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Co-curricular activities are a

waste of time.Do you agree?

(Argumentative Essay)


NO.MATRIK :I1802821
Co-curricular activities are an activity that organized at school, college and also in university ①.
Co-curricular Activities are defined as the activities that enable to supplement and complement the
curricular or main syllabus activities. These are the very important part and parcel of educational
institutions to develop the students’ personality as well as to strengthen the classroom learning ②.
In Malaysia, Wednesday is special day for co-curricular activities. Some says that co-curricular
activities are a waste of time. However, I disagree that the co-curricular activities are a waste of
time③. Co-curricular activities provide chance for the students to learn about themselves, develop
other skill not learnt in the classroom and improve your brain functioning ④.

1-general background of topic

2-definition of Co-Curricular activities
3-state my position(Disagree)
4-thesis statment

Co-curricular activities provide chance for students to learn about themselves ①.

The students can improve themselves by joining co-curricular activities. A student before
joining the co-curricular activities very lazy but after joining, he will become active
students. It makes the students more independent and use their time in good ways. This is
because in co-curriculum, there are many activities available such as musical
activities,sport,art and so on. Therefore, with this activity they will be able to find their
talents and be able to use the right path ②.

1-topic sentance
2-supporting details

Co-curricular activities develop other skill not learnt in the classroom ①. Some
students they interested in sport, club and uniform. When the join in co-curricular activities
they can relax their mind. In the sport they can show their talent to others. So, they can
become a good sportsman or sportswoman. The co-curricular activities gain the students to
build self confident. Because in co-curriculum there are many activities that involve
students to speak in public, such as speech, debate and so on. This will make the students
more confident and learn a new skill②.

1-topic sentence
2-supporting details

You might worry that participating in co-curricular activities will detract from your schoolwork, but
that is not the case.Active participation in an activity you are passionate about will improve your brain
functioning① . You will develop your concentration and time management skills. For example, sports activities
will train you to focus, build stamina, and teach you to keep trying in the face of failure or difficulty. Students
who get involved in other areas of student life are also likely to have a more positive outlook on school and
future study. In short, co-curricular activities could give you an advantage when it comes to improving your
academic performance②.

1-topic sentence
2-supporting details

In conclusion, I totally disagree that the curricular activities are a waste of time
because they are many benefit we can get if we are join to co-curricular activities ①. Co-
curricular activities are integral in ensuring the holistic development of the students.Through
co-curricular activities, students discover their interests, talents, and skills, while developing
important values and competencies that will prepare them for a rapidly changing world. An
excellent implementation of such co-curricular activities is therefore vital to ensure that the
students will be fully benefited from it. In doing so, an effective planning,organization, and
management of the implementation process are necessary to ensure that the activity can be
carried out as planned with clear objective to everyone involves ②.

1-stress my position again

2-provide sunggestion

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