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Rajan Thakkar 8881494

Arjun Sapkota 8828985
Harsh 8889912
Raul Oliva 8873058
Question 1: Why would the topic chosen benefit from Hadoop Map Reduce?

Uber receives daily/ hourly millions of customer data from various locations. MapReduce can be
beneficial for Uber in the this ways:
Data Processing: Having a huge volume of data, it is hard to process efficiently as well as accurately.
MapReduce is able to help Uber in term of boosting the process by breaking it down huge collection of
data into smaller chunks and processing them in parallel.
Scalability: Hadoop MapReduce can easily handle the huge data even you scale or increased the
data. In case of Uber's business it is growing rapidly and the volume of data it store and mange will
also increase. However MapReduce can handle that also it does not compromise the performance
Real-time analysis: Uber Collect the data in realtime and based on that it make the decision like the
fare amount, min price, etcl. Having MapReduce is beneficial because it can easily get the real time
data and analysize and give the response based on the data
● Input data : Uber collects massive amounts of data every second, and as input, they can get
data like trip details, trip amount etc, and the whole data is converted into small chunks of data.
● Map phase: Each node processes the input data independently in this phase. This could mean
linking a customer's travel dates to her Uber key-value pairs. Values can contain relevant
information such as timestamps, distance traveled, and fare amounts, and keys can represent
specific locations. Each node performs a mapping function on the provided data.
● Mixing and sorting stage: After mapping, the data is encrypted and sorted by key. This phase is
essential for collecting valuable data points. In the Uber example, this phase contains key-
value pairs associated with the exact location to facilitate aggregation and analysis in later
● Reduction stage: Each reducer receives a collection of intermediate key-value pairs with the
same key. The reduce function takes these key-value pairs and produces the final result.
● Output phase : The final output is written to a file at this stage. Like the analysis we get from
the reduction stage, the reduced data.
Question 3: Provide 3 examples of how data in the Output Phase can be utilized for the benefit of the

1. Report generation and analysis: Uber can get the reports and do the analysis
like Display the most popular locations for travel or trip,When, Which places are in
having the most of trip. For an example Airport road have the most of the trips
during whole day compare to another area. Based on the area they also set the trip
2. Personalization of the user experience: Uber identify the potential need of
customer because if the customer is travel frequently to same place then Uber give
them the personal suggestion based on their previous travel
3. Improving operational efficiency: For example, Uber can use the output data to
identify geographic areas of high driving demand and set strategic locations for
drivers. You can also analyze route efficiency and make adjustments to reduce
travel time and improve customer satisfaction.

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