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Chapter 1: Parts of

Writing & Grammar 10 Chapter 1 p. 1

Hour of Gold, Hour of

by Anne Morrow Lindbergh
Writing & Grammar 10 Chapter 1 pp. 2-3


• A noun names a person, place,

thing, or idea.
• Singular nouns name one
person, place, thing, or idea.
• Plural nouns name more than
Writing & Grammar 10 Chapter 1 pp. 2-3


• Common nouns name an

unspecified person, place, thing, or
• Proper nouns name specific
persons, places, things, or ideas
and are always capitalized.
Writing & Grammar 10 Chapter 1 pp. 2-3


• Count nouns can be singular or

plural in form and are often
introduced by a number word,
such as a, an, or one.
Writing & Grammar 10 Chapter 1 pp. 2-3


• Noncount nouns are always

singular in form and cannot be
introduced by a number word.
Writing & Grammar 10 Chapter 1 pp. 2-3


• A compound noun combines two

or more words that have different
meanings when used alone.
• Collective nouns are words that
refer to groups or units.
Writing & Grammar 10 Chapter 1 pp. 2-3


• Concrete nouns refer to things that

can usually be perceived with the
• Abstract nouns refer to things
known by the mind but usually not
directly perceived by the senses.
Writing & Grammar 10 Chapter 1 pp. 4-6


• A pronoun is a word that

substitutes for a noun or for a noun
and its modifiers.
Writing & Grammar 10 Chapter 1 pp. 4-6


• Pronouns require an antecedent, a

noun or other pronoun that the
pronoun replaces.
Writing & Grammar 10 Chapter 1 pp. 4-6


• The most common type of pronoun

is the personal pronoun.
• Each personal pronoun has four
Writing & Grammar 10 Chapter 1 pp. 4-6


• Person tells to whom the pronoun

refers (first person, second person,
third person).
• Number tells whether the personal
pronoun is singular or plural.
Writing & Grammar 10 Chapter 1 pp. 4-6


• Gender tells whether the personal

pronoun is masculine, feminine, or
• Only third-person singular
Writing & Grammar 10 Chapter 1 pp. 4-6


• Case is a change in form that

reflects how a personal pronoun is
used in a sentence.
• Subjective
• Objective
Writing & Grammar 10 Chapter 1 pp. 4-6


• The demonstrative pronouns this,

that, these, and those identify
specific persons, places, things, or
Writing & Grammar 10 Chapter 1 pp. 4-6


• Interrogative pronouns are used to

ask direct or indirect questions.
• Who, whom, whose, what,
which; ever is sometimes added
Writing & Grammar 10 Chapter 1 pp. 4-6


• Indefinite pronouns refer to

persons or things in a general way.
• Normally do not have
Writing & Grammar 10 Chapter 1 pp. 4-6


• Reflexive and intensive pronouns

are personal pronouns with self or
selves added.
Writing & Grammar 10 Chapter 1 pp. 4-6


• Reflexive pronouns usually

function as objects in sentences
and refer to the same person or
thing as the subject.
Writing & Grammar 10 Chapter 1 pp. 4-6


• Intensive pronouns intensify, or

emphasize, a noun or pronoun
already in the sentence.
• Appositive
Writing & Grammar 10 Chapter 1 pp. 4-6


• A relative pronoun has a noun

function in a dependent clause and
at the same time relates that
clause to the rest of the sentence.
Writing & Grammar 10 Chapter 1 pp. 4-6


• A relative pronoun has an

antecedent and is part of an
adjective clause.
• Who, whom, whose, which, and
Writing & Grammar 10 Chapter 1 pp. 4-6


• Reciprocal pronouns express a

mutual or common relationship
among persons mentioned in the
subject of the sentence.
• Each other
• One another
Writing & Grammar 10 Chapter 1 p. 7

• A noun names a person, place, thing,

or idea.
• A singular noun names one person,
place, thing, or idea.
• A plural noun names two or more
persons, places, things, or ideas.

Writing & Grammar 10 Chapter 1 p. 7

• A common noun names a general

person, place, thing, or idea.
• A proper noun names a specific
person, place, thing, or idea.
• Compound nouns are formed by
combining two or more other words.

Writing & Grammar 10 Chapter 1 p. 7

• Collective nouns name a group. When

a collective noun is singular in form, it
can be either singular or plural in

Writing & Grammar 10 Chapter 1 p. 7

• Concrete nouns refer to things that can

usually be perceived by the senses.
• Abstract nouns refer to concepts that
are perceived with the mind.

Writing & Grammar 10 Chapter 1 p. 7

• A pronoun is a word that substitutes for

a noun and its modifiers.
• The antecedent is the noun or other
pronoun that the pronoun replaces.
• Personal pronouns reflect person,
number, gender, and case.

Writing & Grammar 10 Chapter 1 p. 7

• Demonstrative pronouns point out

persons, places, things, or ideas.
• Interrogative pronouns ask questions.
• Indefinite pronouns do not refer to
specific persons or things.

Writing & Grammar 10 Chapter 1 p. 7

• Reflexive pronouns are used as

objects and refer to the same person
or thing as the subject of the sentence.
• Intensive pronouns emphasize a noun
or pronoun already used in the

Writing & Grammar 10 Chapter 1 p. 7

• Relative pronouns have a noun

function in a dependent clause and at
the same time relate that clause to the
rest of the sentence.

Writing & Grammar 10 Chapter 1 p. 7

• Reciprocal pronouns express a mutual

or common relationship among
persons mentioned in the subject of
the sentence.

Writing & Grammar 10 Practice the Skill 1.1 p. 7

1. Aerodynamics is the study of how moving

objects interact with air.
Writing & Grammar 10 Practice the Skill 1.1 p. 7

2. The word aerodynamics breaks down to

two words meaning air and powerful.
Writing & Grammar 10 Practice the Skill 1.1 p. 7

3. A person certainly hopes the air itself is

powerful enough to hold him when he is
in an airplane!
Writing & Grammar 10 Practice the Skill 1.1 p. 7

4. The effects of air are not always

apparent to someone who is inside a
Writing & Grammar 10 Practice the Skill 1.2 p. 8

1. Because he formulated the third law of

motion, Sir Isaac Newton has been very
important to the study of aerodynamics.

Writing & Grammar 10 Practice the Skill 1.2 p. 8

2. Nearly everything in a plane takes into

account the laws of motion.

Writing & Grammar 10 Practice the Skill 1.2 p. 8

3. What could have made Aristotle think

that the sun and stars travel in circles
because their nature was to do so?

Writing & Grammar 10 Practice the Skill 1.2 p. 8

4. Einstein was the scientist who postulated

the theory of relativity.

Writing & Grammar 10 Use the Skill 1.3 pp. 8-9

1. Years after Kitty Hawk, there are such

____ as ultralights, jumbo jets, turbojet
planes, and supersonic aircraft. (noun)

Writing & Grammar 10 Use the Skill 1.3 pp. 8-9

2. The Second World War greatly boosted

the aviation ____. (noun)

Writing & Grammar 10 Use the Skill 1.3 pp. 8-9

3. Demand for military aircraft, both to

transport goods and to bomb enemy
____, sharply increased during the war.
Writing & Grammar 10 Chapter 1 pp. 9-11


• Verbs express action or state of

• State-of-being verbs describe a
state or condition.
• Be and its forms are the most
common state-of-being verbs.
Writing & Grammar 10 Chapter 1 pp. 9-11


• Verb identification:
• Tense
• Person
• Number
• Voice
• Mood
Writing & Grammar 10 Chapter 1 pp. 9-11


• An intransitive verb is an action

verb that needs nothing to
complete it.
Writing & Grammar 10 Chapter 1 pp. 9-11


• A transitive verb has a word to

receive the action of the verb.
• Direct objects
• Indirect objects
Writing & Grammar 10 Chapter 1 pp. 9-11


• Linking verbs connect the subject

with a word in the predicate that
renames or describes the subject.
Writing & Grammar 10 Chapter 1 pp. 9-11


• No verb can be both transitive and

linking at the same time in the
same sentence.
• Predicate nouns or predicate
adjectives follow linking verbs.
Writing & Grammar 10 Chapter 1 pp. 9-11


• Auxiliaries, or “helping verbs,” are

words that may join the main verb
in making up the complete verb of
a sentence.
Writing & Grammar 10 Chapter 1 pp. 9-11


• Be, have, and do can be used

either as auxiliaries or alone as
main verbs.
Writing & Grammar 10 Chapter 1 pp. 9-11


• Modal auxiliaries express

something about the speaker’s
attitude, or mood, toward the
action or state he is talking about.
Writing & Grammar 10 Chapter 1 pp. 9-11


• Most verbs in English have only

three basic forms. These are
called the principal parts of the
Writing & Grammar 10 Chapter 1 pp. 9-11


• Principal parts:
• Present
• Past
• Past participle
• Uses a form of the auxiliary
Writing & Grammar 10 Chapter 1 p. 11

• Verbs express action or state of being.

• An action verb shows what the subject
of the sentence does.
• A state-of-being verb describes a state
or a condition.

Writing & Grammar 10 Chapter 1 p. 11

• An intransitive verb is an action verb

that needs nothing to complete it.
• A transitive verb has an object.

Writing & Grammar 10 Chapter 1 p. 11

• A direct object is a noun or pronoun

that receives the action of a transitive
• An indirect object is a noun or pronoun
that tells to whom or for whom the
verb’s action was done.

Writing & Grammar 10 Chapter 1 p. 11

• A linking verb connects the subject

with a word in the predicate that
renames or describes the subject.

Writing & Grammar 10 Chapter 1 p. 11

• An auxiliary joins the main verb to

express time or to give special
meaning or emphasis.
• A modal auxiliary is a verb that
expresses something about the
speaker’s attitude toward the action or
state he is talking about.

Writing & Grammar 10 Chapter 1 p. 11

• The principal parts are the three basic

forms of any English verb; they are the
present, the past, and the past

Writing & Grammar 10 Practice the Skill 1.4 p. 12

1. In 1977, the Concorde made its first

commercial takeoff from New York’s
Kennedy Airport.

Writing & Grammar 10 Practice the Skill 1.4 p. 12

2. It was the first supersonic aircraft in


Writing & Grammar 10 Practice the Skill 1.4 p. 12

3. The luxury, hundred-passenger plane

could travel at twice the speed of
ordinary airliners.

Writing & Grammar 10 Practice the Skill 1.4 p. 12

4. However, the British- and French-built

planes were unpopular at first.

Writing & Grammar 10 Use the Skill 1.5 pp. 12-13

1. Tell about your last ride in a plane….


It was exciting to fly to Canada.

Writing & Grammar 10 Use the Skill 1.5 pp. 12-13

2. Describe what a plane looks like in the

sky. (action)

The plane soars through the sky.

Writing & Grammar 10 Use the Skill 1.5 pp. 12-13

3. Write a sentence about what air travel

could be like in the future. (auxiliary)

People could fly in little aircraft that look like

cars with wings.

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