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Appropriate Targets
1. Competencies, Objectives, Outcomes
It can be written to describe the learning,
expected of students in individual courses or for
a program as a whole.

• Learning Competencies
• Learning Objectives
• Learning Outcomes
• Writing Learning: Objectives, Competencies & Outcomes
• Learn how to use online learning to support
• competency-bared Education
• Learning Competencies
a general statement that describes the use of
delivered. Knowledge, skills, Behaviors and

"Functional Competencies
Interpersonal Competencies.
Critical Thinking Competencies
A key differentiator between learning competencies,
objectives are the specific abilities necessary accomplish the
learning competency
Learning Objectives
a Statement that describe what a faculty member will cover in a
course and what a course will have provided students.
Learning Outcomes
a specific statement that outlines the overall purpose or goal
from participation in an Educational clarity.
Writing Learning. Objectives, Competencies and
• when building a college or univerity course,
identifying learning competencies, objections,
and outcomes is an important clip in making
learning student centered and output oriented.
Learn How to le Online Learning to Support

• Competency -Based Education.

Online learning can help support to a compilency band
education (CBE) approach, which treat enables
students to advance through then education at their
own pace bared on their ability to mailer a shell or
2. Characteristic of Objectives (SMART)

When preparing project documents, a distinction is

made between a "goal" and an "objective. An Objective is
derived from a goal, has the
Relay same intention as a goal, fulutil quantifiable and
verifiable than the goal.
Remember, every objective must start w/ the word "to“ An
easy way to remember the characteristics of good
objective, is the acronym.
Time- Bounded

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