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甚至【连词】 even

• 用法 usage
• 放在并列的名词、形容词、动词、介词短语或小句的最后一项之
Used before the last examples which are formed by nouns, adjective,
verbs or preposition to highlight that example.
• 例子
1 新冠肺炎能引致病患咳嗽、发烧,甚至是死亡。
2. 部分中国人崇洋,认为外国的什么都比本国的好,房子比中国
甚至【副词】 even
甚至 + 都 / 也

• 用法 usage
• 强调突出的示例。后面常用‘连……都 / 也’配合。有时可以放在主语前。
Highlight outstanding examples. ‘ 连……都 / 也’ are always followed in the
latter clause as pairs. Can be used before subjects.
• 例子:
1. 女大十八变,小姑娘长大后,别说久未见面的不认得她,就连亲戚们甚至
2. 很多时候我们都不得不去做一些自己不愿意甚至是讨厌做的事情。
• 一、把‘甚至’加载下了句之中适当的位置
• 1. 他工作特别努力,忘了吃饭。
• 2. 他的狗特别聪明,它会开门,还会叫人起床。
• 3. 这个房子里尼公司很近,坐公共汽车五分钟就到了,如果你愿
• 4. 他的汉语非常好,比某些中国人还要好。
Translate the following sentences into
• 1. I don't even know where he is.
• 2. I think she can pass HSK 4 even HSK 5.
• 3. I find some of his habits somewhat unpleasant, disgusting even.
• 3. She has always been very kind to me, even generous on occasion.
• 4. I've been to many cities in China: Beijing, Shanghai, Hangzhou, Kunming,
Guilin. I even went to Lhasa once.
• 5. He likes playing on his cell phone when he's eating, taking the metro, even
when he goes to the bathroom.

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