violations take different forms and impact individuals
and communities in significant ways. Some examples of human rights abuses include:
1. Discrimination
2. Torture and Cruel Treatment
3. Slavery and Forced Labor
4. Gender-Based Violence
5. Restrictions on Freedom of Expression
Human Rights Violations
Addressing human rights violations requires a multi-faceted
approach. It involves:
1. Legal Mechanisms
2. Advocacy and Awareness
3. Empowering Civil Society
4. International Cooperation
5. Education and Training
Advancing Human Rights
Promoting and advancing human rights require concerted efforts at various levels.
Here are some strategies and approaches that can contribute to the advancement of
human rights:
1. Education and Awareness
2. Grassroots Movements and Civil Society Organizations
3. Advocacy and Lobbying
4. International Cooperation and Dialogue
5. Corporate Social Responsibility
6. Legal and Judicial Reform
7. Intersectionality and Inclusivity
8. Protecting Human Rights Defenders

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