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22 November 2023

Energy Transfers and Power

1. State the equation which links potential difference,
current and resistance.
2. Why are voltmeters placed in parallel to a
3. A handheld fan contains a cell and a motor. When it
is running which energy store is decreased and which
energy store is increased?
4. Which component could we use in the handheld fan
circuit, to ensure that the fan would only spin in one
1. State the equation which links potential difference, current and
resistance. Potential difference = current x resistance
2. Why are voltmeters placed in parallel to a component?
Voltmeters measure the difference in the energy the electrons
have before they go into the component and after they have left
3. A handheld fan contains a cell and a motor. When it is turned on
which energy store will decrease and which energy store will
increase? The chemical energy store (in the cell) will decrease
and the kinetic energy store will increase.
4. Which component could we use in the handheld fan circuit, to
ensure that the fan would only spin in one direction? A diode (as
it would ensure that current could only flow in one direction).
Lesson Focus and Learning Objectives
Lesson Focus:
How do domestic appliances transfer energy and power?

Learning Objectives (To Be Able To…):

• Describe how domestic appliances transfer energy.
• Describe how the amount of energy an appliance transfers depends on its
power and how long it is on for.
• Describe how work is done when charge flows in a circuit.
• Calculate the amount of energy transferred by electrical work using:
• E=Pt
• E = Q V.
• Calculate power using
• P=VI
• P = I2 R
This lesson introduces four
(yes, four) equations that you
need to know and memorise.

You have already learned two

of them previously.

Don’t worry, we’ll go through

each one in turn and give you
lots of chances to practice A comforting image
them. of a kitten.
Electrical Appliances
Your Home Will Have Many
Electrical Appliances

Electrical appliances are designed to cause energy transfers.

Electrical Appliances
Electrical appliances are designed to cause energy
You need to be able to describe how appliances
transfer energy:
From To
Cells Kinetic energy using
(“Batteries”) motors
Mains Thermal energy using
Electricity heating devices
Let’s look at some examples…

Energy Transfers in Appliances

Remote Controlled Toy Helicopter Kettle

Energy is: Energy is:

• transferred electrically. • transferred electrically.
• From the chemical energy store • From the mains AC supply.
of the battery. • To the thermal energy store of
• To the kinetic energy of the the heating element inside the
motor. kettle.
Energy: Joules
You already know that energy
is measured in joules (J)

This unit of measurement is

named after James Joule, a
brewer from Salford who
made lots of discoveries about

We briefly looked at energy

transfers when we learned
about potential difference.
Let’s recap that…
Recap Cell: store of

Energy Transfers chemical
Energy which is
+ transferred
as electricity - - as electricity
by the by the
Electrons: carry the
causes it to
- electrical energy. - moving
emit light.
- -
• The cell (or battery) is a store of chemical energy.
• This energy is transferred as electricity as it is carried by the moving electrons
(the current) to the lamp.
• The energy transferred as electricity to the lamp increases its thermal energy
store. It gets hot and so emits light.
• Ultimately, this transfers energy to the thermal store of the room.
Energy Transferred and Work Done
We have already learned about resistance.
We know that the moving charges (the current) have to
overcome resistance.

Work is done when charge flows, because the moving charges

are doing work against the resistance of the circuit.

We already know that:

Work Done (J) = Energy Transferred (J)

Therefore, because work is done, we can also see that energy

must be being transferred by the moving charges.
Energy Transferred
Now we know that work is done and energy transferred
by moving charges, there is only one question – how do
we calculate it?

The amount of energy that is transferred can be

calculated if we know:
• Charge flow (Q) measured in coulombs (C)
• Potential difference (V) measured in volts (V)
Energy, Charge Flow and PD
Energy Transferred = Charge Flow x Potential Difference
E = Q x V
(J) (W) (V)
Energy transferred (E) is measured in joules (J)
Charge flow (Q) is measured in coulombs (C)
Potential difference (V) is measured in volts (V)

You need to memorise this equation!

Worked Examples
Worked Example 1: Calculate the energy transferred when 25 C of charge
has passed through an appliance and the potential difference is 5 V.
• Energy = Charge Flow x Potential Difference
• Energy = 25 x 5
• Energy = 125 J

Worked Example 2: Calculate the potential difference supplied to an

appliance that transfers 5 kJ of energy when 200 C of electrical charge passes
through it.
• Energy = Charge Flow x Potential Difference
• 5000 = 200 x Potential Difference
• Rearrange the equation by dividing both sides by 200
• 5000 ÷ 200 = Potential Difference
• 25 V
Two Kettles
If you went shopping to buy a new kettle, you
might see that some are advertised as “rapid
This means that they boil the water faster.

To boil the same amount of water, both the

normal kettle and the “rapid boil” kettle will
have to transfer the same amount of energy.
But the rapid boil kettle will transfer that
energy in a shorter amount of time.
Kettle Facts: the staffroom
kettle is the most
So we need a way of looking at how quickly important appliance in any
energy is transferred. This brings us to… school.
Power: Watts
Power is the rate at which
energy is transferred.

Power is measured in watts,

named after James Watt, a
famous inventor, engineer and

Although Scottish, he did the

majority of his work in
Energy, Power and Time
Energy Transferred = Power x Time
E = P x t
(J) (W) (s)
Energy transferred (E) is measured in joules (J)
Power (P) is measured in watts (W)
Time (t) is measured in seconds (s)

You need to memorise this equation!


The exam spec gives it as it is above, Power = Energy Transferred

but it may be more useful rearranged: Time
Power, Energy and Time
The rearranged version:
Power (W) = Energy Transferred (J)
Time (s)

Shows us that Power is the rate at which energy is transferred:

1 watt = 1 J transferred in 1 second,
or 1 W = 1 J/s

You might sometimes see power given in J/s which is obviously

the same thing as a watt.
Tip: Watt or watt? Joule or joule?
When using units that are based on people’s names we tend to use the capital letter
for the symbol but not the name. So joules (J) and watts (W)
Older filament lamp lightbulbs used to be sold
according to their power – e.g. 40 W, 60 W or 100 W.
• For a lamp, energy transferred as electricity to the
lamp increases its thermal energy store. It gets
hot and so emits light.

• A 100 W lightbulb would transfer 100 J of energy

as electricity every second.
• A 40 W lightbulb would transfer 40 J of energy as
electricity every second.

Therefore a 100 W lightbulb is brighter because it

transfers more energy per second than a 40 W
lightbulb will. Filament Lamp
i.e. It has more power. Lightbulb
Worked Example
The amount of energy an appliance transfers depends on the time it is on
for and its power.

Let’s compare the main motor in two electric cars:

• Car 1: Motor has a power rating of 180 kW.
• Car 2: Motor has a power rating of 200 kW
Remember 1 kW = 1000 W

How much energy is transferred by motor 1 if it is working for 10 minutes?

• Energy transferred = Power x Time
• Energy transferred = 180,000 x (60 x 10)
• Energy transferred = 180,000 x 600
• Energy transferred = 108,000,000 J
1 minute to discuss with the person next to you, before I choose people at random.

Learning Check: Quick Questions

An electric torch will transfer energy
Electrical appliances are designed to
… energy transfers. from its cell Chemical
(or battery) reducing
the ??? energy store.

An electric fan will transfer energy

... the
is done
when charge
are doing
from the mains supply to the ???
against the resistance
because…?of the circuit.
energy store of the motor.

What is the equation that links energy

Energy transferred = charge flow x What is the equation that links energy
transferred, charge flow and potential Energy transferred = power x time
potential difference transferred, power and time?
Learning Check: In-Depth Questions

1. The amount of energy an appliance will transfer will depend on its power and
what other factor?
2. Describe the energy transfers in a battery powered toy train that moves around
a track.
3. Describe the energy transfers that occur in a filament lamp (old fashioned
lightbulb) that is attached to the mains electricity supply, that allow it to emit
4. Moving charges in a circuit have to overcome resistance. What does this tell us?
5. A 12 V phone charger transfers 2400 J of energy. Calculate the charge flow
through the phone charger.
6. Calculate the power for an electrical appliance that transfers 0.4 kJ of energy in
10 seconds.
7. Calculate the energy transferred by a 1.5 kW electric radiator in 15 minutes.
8. The manufacturer of the toy trains is deciding whether to use a motor with a
power of 4 W or a motor with a power of 5 W. They know that their customers
prefer not to change the batteries in the toy trains too often. Which motor
should they use? Explain your answer with reference to energy stores.
1. The amount of energy an appliance will transfer will depend on its power and
what other factor? The amount of time it is on for.
2. Describe the energy transfers in a battery powered toy train that moves around a
• Energy is transferred electrically (1)
• from the chemical energy store of the battery / cell (1)
• to the kinetic energy (store) of the motor (1)
3. Describe the energy transfers that occur in a filament lamp (old fashioned
lightbulb) that is attached to the mains electricity supply, that allow it to emit light
• Energy is transferred electrically (1)
• From the mains AC supply (1)
• To the thermal energy store of the filament.
• The filament gets hot and so emits light (1)
4. Moving charges in a circuit have to overcome resistance. What does this tell us?
That (electrical) work is done.
5. A 12 V phone charger transfers 2400 J of energy. Calculate the charge flow through
the phone charger. 200 C
6. Calculate the power for an electrical appliance that transfers 0.4 kJ of energy
in 10 seconds. 40 W
7. Calculate the energy transferred by a 1.5 kW electric radiator in 15 minutes.
E = 1500 x (15 x 60)
E = 1500 x 900
1,350,000 J
8. The manufacturer of the toy trains is deciding whether to use a motor with a
power of 4 W or a motor with a power of 5 W. They know that their
customers prefer not to change the batteries in the toy trains too often.
Which motor should they use? Explain your answer with reference to energy
• They should use the lower power / 4 W motor (1).
• Both motors will transfer energy as electricity (1).
• From the chemical energy store of the battery / cell (1).
• The higher power / 5W motor will transfer more energy in a given time (1)
• And so the battery will run down faster (1)
More About Power
Power, P.D. and Current
As we know, electrical appliances like kettles, toasters and fans
are designed to transfer energy.

We have just learned that their power is equal to the amount of

energy they transfer every second.

We can also calculate power by using:

• Current and potential difference.
• Current and resistance.
Power, PD and Current
Power, Potential Difference and Current

Power = Potential Difference x Current

P = V x I
(W) (V) (A)

Power (P) is measured in watts (W)

Potential difference (V) is measured in volts (V)
Current (I) is measured in amperes (A)

You need to memorise this equation!

Worked Examples
Worked Example 1: A light bulb is connected to a 3V cell. A current of 4.2 A
flows through it. What is the power rating of the bulb?
• Power = Potential Difference x Current
• Power = 3 x 4.2
• Power = 12.6 W

Worked Example 2: A kettle has a power rating of 1500 W. UK mains

electricity has a potential difference of 230 V. How much current flows
through it?
• Power = Potential Difference x Current
• 1500 = 230 V x Current
• Rearrange: divide both sides by 230
• 1500 ÷ 230 = Current
• 6.5 A = Current
Power, Current and Resistance
Our final equation allows us to calculate power if we know current and
resistance, but we don’t know the potential difference.

Remember that in a previous lesson we learned that:

• Potential difference = Current x Resistance

We have also just learned that:

• Power = potential difference x current

We could therefore replace potential difference in the second equation:

• Power = (current x resistance) x current
• This is the same as: Power = current2 x resistance
Power, Current and Resistance
Power = (Current)2 x Resistance
P = I2 x R
(W) (I) (Ω)
P = I2 x R
Power (P) is measured in watts (W)
Current (I) is measured in amperes (A)
Resistance (R) is measured in ohms (Ω)

You need to memorise this equation!

Worked Examples
Worked Example 1: Calculate the power of an appliance with a current of 4 A and
resistance of 2 Ω.
• Power = (Current)2 x Resistance
• Power = 42 x 2
• Power = 16 x 2
• Power = 32 W

Worked Example 2: An electric heater has a power rating of 2,000 W. The resistance
in the circuit is 20 Ω. Calculate the current in the circuit.
• Power = (Current)2 x Resistance
• 2000 = (Current)2 x 20
• Divide both sides by 20
• 2000 ÷ 20 = (Current)2
• 100 = (Current)2
• Square root both sides
• 10 A
1 minute to discuss with the person next to you, before I choose people at random.

Learning Check: Quick Questions

The equation that links current, power The equation that links current, power
Power = Potential Difference x Current Power = (Current)2 x Resistance
and potential difference is… and resistance is…

If an appliance is attached to the

460 W What is the power8 when
W current is 2 A
mains power supply and the current is
(P = 230 x 2) and(Power
= 22 isx 2)
2 A, what will the power be?

What is the potential difference when

Rearrange the first equation to make 20 V
P.D. = Power ÷ Current a 100 W motor has 5 A of current
potential difference the subject (100 ÷ 5 A =)
flowing through it?
Learning Check: In-Depth Questions

1. A filament lamp is connected to the mains electricity supply, and
carries a current of 0.174 A. What is the power rating of the bulb?
2. The filament lamp is then removed from the mains supply and attached
to a 12 V car battery. What is the current through the lamp?
3. Calculate the power:
a) of an appliance with a current of 2 A and resistance of 5 Ω.
b) of an appliance with a current of 4 A and resistance of 5 Ω.
4. Use questions 3a and 3b to describe what happens to power if current
doubles but resistance does not change.
5. A 3.5 kW electric radiator is attached to the mains supply.
a) Calculate the current through the circuit.
b) Calculate the resistance in the circuit.
6. Describe how the equation power = current2 x resistance can be
derived from two other equations that you have learned.
1. A filament lamp is connected to the mains electricity supply, and carries a
current of 0.174 A. What is the power rating of the bulb?
• 230 V x 0.174 A = 40 W
2. The filament lamp is then removed from the mains supply and attached
to a 12 V car battery. What is the current through the lamp now?
• 40 W = 12 V x Current
• 40 ÷ 12 = 3.3 A
3. Calculate the power:
a) of an appliance with a current of 2 A and resistance of 5 Ω. 20 W
b) of an appliance with a current of 4 A and resistance of 5 Ω. 80 W
4. Use questions 3a and 3b to describe what happens to power if current
doubles but resistance does not change. Power would quadruple.
5. A 3.5 kW electric radiator is attached to the mains supply.
a) Calculate the current through the circuit. 15.2 A
b) Calculate the resistance in the circuit. 15.15 Ω
6. Describe how the equation power = current2 x resistance can be derived
from two other equations that you have learned.
• The two equations we know are:
• Potential difference = Current x Resistance
• Power = Potential Difference x Current
We could therefore replace potential difference in the second equation with
current x resistance:
• Power = (current x resistance) x current
• This is the same as: Power = current2 x resistance
Exam Style Questions
Please mark this in your book as
“exam questions”
1 The image shows a road sign that lights up as traffic
approaches. It has solar panels, a wind turbine and a
battery. When the wind blows faster the wind
turbine spins faster which charges the battery.
a) Describe the energy transfers that occur when
the wind blows and the battery is charging. [3
The turbine spins increasing its kinetic energy (1)
Energy is transferred as electricity (1)
To the battery, increasing its chemical energy store (1)
b) The battery provides energy to light up the sign.
When it is on the sign has a power of 0.4 W. The
road sign is lit up for 25 minutes in every hour
on average.
Calculate the energy transferred from the battery in
an average hour. [2 marks]
E = 0.4 x (60 x 25)
600 J
1 c) The solar panels also charge the battery. On a sunny day the potential
difference across the solar panels is 29 volts, and a charge of 420
coulombs flows through them.
Calculate the energy transferred by the solar panel.
Give the answer to 2 significant figures [3 marks]
• E = 370 x 28 (1)
• 12,180 J (1)
• 12,000 J (1, this answer alone scores three marks)
2 The image shows an electric car, which contains an electric motor powered by
a battery. To charge the battery, the car is plugged into the 230 V mains
supply. The power required to charge the battery is 4.6 kW
a) Calculate the current used to charge the battery. [4 marks]
• 4.6 kW = 4600 W
• 4600 = 230 x I
• 4600 ÷ 230 = I
• 20 A

b) When the front headlamps are on the current is 3 A. The resistance of the
headlamps is 0.4 Ω. Calculate the power of the headlamps. [3 marks]
• P = (3)2 x 0.4 (1)
• P = 9 x 0.4 (1)
• P = 3.6 (1)
Lesson Focus and Learning Objectives
Lesson Focus:
How do domestic appliances transfer energy and power?

Learning Objectives (To Be Able To…):

• Describe how domestic appliances transfer energy.
• Describe how the amount of energy an appliance transfers depends on its
power and how long it is on for.
• Describe how work is done when charge flows in a circuit.
• Calculate the amount of energy transferred by electrical work using:
• E=Pt
• E = Q V.
• Calculate power using
• P=VI
• P = I2 R
Lesson Focus: How do domestic appliances transfer energy and

• Describe how domestic appliances transfer energy.

• Describe how the amount of energy an appliance transfers depends on
its power and how long it is on for.
• Describe how work is done when charge flows in a circuit.
• Calculate the amount of energy transferred by electrical work using:
• E=Pt
• E = Q V.
• Calculate power using
• P=VI
• P = I2 R

For each of the learning objectives, rate your progress

towards completing them using Red, Amber or Green.
• If you are green in every area then what has helped
you / what have you done to make you successful?
• If you are Amber or Red what do you need to know,
do, or be helped with, in order to make you green?
Note on Copyright
Photographs and images below are public domain or otherwise copyright free.
Specific images require attribution:
• Light bulb: File:Symbol lightbulb.svg - Wikimedia Commons
• RC helicopter: File:RC-helicopter-start.jpg - Wikimedia Commons
• Electric kettle:
• Washing Machine: File:Washing Machine Beko.jpg - Wikimedia Commons
• Bedside lamp: File:Bedside Table Lamp.jpg - Wikimedia Commons
• James Watt:
• Road sign:
File:Wind and solar powered road sign, Brighton Road - - 1038129
.jpg - Wikimedia Commons
• Electric car: File:Fiat 500e SDQ 03 2020 2797.jpg - Wikimedia Commons

All other aspects of this resource, including diagrams and photographs, are © John

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