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The role of 4 D printing in

Neurosurgical aspect
A Lesson learnt
Arie Ibrahim MD. PhD
Consultant Pediatric Neurosurgeon.
Dept of Neurosurgery Gadjah Mada Medical School / Academic Hospital Gadjah Mada University Yogyakarta

• The general concept of and procedure to be used in

3D-printing was first described by Murray Leinster
in 1945
• Raymond F. Jones in his story, "Tools of the Trade,"
published in the November 1950 issue of
Astounding Science Fiction magazine.
• Surgical uses of 3D printing-centric therapies in the
mid-1990s with anatomical modeling for bony
reconstructive surgery planning.
• As of 2012, 3D bio-printing technology has been studied by
biotechnology firms and academia for possible use in tissue
engineering applications in which organs and body parts are
built using inkjet printing techniques. University of Michigan.
• In this process, layers of living cells are deposited onto a gel
medium or sugar matrix and slowly built up to form three-
dimensional structures including vascular systems.
• 3D printing has been considered as a method of implanting
stem cells capable of generating new tissues and organs in
living humans.
• 2013 the beginning of 4D printing
• Most 4D structures are developed by incorporating
shape transformation within material/structural
design which contributes to the 4D definition:
• 3D printing of objects which can, immediately after
printing, self-transform in form or function
• when exposed to a predetermined stimulus,
including osmotic pressure, exposure to heat,
current, ultraviolet light,or other energy sources
• 1. 3D @ 4 D as a learning tool in medical education system
• 2. 3D/4D as a pre op planning meeting tool
• 3, 3D/4D as a tools for simulated difficult cases
• 4, 4D as an organ donated
• 3D printing and other rapid prototyping technologies have a number
of advantages over existing manufacturing techniques. They are able
to produce customizable three-dimensional structures to a high level
of accuracy.
• This has the potential to further revolutionize the anatomical and
surgical sciences to the benefit of educators, surgeons, and patients.

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