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My Presentation

LCE001 - Cátedra 1
- 19W 202320

• Teacher: Cecilia Toledo.

• Course: ENGLISH I NRC: 6021
• Student: Javiera Oliva
• Major: Elementary Education.

Hello, my name is Javiera Oliva. I

am 26 years old, and my occupation
is Tecnologa en
Alimentos,Technologist in Food .
You can reach me at .
Personal Information Questions

Imagine meeting a new neighbor. Ask them these 4 questions:

• What's your name?
• How old are you?
• What do you do for a living?
• Can I have your phone number?
Supermarket Shopping
Here's a list of at least 6 foods I want to buy at the supermarket:
• Rice: Rice is a staple in many of my meals. It is versatile and can be used in various dishes.
• Oil: I need oil for cooking and it is essential for making some of my favorite recipes.
• Dougha is a quick and easy food option. I enjoy different pasta dishes with various sauces.
• Cookies: I have a sweet tooth and cookies are my delight. They are perfect to satisfy my
• Milk: Milk is a daily source of calcium and a key ingredient in my morning coffee and cereal.
• Yogurt: Yogurt is a healthy snack option that I enjoy with fruit or as a base for smoothies

Let me briefly talk about them


Let me introduce you to my family:

• My brother, Carlos, is 20 years old, and he's a studient.

• My mother, Maritza , is 50 years old, and she's a Housewife. These are two important
members of my family.

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