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Final Year Design Project

University Course Materials Sharing and Bounty

System with Optimized Search Relevancy
Supervisor: Ishraak Mehrooz Members:
- 011 171 277
Md. Anamul Bari - 011 171 317
Faria Farhad Mim - 011 171 298
Dr. Suman Ahmed - 011 182 097
Fazila Nabi Chowdhury Kashpiya - 011 182 095
Sharif Rafia Tahsin - 011 182 123
Md. Omar Sheam
Functional Requirements
Requirement Type Description Priority

Sign Up, Login, Review, Add/Remove

Administrative Operations High

Sign Up, Login, Review, High

User Operations

Authentication Through Email/Mobile
Functional Requirements
Requirement Type Description Priority

System Reports Detailed descriptions of system reports

Archive outdated data, rather than Medium

Archiving Data
deleting it in case of future need

Pulling historical data to predict user High

Historical Data Handling
Non-Functional Requirements
Requirement Type Requirement Description Priority

Security Hold on Sign-in To ensure user privacy every way possible High

Users Handling
Concurrency Performance drop doesn’t occur Medium
(Load & Stress)

Time taken for the user to

Response Time Processing the Request as soon as possible High
get response

Cost-effective/ Portable Making any change to the platform is easy High
Non-Functional Requirements
Requirement Type Requirement Description Priority

Bounty/ Point System Rating System User can rate the uploaded course materials High

Availability Present to Download Searched material might be available or not High

User-friendly Ease of Use UI is interactive, and easy for everyone to use Medium

Upload and download data

Storage Requirements There will be a fixed size for upload & download Medium
SWOT Analysis
Strengths Opportunities
• Non-Profitable • Saves a Lot of Time for the User
• Unique Educational Sharing System • Last Minute Preparation
• Community Based Learning • Spam Free Contents
• Many Functional Units Under one System

Weakness Threats
• No Income Source • Raw PHP is Now Outdated
• Shortage of Volunteer • Don’t have dedicated Server
• Many Functional Units Can Make the System Slow • No Data Backup

Despite of the limitations, this system will be suitable for the students as this will provide them a
free source of learning. This system will be more useful after the further implementations are
Data Flow Diagram
Use Case Diagram :
Use Case Diagram :
Use Case Diagram :
Use Case Diagram :

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