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Fintech: Introduction

Session 1

Prof. Sudarshan Kumar

Components Weight Criteria

Class Participation 20% • Participation in the class discussion (10%)

• Incentive for the good behaviour (10%)
• No Phone, No earpiece
• No sleeping
• Punctuality
Group Project 30% Write an HBS standard case on one of the selected Indian Fintech
• October 5: First draft submission (20%)
• November 15: Final Submission (10%)
Individual Assignment 20% Implement an algorithmic trading strategy and backtest on the
historical data and submit the report
Prepare a report on one of the given relevant topics related to Fintech
Submission: November 26th
End term 30%
Fintech: Introduction

Finance + Technology

Application of
Facilitation of
knowledge to
nge of risk and
improve real
world processes
 Payment system  Artificial Intelligence &
 Credit & lending Machine Learning
 Blockchain
 Investment management
 Big data
 Insurance
 Cloud Computing
 Trading & capital markets
 Open API
Fintech 1.0

Transatlantic Diners’ Club

cable Card
1858 1918 1951

Geography Technology
Developed Infrastructure and linkages, Telegraph
Fintech 2.0

1967 1971 1973 1983 1998

Geography Technology
Developed Computer & Digitization
Fintech 3.0

• Global Financial Crisis : Lack of trust

in the financial system
• New wave of regulation Paytm
Bitcoin Alipay
• Mobile penetration
2009 2004 2010
• Ability to analyze large data set: “
Data is the new oil” Geography Technology
• Blockchain and cryptography Developing Mobile
Digital Disruption

• Customer is the King

• Cost Efficiency because of the digitization
• Value proposition because of the digital innovation
• Cost reduction because of the efficiency is usually passed to the customer
because of the competition
• Consolidation of the few players
• Digital disruption destroys value for the inefficient incumbents
• First Mover Advantage??
• Economy of scale
• Barriers to entry
• Sticky customers
• Dynamic technology

Silicon Valley is good at getting rid of pain points, Banks are good at creating them.” : Jamie Dimon CEO JP
Financial Industry: Existing Pain points
Credit &
Payment Insurance Banking

Investment Trading & Capital

management markets

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