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Seminar on

Potentials of biofuel trees for rehabilitation of waste lands in Karnataka

Ananda N.
PAK. 4022

Sequence of presentation
Introduction Potentials of biofuel trees Jatropha curcas Pongamia pinnata Simarouba glauca Azadirachta indica Madhuca indica Rehabilitation of waste lands through biofuel trees in Karnataka Extent of waste land available in Karnataka Impact on soil health Impact on energy security Impact on rural employment Economic implications Impact on environment Success stories Conclusion Future line of work

Table 1. Estimates of hydrocarbon production and consumption in India

Hydrocarbon Total reserves
Oil reserves

Production Consumption 2003 2010

0.79 million barrels per day 30.0 billion cubic meters 172 million tonnes 2.5 million barrels per day 3.9 million barrels per day

5.6 billion barrels 8.50 billion cubic meters 84.4 billion tonnes

Gas reserves

22.6 billion 50.9 billion cubic meters cubic meters --387 million tonnes

Coal reserves

Gupta et al., (2005)

Table 2. Growth of automoible vehicles in the country (in 1000s no.) Category 1951 1961 1971 1981 1991 1996
1. Two wheelers 27 98 576 2618 14200 28342

2. Car, jeep &taxi 3. Buses

4. Goods vehicles 5.Other vehicles Total

34 82 4 306

57 168 42 665

94 343 170 1865

162 554 897 5931

331 1356 2533 21374

535 2529 4477 40989

Malingam (2001)

Table 3. Production and import of crude oil (million tonnes) Year Production Import Total Import Cost in (%) rupees (Crores) 06.80 11.7 18.5 63 107


1991 2001

33.00 32.00

20.7 57.9

53.7 89.9

39 64

6,118 30,695







Singh (2005)

Table 4 . Demand and production of crude oil (2006-2007)

Parameter Million tonnes

Demand target Domestic production of crude oil & natural gas Gap

120.4 33.97 86.43

Anon., (2005)

Table 5 . Projected demand for petroleum products

Year Demand for petroleum products(mt) 190.00 214.86 Import (%)





Venkatachalam (2005)

What is Bio-Diesel?

The use of vegetable oils (bio-diesel) for engine may seem insignificant today. But such oils may become in course of time as important as petroleum and coal, tar products of the present time
Rudolf Diesel (1912)
Bio-Diesel is methyl or ethyl esters of fatty acid made from virgin or used vegetables oils (both edible and nonedible) and animal fats through trans- esterfication process.

Why biofuels?

Biofuels are renewable supplement hydrocarbon fuels & assit in their conservation Reduce green house gases as well as mitigate their adverse effects on the climate resulting from global warming. Help in increasing employment Lead to significant improvement of economy, particularly in rural areas. Enhances energy security owing to reduce dependence on oil import Save foreign exchange. Reduce the vehicular pollution

Candidate trees for biofuel

Jatropha curcas

Madhuca indica

Pongamia pinnata Simarouba glauca

Azadirachta indica

Table 6. Estimated potentials of some tree born oil seeds

Neem Karanja Ratanjyot Simarouba Mahua

Botanical name
Azadirachta indica Pongamia pinnata Jatropha curcas Simaroba glauca Madhuca indica

Estimated potentials in 000 tonnes 500

200 500 500 500 Hegde (2003)

Table 7. Oil content of tree based oil seeds

Common name Scientific name
Honge Jatropha Bhevu Hippe Simarouba GKVK, Bangalore Pongamia pinnata Jatropha curcas Azadirachta indica Madhuca indica Simaroba glauca

Harvesting Oil content period (%)

Jan-April May-August May-July May-July Feb-April 24-27 34-38 28-35 30-35 60-65

Prasanna and Balakrishnagowda (2005)

Common name : Turaka haralu/ Bettada haralu/ Kadu howdala

Scientific name : Jatropha curcas L.

Family : Euphorbiaceae

Jatropha ---- Greek words Jathros Doctor Trophe --Nutrition

It is a shrub, grows to an height of 4-6 meter It produce seeds up to 45 years

Ecological requirement
Jatropha is a very hardy and resistant to dry weather condition It has an ability to grow on any type of soil (Gravelly, sandy and saline soils) with minimum care and agronomical management Rainfall :300mm so it can successfully fit to grow in wastelands. Propagation: Seeds or stem cuttings On rainfed wastelands. High density planting : Spacing Plants/ha 2mX2m = 2,500 2mX1m = 5,000 1.5mX1.5m = 4,444

Table 8. Expected seed yield from jatropha plantation under rainfed condition Years Expected yield (kg/ha/year) 3 500 4 5 6 7&Onwards 750 1,000 2,000 3,000 Solanki, (2005)

Oil extraction process

Seed procurement
Seed drying

Expelling of seeds

Oil 25% for pongamia and other oil seeds, 15% for neem,50% mahua

Cake 70% for pongamia and other oil seeds, 82%for neem,45% mahua Solvent extraction
11-12% of oil

Waste 5% for pongamia and other oilseeds, 3%for neem,5% mahua Deoiled cake

Transesterification of oil



Crude Soap

Jatropha curcas and its potentials


Anti inflammatory agents Silviculture

Tannins Dyes

Erosion control
As a hedge Shelter plant for other crops Rodent repellant Sap: Medicinal uses



Fuel, mulch and biogas


ACTIVATED CARBON Water purification Pollution control Molecular sieves Pharmaceutical

Crude oil


(Removal of FFA, Gums & Waxes)

Kernels (Defatted protein) Water purification Effluent procesing Pharmaceutical Food processing Textiles Petrochemical Steel industry Nuclear power stations Dye industry Desalinisation

Raw material for soap industry Transesterification

Crude Oil Biodiesel - Lubricant Illumination - Phorbolesters: Edible oil Bio pesticides Soap production (Kill vector snails Other cosmetics of Schistosomiasis) Rodenticde Medicinal uses

Seed cake or expeller

Animal feed (protein supplement) Organic fertilizer Rodent repellant

Bio diesel Fuel

Glycerin Pharmaceutical Food processing Explosives Paint industry Lubricant Defrosting Runways/ Roadways

Advantages of Jatropha
On an average seed contains 35-40 percent of oil Jatropha oil is an environmentally safe, cost effective and renewable source of non conventional energy. Promoting substitute to hydrel power diesel, kerosin, petroleum gas, coal and fire wood etc. After separation of oil by product obtained is Glycerin (Glycerol) a product to sell to refiners for several uses. As an animal feed it is not suitable Used in live fencing Used as protective hedge for garden & field. Husk and hulls can be used as compost and as a fuel Oil can be used as lubricant for low revolution engine. Well refined jatropha oil is a good basic material for cosmetics also. Jatropha oil has a very high saponification value (188-198). So extensively used for making soap . Oil cake is used as raw material for manufacture and synthetic fibres. Jatropha latex contains an alkaloid Jatrophine which is believed to be having anti-cancerous properties. The leaf juice is used as external application for the piles The roots are reported to be used as antidote for snake bite Bark is used as raw material for dye preparation

Table 9. Comparison of properties of Jatropha oil and standard specification of oil

Specific gravity
Flash point Carbon residue Cetane value

24/1100C 0.64 51.0

Standard specification of diesel oil

500C 0.15 less 50.0 Up

Distillation point
Kinetic, Viscosity Sulphur Colorific value

50.73cs 0.13 % 9,470 k cal/kg

2.75cs. UP 1.2% less 10.170 k cal/kg

Pour point


100C less**
4 less**

*Analysed by the petroleum Authority of Thailand ** Standard specification of diesel

Patil (2003)

Table 10.Use of Jatropha as plant protectant and moluscacide

Host Cotton cotton cotton cotton Potato Pulse Mungbean Insect Boll worm Cotton aphid Pink boll worm Leaf hopper Tuber moth Pulse beetle Stem pest Preparation Acetone extracts of seeds Aqueous extracts of oil , seed oil Aqueous extracts from oil, seed oil Aqueous extracts from oil seed oil seed oil seed oil seed oil


Pongamia pinnata Pongamia pinnata Family:Fabaceae Origin:Western ghats
It is a medium sized tree and naturally grown on river banks distributed and regenerated naturally along water courses, sea coast and interior dry places up to 1000meter elevation in India. Drought resistant,Nitrogen fixing tree. Tolerant to salt and to some extent tolerant to slight frost.

Propagation :seeds or stem cuttings Pit size : 45cm X 45cm X 45cm Spacing: for avenue planting:8 m between the plants for block planting : 2m X 2m = 2300 plants/ha 5m X 5m =400 plants/ha Pongamia starts bearing seeds on 5th year onwards.

Uses :
Extracts of leaf & seed of pongamia are used to control pest Oil cake is used as an organic manure (Contains 4.2% N, 0.9% P2O5, 2.0% K2O) Also used to control nematode,fungi,bacteria Oil is used as bio-diesel to run generator,for operating pump sets tractor,power tiller,bus & even in train. Oil extracted from seed is used to treat scabies,herpes and rheumatism Seeds contain 24-27 % oil Used for tanning leather,soap and as an illuminating oil. Bark of pongamia yields a black gum used to treat wounds caused by poisonous fish Leaves are good source of green manure which adds more nutrient,organic carbon and micronutrients. Pongamia leaves applied to nursery beds of tomato are know to reduce nematode infestations. Dried pongamia leaves are used in stored grains to repel insects. Wood is used as fuel and in the manufacture of furnitures

Table 11. Comparison of pongamia oil for flash point and Calorific value with others Oil Flash point Calorific value
Jatropha oil Pongamia oil Simarounba oil

500C to 800C
110C 2050C 2830C

10,170 kcal/kg
9,470 kcal/kg 8,134 kcal/kg -

Bhaskar and Sujith (2006)

Table 12. Comparative advantages and disadvantages between Pongamia and Jatropha
Pongamia Sl.No .
1 2 Tree with dense canopy* Age: more than 100 years* Small Tree 30-40 years


4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Suitable for Agriculture implements, Green manure, and as fuels*

Can be grown in all soil except dry sand Full yields: after 8-10 years Oil percentage: 25% Harvesting: January to April Harvest at one time Seed extration is difficult from pods Yields: 3,500 kg/ha (500 trees X 7 kg/trees) Price: RS. 8-10/kg*

Only as fuel
Water logging is not with standing 2-3 years 35 % May to August As and when they mature Easy to extract* 1250 kg/ha (2,500 plants X 0.5 kg/tree Rs. 5-6/kg

13 14 15 16

Calorific value:8134 K cal/kg

Flash point: 2050C* Viscosity: 22.87 mm2/sec. No harmfull chemicals* Nutrient composition N-5.1%, P-1.1%, K-1.3%

9470 K cal/kg*
1100C 1.9 to 6.00 mm2/sec* Contains cursin Nutrient Composition N-3.8% P- 1.75%, K- 1.44%

* Better trait

Bhaskar and Sujith (2006

Common name: Simaruba, Paradise tree Scientific name; Simarouba glauca Family: Simaroubaceae Origin: El Salvador It is a medium sized evergreen tree grows to an height of 7-15 m. An ability to establish well even in marginal waste lands with degraded soils. An versatile oil seed tree with a productivity potential as high as 2000 kg oil/ha/year. The productivity period is up to 60 years

Seeds are economically important as they contain 60-75% edible oil. Oil is used in the manufacture of vegetable fat. Oil is well suited for the manufacture of quality soaps, lubricants, paints,polishes, pharmaceuticals etc. It is highly valuable organic manure Pulp used for beverage manufacture/fermentation industry Leaf litter (about 20 kg/tree/yr.) makes a good manure improving the fertility status of soil The leaf and bark contain Simaroubin-a chemical useful in curing amoebiasis, diarrhoea and malaria Wood is light and useful in making light furniture, toys, packing material, pulp and matches


Simarouba glauca








Table 13. Annual returns from a 10 year old plantation of Simarouba

products Oil Oil cake Fruit pulp Leaf litter

GKVK, Bangalore

Annual returns (kg/ha/year) 1000-2000 1000-2000 6000-8000 6000-8000

Joshi and Hiremath, (2001)

Common name: Bevu Scientific name: Azadirachta indica Family: Meliaceae Tree is cultivated in drier parts. Tree grows in almost all kinds of soils but does well in black cotton soil Thrives better than most other trees on dry stony, shallow soils Charaka (600 BC), the father of medicine regarded the neem flower, fruits, leaves, bark and roots as Panchamrit It is also called as Indian lilac

Annual seed yield of a mature tree ranges between 50-100 kg depending on the soil, rainfall and variety Seeds contain 25-38% oil can be used as biofuel either directly or in proportionate blends with diesel Oil cake contains 5.22% N, 1.08%P and 1.48%K. The wood used for furniture's, carts, yoker boards and panels cabinets bottoms of drawers, packaging cases, ornamental ceilings, ship and boat buildings helms, oil miles, cigar boxes, carved images, toys, drums and agricultural implements . The exracts from seeds and leaves are used as insect repellents and to control nematodes-Great relevance in organic farming and IPM

Common name: Hippe, Butter tree Scientific name: Madhuca indica Family: Sapotaceae Mahua is a deciduous tree found in South India in mixed deciduous forest It is often growing on rocky and sandy soil and thrving well in Central and Southern India Uses Seeds contain 30-35% of oil can be used as a substitute for diesel fuel in engine Oil is mainly used in the manufacture of soaps, particularly laundry soaps Refined oil finds use in the manufacture of lubricating grease and fatty alcohols Oil is also used for candles, and as a raw materials for the production of stearic acid Cake is used as manure and also as a cattle feed Flowers are used for building purposes as beams, doors and window frames and especially posts It is used for carriages, furniture, sports goods, musical instruments, ship building, wheel construction Oil has emollient properties and is used in skin diseases rheumatism and headache It is used in coughs, colds and bronchitis Flowers show anti-bacterial activity against E. coli

Rehabilitation of wastelands through bio-fuel trees in Karnataka

Rainfall (mm) 0 100 250 500 Oilseeds & Pulses Animal based farming systems 750 100 Diversified land uses (Sequence cropping/high value perennials) 125 0

I II III Tree farming IV Land capability class V VI VII VIII

Millet based systems

Cereal/legume intercrop

(includes tree and bushes yielding fodder, fuel, dyes, oils, molecules, insecticides)


Tree farming Wildlife/recreation

0 100 250 500 750 100 0 125 0

Rainfall (mm)


What is waste land?

According to planning commission (1985)

Waste land is defined as the land which is presently degraded and is lying unutilized except current follows due to various constraints Waste lands

Cultivable land

Lands which in spite of having the potential for supporting vegetation are not being properly utilize due to different constraints

Uncultivable land Lands which has no potential to develop vegetation cover

Indian scenario
Total geographical area: 328 million hectare Different categories of waste lands
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Gullied and/or Ravinous land Upland with or without scrub Land affected by salinity/alkalinity-coastal/inland Water logged and Marshy land Under utilized degraded notified forest land Shifting cultivation area Degraded land under plantation crops Degraded pasture/grazing lands Mining industrial waste lands Sands-desertic coastal Steep slopping area Barren rocky/stony waste/sheet rocky area Snow covered and/or glacial area Anon., (2004)

Table 14. Potential waste land area identified for Jatropha plantation in India
S.N. States
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. Andhra pradesh Arunachal Pradesh Assam Bihar/Jharkand Goa Gujarat Haryana Karnataka Kerala Madya Pradesh Maharashtra Manipur Meghalaya Mizoram Nagaland Orissa Punjab Rajastan Sikkim Tamil Nadu Tripura Uttar Pradesh West Bengal

Potential area for Jatripha plantation(Ha)

4396310 997259 1456576 1860585 39948 2870890 262621 1789081 99687 6619759 4855478 1262402 988951 407168 840410 188121 105654 5687700 213368 1794971 127593 1214063 258254

% of total waste land

84.95 54.42 72.76 88.61 65.14 60.19 70.33 85.85 68.84 94.96 90.78 97.49 99.85 100.0 100.0 88.47 47.41 53.84 59.77 78.00 99.99 31.31 45.16

Grand total


73.51 Anon, 2004

Table 15. Proposed statewise land distribution (in hectares) for Jatropha curcas plantation.
Sl. No. States Sub phase I Sub phase II Sub phase III

Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 22 23 24 Andhra Pradesh Arunachal Pradesh Bihar Chhattishgarh Goa Gujarat Haryana Jharkhand Karnataka Kerala Madhya Pradesh Maharasthtra Meghalaya Mizoram Nagaland Orissa Punjab Rajasthan Sikkim Tamil nadu Tripura Uttar Pradesh West Bengal Total Grand Total

2004-05 10000


2006-07 10000

5000 15000 20000 20000 20000

5000 10000 10000 5000 5000 20000

10000 10000


10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 15000 5000 10000 20000 15000 15000 10000 5000 5000 5000 15000 5000 20000 80000 120000 200000 400000


Table 16. Waste land in Karnataka (Hectares)

Sl.No . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Name of the district Bangalore Bangalore Chitradurga Davanagere Kolar Shimoga Tumkur Chikka Mangalore Dakshina Kannada Udupi Hassan Kodugu Mandya Mysore Chamaraja nagar South Karnataka Waste land 4885 35663 25403 20533 63172 13372 67539 28322 59063 11621 30359 31010 21538 45812 21434 479726 North Karnataka 308291 Sl.No. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Name of the Didtrict Belagam Bijapur Bagalakote Dharwad Gadag Haveri Uttara Kannada Bellary Bidar Gulbarga Raichur Koppal Waste land 44342 29059 24810 3985 11628 5793 16237 53477 19127 63122 20084 16627

Total waste land in Karnataka state: 788017


Karnataka should mount a mission mode programme, absorb the best of the technologies available in the country and start commercial production immediately

(Abdul Kalam, 2005)

Mission # 2. Energy-biofuel mission for Karnataka

Suggested plan action for biofuel production in Karnataka Karnataka has 71 lakh hectares of wasteland 50% of available waste land-35 lakh hectares may be used for biofuel production

Production of 35 lakh tonnes of biofuel/year.(Energy security) The appropriate revenue will be Rs. 875 crores /year (Economical growth) Provide employment for 14 lakhs people

Seasonal employment of 300 man days/yr./ha to cover the plantation to biofuel production (Employment generation)
Reduction in foreign exchange out flow paid for importing crude oil Reduction in environmental pollution as biofuel is carbon neutral The oil can also be used for soap and in candle industries Deoiled cake is a raw material for composting The plantation is also good for honey production

Impact on soil health

Table 17. NPK content in oil cakes of biofuel trees Sl. Biofuel trees Nitrogen Phosphorus Potassium No. (%) (%) (%) 1 2 3 4 Jatropha curcus Pongamia pinnata Simarouba glauca Azadirachta indica 3.2 4.2 7.7-8.1 5.22 1.4 0.9 1.07 1.08 1.2 2.0 1.24 1.48

Madhuca indica




Prasanna and Balakrishnagowda (2005)

Soil enrichment

Tender branches and leaves of Jatropha are used as manure for coconut
trees Jatropha leaves provide adequate quantity of organic matter and increase the microbial activity including earthworms, which is a indication of ecological improvement of the site Each well grown Simarouba tree enriches the soil by adding 15-20 kg leaf litter (6-8 tonnes/ha) and 15-20 kg fruit pulp (6-8 tonnes/ha) every year and supports the microbial life Pongamia leaves as well as young twigs are used as a source of green leaf manure Erosion control

Jatropha A drought tolerant crop, spreads its lateral roots near the
surface_Acts as an anti-erosion measure. Simarouba- With its well developed root system and evergreen canopy -it efficiently checks the soil erosion and improves ground water position

Impact on energy security

Capacity of nation to satisfy the energy needs of current and future generation

Even if we bring about 100 million hectare of waste lands under Jatropha plantations during the next decades (I.e. 8th and 9th plan) possible to produce 100 million tonnes of oil to meet all our requirement of fuels and energy required for domestic, agricultural and industrial purpose

Patil (2003)

Impact on rural employment

Growing of oil seed plants in village waste lands promotes opportunities for employment generation as The villagers are involved in Collection of seeds Cleaning

Crushing Oil making Filtering Sale of oil/cakes


Establishment of small scale industries for production of:

Bio-diesel Bio-gasoline Bio-plastics Bio-gas feed pellets Bio-fertilizer Bio-pesticide repellents Cattle feed Bio-medicines and other useful products
Promotion of other rural subsidiary industries Preparation of organic manure Soap industries Power generation


Table 18. Cost of Cultivation of Jatropha

Sl. No.
1 2 3 4 5 Year Site preparation Ploughing Mould Board plough Tractor plough Alignment & Stacking Digging of pits (30 cubic centimeter) and refilling of pits @ 50 pits/ man day and 150 pits per man day Cost of FYM @ 2 kg/pit 1375 875 1375 875

Economic implication
Particulars Of works

Cost (Rs. / ha/ year)

I year 500 II year -

Total Cost (Rs/ha.) 500

7 8

3950 750

3950 750

9 10 Cost of fertilizer @ 50 gram per plant Cost of Plants (including transportation cost) Planting and gap filling @ 100 plants per man day 1125 7500 1125 1500 2250 9000

12 13 15 16 17

1600 500 19,675 984 20,659

1600 500 4,975 249 5,224

3200 1000 24,650 1,233 25,883

Weeding cum soil working, application of fertilizer etc

Plant protection Measures Subtotal Contingency @ 5 % Grand Total

Anon.,( 2003)

Table 19. Returns from Jatropha curcas over the years

Year 3rd 4th 5th No. Of trees/Ha 2000 2000 2000 Seeds per Tree (Kg) 0.5 1.0 1.5 Quantity of seed (Kg/Ha) 1000 2000 3000 Price (Rs./Kg) 5.0 5.0 5.0 Total returns (Rs./Ha) 5000 10000 15000

7th 8th year onwards

2000 2000

2.0 2.5

4000 5000

5.0 5.0

20000 25000

Anon., (2003)

Table 20. Cost of cultivation of Pongamia pinnata (Honge)

SL.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Particular works Site preparation Initial Ploughing Alignment & staking Digging of pit and manuring it Fertilizer and manure and weeding Plant material cost Planting replanting PPC Sub total Contingency (5%) Grant total and 1st year 500 600 2nd year 3rd year 4th year
(Rs/Ha) Total

Cost in Rs.
500 600 250

250 650 2375 1500 250 100 6225 311 6536 150 1675 300 50 100 2275 114 2389 100 1275 64 1339 100 1275 64 1339 1175 1175

800 6400 1800 300 400 11050 603

Anon., (2003)


Table 21: Yield per hectare of Pongamia pinnata

(Rs/Ha )
Year 5th Year 6 7 8 9 10th Year onwards Seed in kg per tree 3.0 No of trees/Ha 500 Quantity of seed (Kg) 1500 Price/Kg (Rs) 5 Total return (Rs) 7500

3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5

500 500 500 500 500

1750 2000 2250 2500 2750

5 5 5 5 5

8750 10000 11250 12500 13750

Anon., (2003)

Table 22. Environmental Implications

Organic farming

1.Saving on account of using the fossil fuel for urea production. 2.Avoiding the pollution due to use chemical fertilizers.


Reclamation of wastelands

1.Soil and moisture conservation and avoiding the land degradation. 2.Environmental amelioration.

Carbon sequestration

1.Reducing the global warming.

Pressure on the natural forests

1.Increased availability of biomass specially from lopping, therefore reduced pressure on the natural forests.

(Anon, 2005)

Table 23. Social Implications

Aspect Organic farming Implicatiuon
1.Saving subsidies on chemical fertilizers. 2.Productivity improvement. 3.Alternate use for fossil saved from urea feed stock. 1.Employment generation. 2.Additional income from waste lands. 1.Avoided costs of global warming. 1.Scope for carbon trade. 2.Cost effective solution for pollution abatement in densely populated areas. 1.Removing energy poverty, saving on account of electricity subsidies and infrastructure cost. 2.Captive power generation for commercial needs.

Reclamation of wastelands

Carbon sequestration Green house gas Energy security and reliability

Hybrid fuel

1.Reduced import dependency to that extent saving on foreign exchange. 2.No additional infrastructure and technical requirement for distribution and utilization of the fuel.

Anon., (2005)

Impact on environment
Benefits of biofuel diesel use as compared to petrodiesel
Completely eliminates lifecycle of carbon dioxide emission Reduction in the emission of particulate matter by 4065% Reduction in unburned hydrocarbons by 68% 44-50% reduction in carbon monoxide Reduction in sulphates by 100% Reduction in polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) by 80% Reduction of green house gases at least 3.3 kg Co2 equivalent (Active Sink)

Success stories
Table 24. Jatropha plantation raised by different Department/organization in Karnataka
Name of the districts
Chamarajnagar Gulbarga Alanda (T) Tumkur Tiptur (T) M.H Marigowda Horticulural farm Doddasagara Koratagere(T) Tumkur(D) Rangaswamy gudda horticultural farm Kunigal(T) Tumkur(D) Chitradurga

6 ha 50 ha 22 ha 2 ha 1 ha

Karnataka Forest department (Bara parihara scheme 2005) Karnataka Forest department (2004) Karnataka state state waste land use board scheme (2004-05) BAIF (NGO) State department of Horticulture (Innovative project on introduction of pongamia,Jatropha & simarouba) State department of Horticulture (Innovative project on introduction of pongamia,Jatropha & simarouba) Karnataka Forest department (National food for work programme,NFFWP, 2005-06)

1 ha

62 ha

Personal communication,Regional center,NAEB,GKVK,Bangalore

Table 25. Hypothetical example Chitradurga (D)=25403ha of waste land,planting of 20% of this area by bio fuel plantation(Jatropha) 5080.6 ha
Years Expected seed yield (kg/ha/year) 500 750 1000 2000 3000 3000 3000 3000 Expected seed yield for 5080.6ha (kg/ha/year) 2540300 3810450 5080600 1016121200 15241800 15241800 15241800 1524800 Total returns (Rs/year) 12701500 190522500 25403000 5086000 76209000 76209000 76209000 76209000

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Note: Cost of seed:Rs. 5/kg,

Gross returns= Rs58,4269000

Cost of cultivation up to second year ( Rs.21500/ha/year) = 109232900 Maintainace charge from 3rd year onwards Rs 2000/ha/year(pruning and other activities for 8 years)= 16,000 Total cost of cultivation = Rs 109248900/Net returns on 10th year Rs 475020100/-

Pongamia income generation through carbon trading

Powerguda village in Adilabad division - Pioneer village in India to sell carbon credits. The people of powerguda planted 4,500 pongamia trees in 2 002 on the edge of agricultural land. Oil from pongamia seeds is extracted in village itself, in village owned oil mills. The CO2 emission reduction comes from the substitution of about 51 tonnes of by biofuel produced from pongamia. The world banks environment security and sustainable development (ESSD) forest team purchased equivalent of 147 tonnes of CO2 emission reduction from jagunbhai Self help group of powerguda village and handed over cheque for 645 dollars

Energy insecurity Environmental problems Increase in import bill Potential Bio-fuel trees
Exploitation by growing bio-fuel trees

Vast expanse of Wasteland

Energy security Environmental amelioration Reduction in import bill Rural employment generation Improving soil fertility and soil health

Future line of work

Studies to standardize cultivation pratiecs such as spacing, pruning, nutrition and production system under different agro- ecological conditions. Studies on appropriate intercropping systems, to provide profit to farmers during lean season.

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