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Mathew 28:18-20
Characteristics of the Crowd
1. They are mesmerized by the

Mathew 9:33-34
2. They resist commitment

John 6:60-68
3. They are not reliable

Mathew 27:19-23
Characteristics of a true disciple

1. They yearn for a deeper relationship with God – Proverbs 8:17

2. They love God’s people and His work – John 14:15-31
3. They share the gospel - Mathew 28:18-20 – giving, living, and
Practical gospel tips – sharing is caring

1. “Come and see” method --- John 4:29

2. “Lifestyle” witnessing method --- 1 Timothy 4:12
3. “Relationship building” method --- Mathew 11:19; Luke 7:34
4. The Romans Road
• The Human Problem --- Romans 3:10; 3:23; 6:23
• The Hope for Humanity --- Romans 5:8
• The Call to Salvation --- Romans 10:9-10
• The Assurance of Salvation --- Romans 8:1

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